" Look Into It - Psywars Part 3








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If you have arrived here from the internet to this page first, please start with the article at the top of page one.

More Detail:

For anyone interested or curious about these Alex Jones/Infowars video uploads, they are being placed online for a few reasons. Firstly, these videos were all once Adobe Flash files embedded on my website with an article, Adaptation & Conformity—The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars. Now that Flash has been discontinued, these videos needed to be uploaded. I regret doing this because isolating them from the article could cause potential confusion as to whether or not I am supporting Jones' remarks. The images within each video serve to make it clear; however, to understand the proper context, I highly recommend you read the article, Adaptation & Conformity—The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars.

In the article, I point out several inexcusable things Jones has done to substantiate the title; his flip flopping on foreign policy issues which essentially supported direct and indirect murders by Donald Trump; his rank hypocrisy in doing the same things for which he has publicly called for others to be arrested; his dividing Americans with left vs right politics after having exposed the two party system as a false paradigm and a means of balkanizing true resistance to despotism; his twisted support for the apartheid state of Israel and its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people; his bigoted statements about Muslims; his turning a blind eye to the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world, as Donald Trump sold Saudi Arabia weapons to aid in their war of genocide against the Yemeni people; his habitual practice of yellow journalism, to the point that he publicly ranted and declared without proof that the US was getting ready to nuke China; and on another occasion of his fear inducing sensationalism, he titled a broadcast and sported a thumbnail image that nukes were dropped to reveal later that it was only a simulation. These are just a few of his condemnable actions covered in the presentation. If there were not video evidence of all this, the average person would not believe it, which is the second reason why these videos are being uploaded and the article highlighted.

Thirdly, and the biggest reason for bringing this all back out, is to show the affect the media has on the public, as it relates to the statements an individual made to Jones back in 2011. Adaptation & Conformity—The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars, centers around a banker that Jones met in 2011, who talked to him for three hours on a plane, making the endeavor to bring about world order alluring. He felt that the global elite have already won because of how malleable the public is in conforming to their machinations. Quote, "They [the public] will adapt to whatever we do. Don't you understand not all adaptation is good?...We win, you lose...They'll muddle through everything and there's no way out of it." Unfortunately, the banker's words are painfully accurate, having just seen the entire world go along with the Covid-19 scamdemic (the biggest fraud ever perpetrated) facilitated by the media. Thus, I am confident in saying that this article is more relevant now than when it was first written in 2019. For it demonstrates a reality many might find harsh but need to be reminded of when receiving news from their favorite venue—namely, the voices you trust as truth right now may not be; and even if they are today, they may not remain so tomorrow.

Therefore, get informed by reading, Adaptation & Conformity—The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars. I encourage you to share it with a link to the presentation, and to be proactive in opposing the unscrupulous practices (psywarfare) done by the media (mainstream and alternative) by holding them accountable or withdrawing your support or both.

Read the article here:




The Facade

16. Trump Is The Swamp. Trump’s Jewish Mafia & The 5 Dancing Israelis. Published on YouTube: Raising Awareness World Wide Channel, Apr 10, 2017. [Phoney Opposition]


Lookintoit.org Disclaimer: The information posted is for educational purposes, and as with all videos and articles on this site, doesn't necessarily constitute an endorsement of all an author's views and opinions.

Phoney Opposition





False Left-Right Paradigm & Dialectics

17. American Elite Who Betrayed USA. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, June 7, 2012.


"The world doesn't make sense till you read the core documents"

-- Alex Jones, American Elite who betrayed USA --

Click Image

Link: General Summary/Crash Course



A N T O N Y   C .   S U T T O N

"We're talking with Antony Sutton who for many was a research fellow at Hoover Institute but of course contrary to what most people believe - Hoover Institute being the great bastion of anti-communism - when professor Sutton began to write about how we had financed communism since its inception, he came under tremendous tremendous pressure and eventually was forced out of Hoover Institute. Because they're certain things that scholars are not supposed to investigate and of course most of that is the fact that since the inception of communism has been funded by great American banks and great American corporations. So we've been talking about first of all his trilogy of books: Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, which is the classic analysis of documentation of the fact that since the very inception of communism it was funded by the west. And then of course we get into the three books, the so called wall street trilogy: Wall street and the Bolsheviks revolution, Wall street and The Rise of Hitler, and then of course Wall street and FDR. And I think of course one of the most shocking parts of this whole trilogy is the fact that: we actually funded Adolph Hitler. I think that when you begin to realize the funding that came to Hitler to allow him to build up his war machine, that to finance his expansion of his power over the German people, this is the part that I think is most shocking to the average American..."

Link: General Summary/Crash Course





Asleep At The Switch


18. News You Won’t Hear Christians And Conservatives Talk About, by Chuck Baldwin Nov 29, 2018.

19. More News You Won’t Hear Christians And Conservatives Talk About, by Chuck Baldwin Dec 6, 2018.

20. Still More News You Won’t Hear Christian And Conservatives Talk About, by Chuck Baldwin Dec 13, 2018.

21. Many Pastors And Christians Behaving More Herod Than Wise Men And Shepherds, by Chuck Baldwin Dec 20, 2018.

22. Now It’s William Barr: When Will Christians And Conservatives Stop Making Excuses For Donald Trump? by Chuck Baldwin Jan 24, 2019.

23. America’s Burgeoning Imperial Presidency, by Chuck Baldwin Feb 21, 2019.

24. An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen, by Chuck Baldwin Jan 31, 2019.

25. The Truth About Trump’s Withdrawal Of U.S. forces From Afghanistan And Syria, by Chuck Baldwin Jan 3, 2019.

26. He GOP Continues To Fully Fund Planned Parenthood, by Chuck Baldwin Sept 27, 2018.

27. “The Illusions of Hope”, by Chuck Baldwin Oct 4, 2018.






News You Won’t Hear Christians
And Conservatives Talk About


Published: Thursday, November 29, 2018

I have said for years that it’s not what you hear in most churches that is the problem; it is what you don’t hear. The same goes for most conservative politicos. On the issues that are the most parlous to our liberties, the vast majority of Christians and conservatives are silent. I mean totally silent.

Here is about all most Christians and conservatives have to say about things:

*Donald Trump is very good.
*Democrats are very bad.
*Israel is very good.
*Muslims are very bad (except the Muslims in Saudi Arabia are good).

I don’t think I left anything out.

But what about America’s War Empire killing innocent people all over the world? Silence. What about America’s War Empire building military bases on Russia’s borders and pushing China’s territorial waters almost to dry land? Silence. What about America’s War Empire selling billions of dollars of weapons and munitions to the terrorists in Saudi Arabia and Israel who can then slaughter tens of thousands of Yemenis and Palestinians with impunity? Silence. What about America’s War Empire dropping thousands of bombs on innocent men, women and children all over the Middle East and Northern Africa? Silence.

What about the fact that the U.S. military is preparing for global combat—and WE are the aggressors? Silence.

What about Trump’s air war killing more than 2,000 innocent civilians (tell me when Donald Trump was authorized to wage war by a Declaration of War by Congress—and tell me when the wanton slaughter of civilians was ever just)? Silence.

What about the fact that the United States is supplying arms and munitions to 70% of the world’s dictatorships? Silence.

What about the fact that the U.S./Saudi Arabia war and blockades against Yemen have resulted in the starvation deaths of more than 85,000 Yemeni children (tell me again the threat Yemen—especially its children—poses to the United States)? Silence.

What about 45 years of electing “pro-life” Republicans to Congress and the White House, and the federal government is still fully funding America’s largest abortion provider: Planned Parenthood? Silence. What about 45 years of appointing Republican “pro-life” justices to a majority on the U.S. Supreme Court, and Roe v Wade is still the law of the land? Silence. What about the fact that “pro-life” Republicans have controlled the U.S. House of Representatives for 20 of the last 24 years, and no Sanctity of Life bill that provides personhood to the unborn baby has ever been brought to the floor for a vote? Silence. What about the fact that even though a “pro-life” Republican Party has controlled both the executive and legislative branches of the federal government (House, Senate, White House) for no less than 6.6 years during the Bush II and Trump administrations, nothing has been done to overturn Roe v Wade via Article. III. Section. 2. of the U.S. Constitution? Silence.

What about the militarization of America’s local and State police agencies? Silence. What about the growing number of unarmed American citizens (especially black citizens) being shot and killed by trigger-happy policemen? Silence. What about Donald Trump calling for the confiscation of firearms without due process? Silence. What about the numerous “red flag” laws being passed by both Republicans and Democrats that authorize police agencies to confiscate the firearms of innocent American citizens who have not harmed a single person, have not committed a single crime nor have even been accused of a crime? Silence.

What about the fact that New Jersey police invaded an Iraq War veteran’s home and tried to confiscate his firearms without a warrant, without a crime being committed, based only on the honest questions of the man’s son, who asked why the adults at his school were unable to defend students against armed criminals? Silence.

What about when the Anne Arundel County, Maryland, police were sent to confiscate the firearms of 60-year-old Gary Willis—despite the fact that the man had committed no crime, had threatened no one nor had ever been charged with a crime—and when the man resisted having his guns seized, police shot and killed him? (This is the first—but won’t be the last—innocent American citizen killed by police officers operating under Trump-inspired “red flag” gun confiscation laws.) Silence.

What about Israeli snipers murdering Palestinian farmers as they plant trees? Silence.

What about Israeli snipers shooting an AP cameraman wearing a PRESS vest as he films border protests? Silence.

What about Israel annexing land it took by invasion and occupation, killing landowners and demolishing their homes and villages, in violation of the Geneva Convention and International Law? Silence.

What about the Zionist Organization of America giving National Security Advisor (that’s supposedly AMERICA’S national security) John Bolton the “Defender of Israel” award? Silence.

But here is what most Christians and “conservatives” are talking about:

*Donald Trump is very good.
*Democrats are very bad.
*Israel is very good.
*Muslims are very bad (except the Muslims in Saudi Arabia are good).

Here are more things you won’t hear most Christians and conservatives talk about:

*The Rights of the Colonists, a List of Violations of Rights, and a Letter of Correspondence, by Samuel Adams

*Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress

*Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms

*The American Crisis (No. 1), by Thomas Paine

*George Washington's Farewell Address

*Ron Paul's Farewell Address to Congress

*The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights

Right. I’m talking about the great documents of American history. The vast majority of pastors, Christians and “conservatives” are as ignorant of the principles of constitutionalism and Natural Law as are most liberals and unbelievers. That’s why it normally doesn’t matter to a tinker’s dam which party controls Congress or whether a Republican or Democrat is in the White House (including the current occupant). The political and religious right and left are operating in almost total ignorance of the fundamental principles of liberty upon which America was built.





More News You Won’t Hear Christians
And Conservatives Talk About


Published: Thursday, December 6, 2018

Continuing the theme of last week’s column, here is more news you won’t hear Christians and conservatives talk about.

First story: Over the past several days, we saw tremendous courage from both the right and the left—and the cost of that courage.

I'm talking about both Senator Rand Paul and CNN analyst Marc Lamont Hill. Both of these brave men had the courage to tell the truth about the Zionist State of Israel and, in the case of Rand Paul, actually put serious action behind his words.

Senator Paul has blocked $38 billion in military aid to Israel, and he is being pummeled for it. As you can imagine, powerful Zionist lobby groups such as AIPAC and Christians United for Israel (CUI) are spending outlandish sums of money (CUI has already spent over $100 thousand on media advertising across Kentucky) to exert pressure on Sen. Paul to withdraw his blockage.

The Trump White House and congressional Republicans and Democrats are also exerting tremendous pressure on Dr. Paul to withdraw the blockage. How long Rand can withstand this pressure is anybody's guess. As for Marc, you know what happened to him: CNN fired him.

Hill was fired after the Zionist attack-dog group, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), skewered him for his speech at the UN. The ADL said Hill was "anti-Semitic" (the accusation they always make) and advocating violence against Israel. He wasn't. He was simply calling for Israel to stop committing violence against Palestinians. Hill was clear. He said, "I support Palestinian freedom. I support Palestinian self-determination." (So do I.) No matter. Without giving Hill an opportunity to defend himself, the network promptly fired him. Now, the ADL is also demanding that Hill be fired from his teaching position at Temple University. One thing Zionists deeply despise is the freedom of speech.

Everyone needs to read Joseph Margulies' take on Hill's firing. Margulies is an American Jew, by the way.

Once again, we see the power and influence that Zionism exerts over our national news media and federal government. Israel is untouchable.

These two stories are just the tip of a very large iceberg. Maybe more than anything else, the stranglehold that Zionism has on our government, media, entertainment industry and evangelical churches is choking the life and liberty out of our nation.

And lest you think being anti-Zionist is being "anti-Semitic," IT'S NOT! (Nor am I. I love the Jewish people as much as I love the Palestinian people, or anyone else for that matter.)

Zionism is a corrupt criminal cabal of international warmongers (comprising people from virtually all religions and races) who use politics, economics and religion to enrich themselves off of global war. In fact, more than anyone else, Zionists are the ones who are victimizing the Jewish people. And there are tens of thousands of Jewish people who reject Zionism and who do not support Israel’s persecution of Palestinians—and thousands of Jewish rabbis who are vehemently opposed to the Zionist government in Israel. (Research it for yourself, if you don't believe me.) America’s problem is, we have a Zionist government (or, at the very least, a Zionist-manipulated government) in Washington, D.C., and we don’t even recognize it.

Second story: Donald Trump has replaced NAFTA with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which is nothing more than NAFTA on steroids. USMCA bludgeons national sovereignty and implements the globalist UN 2030 agenda.

Furthermore, USMCA gives tech giants in Silicon Valley the legal authority to censor anyone it wants to. Multiple reports are documenting the draconian threat to free speech that the USMCA poses.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube all engaged in pre-election censorship against Republicans and Trump supporters. Yet they’ve managed to sneak a liability protection into President Trump’s trade bill that would make it even easier for them to censor their own users.

USMCA entrenches the tech giants’ legal protections under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which grant them legal immunity for user-generated content. This is an important part of the law that allows tech platforms to host a wide variety of speech with light-touch moderation.

But USMCA also entrenches tech companies’ right to censor without liability. Article 19.17 of the trade agreement gives tech companies immunity from any lawsuits arising from actions taken to “restrict material it considers to be harmful or objectionable.”

And Dr. Ron Paul condemns the USMCA for expanding government control over trade, increasing government protectionism, increasing the cost of goods and decreasing employment. He also laments that USMCA forces unionism on Mexico, portends the potential nullification of all right to work laws and increases inflation and government regulation. So much for Donald Trump’s commitment to the First Amendment, freedom, less government and “America First” sovereignty.

Third story: Donald Trump’s foreign interventionism is a repeat of the policies of Barack Obama and G.W. Bush, so says former Congressman Ron Paul:

Donald Trump campaigned with a promise to put ‘America first’ and to stay out of foreign conflicts. As president, Trump has followed the same interventionist policies that failed his predecessors, says former Congressman Ron Paul.

Rather than back out of the meeting, Paul wrote on Monday, Trump should have used the opportunity to declare that the US is not the “policeman of the world,” and that “what flag flies over Crimea is none of our business.”

On the campaign trail, Trump had slammed President George W. Bush’s $1.9 trillion wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and promised to stay out of Syria. Since taking office, however, he signed off on multiple cruise missile strikes against Syria, continues to arm anti-government rebels there –many of whom have links to Al-Qaeda–and continues to hit all three countries with airstrikes, some of them deadly to civilians.

Fourth story: Israeli police officials are recommending bribery charges against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara.

In a bombshell announcement that could once again threaten the stability of the government, the Israel Police announced on Sunday that it was recommending bribery charges against both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara Netanyahu, in the Bezeq corruption probe, known as Case 4000.

Investigators say that Benjamin Netanyahu advanced regulatory decisions benefiting Shaul Elovitch, the controlling shareholder in Bezeq, the country’s largest telecommunications firm — despite opposition from the Communication Ministry’s career officials — in exchange for positive coverage from Elovitch’s Walla news site.

In a blistering accusation, police said “the prime minister and his associates intervened in a blatant and ongoing manner, and sometimes even daily, in the content published by the Walla News website, and also sought to influence the appointment of senior officials (editors and reporters) via their contacts with Shaul and Iris Elovitch,” the Bezeq owner’s wife.

“The main suspicion is that the prime minister took bribes and acted in a conflict of interest by intervening and acting in regulatory decisions that favor Shaul Elovitch and the Bezeq Group, while at the same time directly and indirectly demanded interference with the content of the Walla site in a way that would benefit him,” police said in a joint statement with the Israel Securities Authority, which also took part in the nine-month investigation.

Police said there was “improper conduct between Netanyahu and Elovitch on two main axes: diverting media coverage in exchange for preferable regulation.”

Investigators said they believe there is enough evidence to bring Netanyahu to trial on charges of accepting bribes, fraud and breach of trust and fraudulently accepting benefits.

I have tried to warn readers about the corruption and criminality of Netanyahu, but most Christians and conservatives ignore it, because, after all, Netanyahu is a Zionist, and Zionists are given special elevated and protected status by Christians. But Netanyahu’s criminal activities finally seem to be catching up to him. This could prove to be a bad omen for Donald Trump, who has his own closet full of criminality.

Fifth story: As soon as the Democrats won the U.S. House, I predicted that Donald Trump would move leftward during the next two years in an effort to appease Democrats. The day after the November elections, I wrote this on my Facebook page:

I think I should add one more prediction at this early stage following the Democrats winning the US House: watch Trump move left during the next two years to accommodate House Donkeys. Trump has absolutely NO CENTER, NO CORE BELIEFS. He will do whatever he needs to do to take care of Donald Trump. Watch as he even pressures Senate Republicans to compromise and surrender to Democrats in the House. As I said in my post, Trump has MUCH to be concerned about as the House ramps up their probes and investigations into his affairs. He has ten thousand skeletons in his closet that he doesn't want to be discovered. Democrats KNOW he has MUCH to hide, and they will use it to coerce him to play ball with them. And Trump is at his very best when he is making deals with the devil.

Well, it didn’t take long. Trump is already courting Democrats.

President Donald Trump, facing a Congress that will become dramatically more antagonistic toward him in January, has begun courting Democrats who could determine whether his next two years are spent scoring legislative deals or staving off an onslaught of congressional investigations.

In recent days, Trump has invited the top Democratic congressional leaders to the White House amid a pressing government funding battle, and he privately told a Democratic senator he would consider legislation to help stem the loss of auto manufacturing jobs in Ohio. [Translated: more government bailouts.]

Trump's top aides have also been a regular presence on Capitol Hill, discussing legislative goals even as Democrats begin plotting investigations into an administration they argue has escaped serious congressional scrutiny.

The overtures are a signal that Trump and his White House are at least feeling out whether the self-professed dealmaker can find common ground with Democrats next year even as he faces pressure from Republicans to keep the opposition party at arms [sic] length.

"I've seen him when others advise not to make a deal and he moves ahead," said Marc Short, the former White House legislative affairs director.

Sixth story: The vast majority of pastors, Christians and “conservatives” are as ignorant of the principles of constitutionalism and Natural Law as are most liberals and unbelievers. That’s why it normally doesn’t matter to a tinker’s dam which party controls Congress or whether a Republican or Democrat is in the White House (including the current occupant). The political and religious right and left are operating in almost total ignorance of the fundamental principles of liberty upon which America was built.





Still More News You Won’t Hear Christians And Conservatives Talk About

Published: Thursday, December 13, 2018

As we are approaching the end of 2018, I am trying to do a little catch-up with all of the news we are not hearing talked about—especially from Christians and conservatives. Sadly, the political right is as bad as the political left when it comes to honesty and objectivity. And neither side seems to have a smidgen of knowledge of or commitment to the principles of Natural Law and constitutionalism. As is usually the case, the most important news is the news we don’t hear.

First story: Senator Rand Paul is voicing deep concern about Donald Trump’s appointment of William Barr as America’s next Attorney General, and for good reason.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Sunday said he hasn't decided whether to support President Donald Trump's pick to be the next attorney general because of concerns about privacy issues.

Speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press," Paul said he's concerned that William Barr, who was attorney general from 1991 to 1993, "has been a big supporter of the PATRIOT Act, which lowered the standard for spying on Americans, and he even went so far as to say the PATRIOT Act was pretty good — we should go much further."

He also alleged that Barr is a "big fan" of seizing people’s property through civil asset forfeiture.

"I haven't made a decision about him, but I can‘t tell you — the first things I've learned about him being for more surveillance of Americans is very, very troubling," Paul said.

Barr, who served in the administration of President George H.W. Bush, is Trump’s pick to replace Jeff Sessions.

Senator Paul is being very generous in his remarks about William Barr. The truth is, Barr is a Deep State scoundrel of the highest (or lowest, depending on how one uses the word) order. Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett speaks with much more candor.

Anybody who thinks Trump is out to drain the swamp and bust the Deep State just got a dose of reality medicine, in the form of Trump’s nomination of swamp monster William Barr as our next Attorney General.

According to former Bush-CIA black ops specialist Chip Tatum, Barr was part of Operation 40, an Agency-linked criminal gang that moved huge quantities of drugs and was involved in many high-level political assassinations, including those of the Kennedies [sic], Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, and dozens of others. Ironically, Trump—who tossed a few rhetorical punches at the Bush Crime Family during the 2016 Republican primaries—has just nominated a man who represented the Bush CIA drug cartel, both within the CIA itself (1973-1977) and later when he served as “Opium Poppy” Bush’s Attorney General.

So why would Trump fire Jeff Sessions and appoint a depraved denizen of the Deep State to replace him? Because Trump is the slimiest, scaliest reptile from the deepest darkest part of the Deep State swamp. If you haven’t figured that out yet, you aren’t paying attention.

I realize it’s hard for Christians and conservatives to admit that Trump is a swamp creature; but the point about not paying attention is definitely germane. Christians and conservatives aren’t paying attention, especially to all things Deep State, Warfare State, Police State, Zionist State or New World Order. To the vast majority of Christians and conservatives, these realities do not exist. Donald Trump can appoint all of the Deep State swamp creatures he wants (i.e., John Bolton, Elaine Chao, Nikki Haley, Gina Haspel, James Mattis, H.R. McMaster, Steve Mnuchin, Mike Pompeo, Jerome Powell, Wilbur Ross and a cast of hundreds), and Christians and conservatives will continue to hail the man as “the greatest President ever.”

Second story: After Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) ordered the brutal torture-killing of American resident and Saudi citizen, journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser (and Deep State globalist) Jared Kushner actually coached MBS on “how to weather the storm” (the storm of MBS being caught murdering Khashoggi).

The President's son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, continued to have private conversations with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, according to The New York Times.

Kushner offered the de facto Saudi ruler advice "about how to weather the storm" following the death of Khashoggi, the Times reported on Saturday, citing a Saudi source familiar with the conversations.

Although White House protocol stipulated that National Security Council staff be present on all phone calls with foreign leaders, Kushner and bin Salman continued to chat informally after Khashoggi's death, the Times reported, citing two former senior American officials and two people briefed by the Saudis.

Third story: Senate Republicans are so convinced that MBS murdered Jamal Khashoggi that they are seriously considering withdrawing U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s war crimes against Yemen.

The United States has been helping Saudi Arabia bomb and starve the Middle East’s poorest country for about three years now. One recent estimate suggests that 85,000 children under 5 years old have already died from malnutrition as a result of Riyadh’s intervention in Yemen’s civil war. If the Saudis’ air strikes and blockade continue, Yemen is poised to face the worst famine that humanity has seen in 100 years, according to the U.N.

Eight months ago, the fact that Saudi Arabia was routinely dropping American-made bombs on Yemeni school buses and hospitals — and in the process of deliberately starving tens of thousands of children to death — was not enough to persuade the Senate that the United States should cease supporting the Saudi campaign. Back then, the upper chamber declined to even allow extended debate on a bill that would have ended such support.

But then, Saudi agents murdered and dismembered a U.S. resident who wrote for the Washington Post, and had personal relationships with influential people in our nation’s capital. And, for whatever reason, this convinced a critical mass of U.S. senators that not supporting war crimes in Yemen was, at least, an idea worth considering.

In a last-ditch effort to change their minds, the Trump administration sent Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary James Mattis to the Senate last week, to brief all 100 lawmakers on the case for maintaining U.S. support for the Saudi war in Yemen. But many senators were less concerned about the pros and cons of abetting war crimes than they were with whether Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (a.k.a. MBS) had ordered the murder of Jamal Khashoggi (the Washington Post columnist who knew some people whom they also knew). They specifically wanted to hear from CIA director Gina Haspel on that subject, since her intelligence agency had been strongly suggesting that it had proof of the crown prince’s guilt, even as the Trump administration insisted that no such proof existed. But Haspel did not attend the hearing — and Pompeo and Mattis would only reiterate the White House’s position that the U.S. possessed no “direct” evidence that MBS was involved in the killing.

According to ABC News, several senators were so furious about Haspel’s absence, and “unhappy with the administration’s lack of answers and unwavering support for the Saudis despite the murder of Khashoggi,” they decided to green-light debate on withdrawing U.S. support for starving Yemeni children, so as to send a message to the administration about the need for more information about Khashoggi’s death.

Of course, what should be obvious is the fact that both President Trump and the U.S. Congress are much more concerned about keeping Saudi money pouring into the coffers of America’s politicians, especially Trump's (Trump’s business dealings with the Saudi kingdom are at the top of the heap—as in dung heap), than they are owning up to the fact they are all complicit in mass murder and crimes against humanity. And Trump’s staunch defense of Saudi Arabia is downright pathetic. Anyone who claims to believe in even rudimentary moral law must be sick to their stomach at the way Donald Trump is covering for, pandering to and partnering with the murderous, monstrous House of Saud.

Fourth story: FOX News channel host Tucker Carlson had the guts to go on national television and admit that Donald Trump is not capable and that he doesn’t keep promises.

Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson set straight any misinformation concerning his views on President Trump: “I don’t think he’s capable,” he said during an interview on Tuesday.

Urs Gehriger, an editor at “Die Weltwoche,” Switzerland’s leading German-language opinion weekly, noted that Carlson’s new book, “Ship of Fools,” is silent on Trump but comments on his critics. And so, Gehriger jump-started the conversation by asking what Carlson thought of Trump’s first two years in office.

Carlson said he cannot stand Trump’s self-aggrandizement and boasting. [Where are America’s evangelical pastors on this subject?] Then, when asked whether Trump has kept his promises, the usually quick-witted and long-winded Carlson had just one word: “No.”

“His chief promises were that he would build the wall, defund Planned Parenthood and repeal Obamacare, and he hasn’t done any of those things,” Carlson said, adding that those goals were probably lost causes. Trump, he said, doesn’t understand the system, and his own agencies don’t support him.

“He [Trump] knows very little about the legislative process, hasn’t learned anything, hasn’t surrounded himself with people that can get it done, hasn’t done all the things you need to do, so it’s mostly his fault that he hasn’t achieved those things,” he added.

Kudos to Tucker Carlson. Truth and objectivity about Donald Trump on FOX News is almost impossible to find.

Fifth story: Despite what conservatives are saying about a robust U.S. economy, a market crash is already underway. Writing for Forbes, here is Clem Chambers:

That’s it – as far as I’m concerned a crash is underway. Earlier today I wrote that my funky little U.K. indicator said another move down was due and we are in for a bad time.

Well, here it is, another move down and a big one, at least it is as I write this, so as far as I’m concerned we are over the lip of ravine and in free fall.

So the key question now is how far can it fall?

In my mind from top to bottom of a crash on the Dow is somewhere between 25%-30%. That would mean a normal Dow crash would bring us down to around 20,000.

The Nasdaq is a different kettle of fish and quite able to drop 40%-75% and the higher the Nasdaq has flown the further it can fall.

So until further notice my position is that the crash in now underway.

Happily I’m 75% cash and I’m likely to reluctantly liquidate the rest over the coming days.

Even if it were to bounce, this is a market that wants to crash and if it’s not doing so right now, that crash is unlikely to be far off.

Good luck to everyone, I’d like to be wrong.

And I have tried to tell people for years about the wisdom of transferring stocks-based IRAs to precious metals-based IRAs.

Sixth story: At a recent White House Hanukkah party, President Trump insinuated that American Jews have a dual loyalty to Israel.

US President Donald Trump told American Jews that his vice president had great affection for “your country,” insinuating a dual loyalty to Israel.

“I want to thank Vice President Mike Pence,” Trump said Thursday at one of two White House Hanukkah parties. “A tremendous supporter — a tremendous supporter of yours. And Karen. And they go there and they love your country. They love your country. And they love this country. That’s a good combination, right?”

One can only imagine what Christians and conservatives would have done had any President other than Trump told a group of American Muslims (or American Hindus, Shintoists, etc.) that Iran or Syria (or India or Japan, etc.) was “your country.” But, of course, Israel is different. Christians believe that the Zionist State of Israel is a resurrected biblical Israel and that Benjamin Netanyahu and his gaggle of global criminals are “God’s Chosen People.” But it’s not, and they aren’t! Oh, yes, we cannot forget that Zionist billionaire (and huge Republican contributor) Sheldon Adelson was also in the room.

I doubt that evangelical Christians will ever awaken to how Zionist Israel funds both sides of the political aisle in America in order to secure support for the Zionist state no matter which side wins. Zionists such as Sheldon Adelson fund the GOP, and Zionists such as George Soros fund the Democrats—and Christians, for the life of them, cannot seem to figure that out.

Seventh story: Trump’s appointee to the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh—the man who is supposed to bring an end to abortion-on-demand and overturn Roe v Wade—rendered his first abortion-related vote as a Supreme Court justice—and he sided with pro-abort liberals, saying that states do not have a constitutional right to defund Planned Parenthood. Writing for the Washington Examiner Magazine, Philip Klein reports:

In an early decision involving abortion, newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh sided with liberals in declining to hear a case that could have allowed states to defund Planned Parenthood in state Medicaid programs.

My colleague Kimberly Leonard has more background and details of the cases, but the basic gist is that lower court rulings prevented Louisiana and Kansas from blocking abortion provider Planned Parenthood from participating in Medicaid. The Supreme Court has now decided to pass on the cases.

Only four justices are needed to agree to grant a hearing on any case. So to stop it from reaching the high court, it took Kavanaugh siding with Chief Justice John Roberts and liberal justices.

Three conservative justices — Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch — all voted to hear the case.

I tried to warn my readers and listeners about Kavanaugh. And to my surprise, so did Cliff Kincaid:

Citizen journalist David Risselada has written a book, Psychopolitics in America: A Nation Under Conquest, in which he explains how so many are being led astray by what passes for the “conservative media.” Consider the case of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was sold by Fox News and other beltway groups as a conservative pro-lifer. After Kavanaugh’s Monday ruling in favor of Planned Parenthood, many grassroots conservatives are beginning to realize they were misled about his real record. One conservative website called it a “betrayal.”

It wasn’t a surprise to us. My group, America’s Survival, Inc., was virtually alone [among the few, but not alone] in exposing Kavanaugh’s real record on abortion and other social issues. We published the 44-page report, “The Deep State Wears Black Robes,” and called his nomination a “Trojan Horse.” Yet, Fox News and other conservative media, as well as various Washington, D.C.-based conservative groups, had advertised Kavanaugh as a strong conservative. Many of them were invited to the White House to listen to Kavanaugh hail the legacy of “liberty” of the man he would replace, pro-abortion and pro-gay Justice Anthony Kennedy. That turned out to be an indication of Kavanaugh’s liberal direction on the court.

We had conducted a careful study of Kavanaugh’s record, noting that he was a virtual clone of Justice Kennedy. A liberal Catholic, Kavanaugh actually had a record of ruling against evangelical chaplains. But one leading conservative told me I had gone off “the deep end” by opposing Kavanaugh. Fox News refused to cover our detailed critique of his record. It was a very controlled “debate” with “both sides” defined so as to exclude the real truth.

But Fox News wasn’t alone in stacking the deck. All of the major conservative websites fell for the ruse that Kavanaugh was a conservative. They know who they are. They owe their readers an apology.






Many Pastors And Christians Behaving More Like Herod Than Wise Men And Shepherds


Published: Thursday, December 20, 2018

Preachers and Christians in America talk a lot about loving Jesus. They sing songs to Him; wave their hands in the air; pray to Him; and talk about His teachings. And at Christmas time, they retell the story of Christ’s virgin birth, and boys and girls sing songs and put on plays—complete with shepherds and Wise Men. But in reality, a huge number of preachers and Christians today behave more like King Herod than they do the Christmas shepherds and Magi.

What was Herod’s conduct at the time of Christ’s birth? He ordered the deaths of all of the children in Bethlehem, males and females, two years old and younger. Herod used his authority as a governmental head of state to murder innocent children. So, how does this relate to today’s pastors and Christians? I’ll tell you.

Last week, the U.S. House and Senate voted on resolutions to discontinue U.S. support for Saudi Arabia's three-year war against Yemen. As many as 80,000 men, women and children have been slaughtered in this ongoing bloodbath, and 85,000 Yemeni children have starved to death. And the United States, under Presidents Obama and Trump, has supported Saudi Arabia’s barbarism with financial and military aid. In fact, without America’s aid, Saudi Arabia would not have been able to perpetuate this genocidal war. So, this is as much America’s war as it is Saudi Arabia’s.

The brutal, torturous assassination of permanent U.S. resident, journalist Jamal Khashoggi, by Saudi assassins (under orders from the Saudi crown prince) somehow jolted the dead conscience of the U.S. Congress, and both legislative branches voted on resolutions to discontinue America's participation in the brutal Saudi war against Yemen.

Of course, Donald Trump and his ranking cabinet members lobbied Congress hard to NOT cut off funding for this illegal war. (Tell me again how Trump is so much different than Obama.) The House voted to CONTINUE participating in the war, but the Senate voted to DISCONTINUE participating in the war.

The vote in the House was 206 to 203 to keep America involved in the Saudi war on Yemen; the vote in the Senate was 56 to 41 to stop America's involvement in the Saudi war on Yemen.

And here's the rub: The vast majority of congressmen and senators who voted to continue America's participation in the Saudi barbarism against Yemen were Republicans.

In the House, 201 Republicans voted for the war and only 18 Republicans voted against it. In the Senate, only 7 Republicans voted against the war and all 41 senators who voted for the war were Republicans.

The 7 brave Republican senators who voted to stop America's involvement in Saudi Arabia's war against Yemen were:

Collins (Maine); Daines (Montana); Flake (Arizona); Lee (Utah); Moran (Kansas); Paul (Kentucky); and Young (Indiana).

Enthusiastic kudos to these senators!

This is another example of how the "left-right," "liberal-conservative" and Democrat-Republican paradigm is so phony and misleading. Whatever praise one wants to heap on the GOP, when it comes to expanding America's never-ending "war on terror,” its limitless wars of aggression overseas and the overall Warfare State, Republicans are almost always the first ones to shout their enthusiastic support. These votes in the House and Senate reflect that reality.

It also further proves that Donald Trump is just another warmonger, no better than Barack Obama or G.W. Bush. These presidents (and the members of Congress who support their wars) have the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims dripping from their hands. I'll say it straight out: Donald Trump is a murderer! Forget King Cyrus; King Herod is the one that Trump more resembles.  

Again, only 18 Republicans in the House of Representatives voted against the illegal, brutal war in Yemen, and only 7 Republicans in the Senate voted against it. Thankfully, those 7 Republican votes in the Senate were enough to help carry the vote against the war; but in the House, the 18 Republican votes fell 2 votes short.

Here are the 18 House Republicans who bravely voted against America's participation in Saudi Arabia's brutal war in Yemen:

Amash (Michigan); Biggs (Arizona); Blum (Iowa); Brat (Virginia); Cloud (Texas); Gaetz (Florida); Garrett (Virginia); Gohmert (Texas); Gosar (Arizona); Graves (Louisiana); Jordan (Ohio); Labrador (Idaho); Massie (Kentucky); Meadows (North Carolina); Perry (Pennsylvania); Posey (Florida); Sanford (South Carolina); and Schweikert (Arizona).

I don't expect that this will have any impact on the millions of Christians and conservatives who are caught up in blind (almost idolizing) support for Donald Trump and in the phony left-right paradigm. But in case you are interested in truth, there it is.

Here is the down and dirty little secret: Christians and conservatives are the ones promoting and sustaining America's Warfare State and perpetual war doctrine. The absence of outrage from Christians and conservatives at the Republicans in the U.S. House and Senate and at President Trump for supporting and voting to continue providing financial and military assistance for Saudi Arabia's barbaric war against Yemen is an eternal indictment against these right-wing warmongers.

God hates murder and wars of aggression. But today's evangelical pulpits are filled with warmongers; today’s churches are filled with warmongers; today’s Christian colleges and universities are filled with warmongers; and today’s GOP is filled with warmongers.

Satan is the author of murder, and nothing or no one commits murder on the scale or magnitude of government. Therefore, government is Satan's most effective tool at fulfilling his highest priority: murder. And, disgustingly, millions of evangelical pastors and Christians are among the most enthusiastic supporters of the wicked, wretched warmongers (many if not most of them Republicans) in Washington, D.C.

Next year, the new U.S. House could take another vote on withdrawing support from the Yemen war, but if it passed (and it probably would under Democratic control), Trump will surely veto it, and pastors, Christians and conservatives everywhere will enthusiastically support Trump's veto—and these illegal and immoral wars will keep going on and on.

The fact that Republicans are right on some issues (and they are) does NOT give them the right to commit murder in the name of the American people. Nor should conservatives—and especially Christians—support them when they do.

Bottom line: If America's pastors, Christians and conservatives would stop supporting America's perpetual war machinations, most of these immoral wars would cease forthwith.

So, as you are watching and listening to your pastor homilize about the miraculous birth of the Lord Jesus Christ this Sunday, and as you enjoy the boys and girls in their costumes singing Christmas hymns about “peace, good will toward men,” pause for a moment to see the cadaverous, starving bodies of tens of thousands of little Yemeni children, see the charred bodies of innocent grandfathers and grandmothers who have been burned to death from the fires caused by U.S.-made missiles and bombs, see the arms and legs flying through the air from the dismembered bodies of Yemeni sons and daughters from U.S.-made jet bombers and attack helicopters that have been raining down death and destruction upon a hapless, helpless civilian population via the brutal, bloodthirsty regime of America’s “great ally” (Trump’s words), Saudi Arabia, for three long years.

And as you are watching all of this death and destruction in your mind, remember that it is a majority of evangelical pastors and churches (maybe even the pastor and church where you attend) who are among the biggest cheerleaders for these murderous, immoral, unjust and unconstitutional wars of aggression all over the world. In other words, they are behaving more like Herod than they are the Christmas Wise Men and shepherds.

Remember all of this as you hear the sermonizing and songs about the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, in your church this Sunday.

P.S. I have two DVD messages that speak directly to the subject of war—just and unjust. These messages present the true Biblical teaching on the subject of war. America’s colonial pastors and Founding Fathers well understood the Biblical Natural Law principles of Just War. Sadly, these principles are all but forgotten by today’s pastors, Christian teachers and elected civil magistrates.

The first message is entitled The Crime Of Aggression: Condemned By The Law Of Nature And Nature’s God.

The second message is entitled Biblical And Natural Law Principles Regarding War.

And we have put both of these DVD messages in a 2-DVD package entitled War: Just And Unjust. A Biblical/Natural Law Analysis. If you purchase both of these messages together, there is a 33% discount. The 2-DVD package costs $20, and there is no cost for domestic shipping. (International rates vary.)

Order the 2-DVD package here:

War: Just And Unjust. A Biblical/Natural Law Analysis






Now It’s William Barr: When Will Christians And Conservatives Stop Making Excuses For Donald Trump?


Published: Thursday, January 24, 2019

Okay, we all know how awful Hillary Clinton is. We all know that Donald Trump said all the right things (well, many of the right things) on the campaign trail. We all know—at least believed—that Trump was not an establishment insider. We all know that Trump promised to “drain the swamp,” dramatically reduce America’s out-of-control deficit spending, protect the Second Amendment, get America out of its endless foreign wars, terminate taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, overturn Roe v Wade and build a wall on our southern border—that Mexico would pay for—in order to stop the flow of illegal immigration into America.

Now, after two full years of a Donald Trump administration in which he enjoyed both houses of Congress being held by fellow Republicans, we all know (and if we don’t, it’s because we don’t WANT to know) that none of the above has happened. Yet, Christians and conservatives by the millions continue to make excuses for this faker.

First, a brief comment about the border wall: All of the drama regarding a partial government shutdown and incessant public theater by actors from both political parties is quite nauseating. Republicans had control of both houses of Congress and the White House for two years. Why wasn’t money appropriated for the wall then? Why was there no government shutdown over the lack of funding for the border wall then? Why wait until Democrats take over the House to shut down (partially) the federal government and threaten to declare a State of National Emergency?

Forgive me, but this stinks to high heaven. This is nothing but smoke and mirrors. All of the high profile theatrics over the border wall is the biggest distraction to envelop our country in quite a spell. While everyone is fighting over the wall, some very serious attacks against our liberties are being waged almost without notice. And all of the hullabaloo over the wall is completely covering up Trump’s failure to carry out the rest of his campaign promises—and the fact that Trump himself has often worked in direct opposition to many of his campaign promises.

Secondly, his rhetoric notwithstanding, President Trump has NOT drawn down America’s involvement in endless foreign wars. Trump’s promise to bring U.S. forces home from Syria is so much hot air. Trump’s “immediate” withdrawal order is now mired in an indefinite time schedule. In other words, there is no time schedule. Our troops that are still fighting in Syria are not only still based in Syria, but they are also still using bases in Iraq as launching pads for military excursions into Syria. Of course, Trump promised that the U.S. bases in Iraq were not going anywhere—and that’s one promise he will keep.

Our troops are still fighting endless wars in Afghanistan and Somalia. In fact, Trump has shoved record military spending through Congress and has done nothing to reduce America’s global military presence (U.S. troops are stationed in over 160 countries, which equates to 95% of the world’s foreign military bases). America is as much the global cop as it was when Trump was elected. No, that’s not quite true: We are MUCH MORE the global cop than when Trump was elected, as Trump has expanded our military presence in Eastern Europe to unprecedented levels—levels not even seen during the Cold War.

Thirdly, as we have just passed the 46th anniversary of the ignoble Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion-on-demand nationwide, unborn children continue to be legally murdered—in spite of the fact that Donald Trump was President and Republicans controlled both houses of Congress during the past two years. All of Trump’s “pro-life” rhetoric hasn’t saved the life of a single unborn baby. Since Trump was elected, over 2 million unborn children have been mercilessly murdered in the wombs of their mothers—with the complete approbation of a Republican-led federal government.

The GOP controlled the entire federal government for 4.6 years of G.W. Bush's eight years in office—and they controlled the entire federal government for the past two years of Donald Trump’s presidency. They did NOTHING about Roe v Wade under Bush, and they have done NOTHING about Roe v Wade under Trump. These phony pro-life GOP congressmen and senators haven't even defunded America's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.

Fourthly, as to ending the federal government’s extravagant spending habits, what a crock! During 8 years of a Republican majority in the House of Representatives, the federal debt INCREASED $7.9 trillion. And a Trump presidency did nothing to reduce Washington’s out-of-control spending—even with Republicans in control of both houses of Congress.

Fifthly, what about Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp”? This is one of Trump’s biggest lies of all. Trump never intended to drain the swamp. From the outset of his presidency, he began appointing mostly CFR globalists, neocons, warmongers, Zionists, corporate elitists and corrupt government insiders to his administration. And he hasn’t stopped.

I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing my conservative Christian brethren say things like, “Trump is trying his best, but he’s getting no help from his cabinet and staff.” Well, DUH! Who picked his cabinet and staff? Trump did.

Then they say things like, “Trump doesn’t really understand these issues; he really wants to do right, but he’s getting bad advice.” BARF! If he didn’t understand the issues, he’s had two full years as President of the United States to get caught up. But he continues to make the same unconstitutional, big-government, warmongering decisions over and over again. The excuse that “he wants to do right, but is getting bad advice” just doesn’t wash anymore. It’s time for Trump’s supporters to wake up and realize that Donald Trump is a great big boy, not a little kid, and is fully capable of thinking for himself.

Donald Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s known exactly what he’s been doing from day number one. He is the consummate con man. He is a charlatan. He is a double-tongued pretender. He has filled the executive branch of the federal government with the same crooks as presidents before him.

And now Trump’s selection of William Barr as America’s next attorney general is the final straw. There can be NO MORE DOUBT.

William Barr is the swamp creature’s Swamp Creature. He is the personification of all of the evil and wickedness that has gone on in Washington, D.C., during the past 30 years. Name the act of criminality, cover-up or act of chicanery that has taken place in Washington D.C., over the last 30 years, and William Barr is probably neck deep in it.

Here is a summary of Barr’s career:

*Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA.

*CIA operative assigned to the China directorate, where he became close to powerful CIA operative George H.W. Bush, whose accomplishments already included the CIA/Cuba Bay of Pigs, Asia CIA operations (Vietnam War, Golden Triangle narcotics), Nixon foreign policy (Henry Kissinger), and the Watergate operation.

*When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.

*Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Church Committee investigations into CIA abuses.

*Barr stonewalled and stopped inquiries in the CIA bombing assassination of Chilean opposition leader Orlando Letelier.

*Barr joined George H.W. Bush’s legal/intelligence team during Bush’s vice presidency (under President Ronald Reagan). Rose from assistant attorney general to Chief Legal Counsel to attorney general (1991) during the Bush 41 presidency.

*Barr was a key player in the Iran-Contra operation, if not the most important member of the apparatus, simultaneously managing the operation while also “fixing” the legal end, ensuring that all of the operatives could do their jobs without fear of exposure or arrest.

*In his attorney general confirmation, Barr vowed to “attack criminal organizations,” drug smugglers and money launderers. It was all hot air: as AG, Barr would preserve, protect, cover up, and nurture the apparatus that he helped create, and use Justice Department power to escape punishment.

*Barr stonewalled and stopped investigations into all Bush/Clinton and CIA crimes, including BCCI and BNL CIA drug banking, the theft of Inslaw/PROMIS software, and all crimes of state committed by Bush.

*Barr provided legal cover for Bush’s illegal foreign policy and war crimes.

*Barr left Washington, and went through the “rotating door” to the corporate world, where he took on numerous directorships and counsel positions for major companies. In 2007 and again from 2017, Barr was counsel for politically connected international law firm Kirkland & Ellis. Among its other notable attorneys and alumni are Kenneth Starr, John Bolton, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and numerous Trump administration attorneys. K&E’s clients include sex trafficker/pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital.

If all of this isn’t bad enough, William Bar is a co-conspirator in the murders of Vicki and Sammy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. James Bovard tells the story:

The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for Attorney General nominee William Barr have focused heavily on Barr’s views on Special Counsel Robert Mueller. But nobody is asking about Barr’s legal crusade for blanket immunity for federal agents who killed American citizens.

Barr received a routine questionnaire from the Judiciary Committee asking him to disclose his past work including pro bono activities “serving the disadvantaged.” The “disadvantaged” that Barr spent the most time helping was an FBI agent who slayed an Idaho mother holding her baby in 1992. Barr spent two weeks organizing former Attorneys General and others to support “an FBI sniper in defending against criminal charges in connection with the Ruby Ridge incident.” Barr also “assisted in framing legal arguments advanced… in the district court and the subsequent appeal to the Ninth Circuit,” he told the committee.

That charitable work (for an FBI agent who already had a federally paid law firm defending him) helped tamp down one of the biggest scandals during Barr’s time as Attorney General from 1991 to early 1993. Barr was responsible for both the U.S. Marshals Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, two federal agencies whose misconduct at Ruby Ridge “helped to weaken the bond of trust that must exist between ordinary Americans and our law enforcement agencies,” according to a 1995 Senate Judiciary Committee report.

After Randy Weaver, an outspoken white separatist living on a mountaintop in northern Idaho, was entrapped by an undercover federal agent, U.S. marshals trespassed on Weaver’s land and killed his 14-year-old son, Sammy [by shooting him in the back]. The following day, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi killed his wife, Vicki, as she was standing in the cabin doorway [holding her baby in her arms]. Horiuchi had previously shot Randy Weaver in the back after he stepped out of the cabin. The suspects were never given a warning or a chance to surrender and had taken no action against FBI agents. Weaver survived.

After an Idaho jury found Weaver not guilty on almost all charges, federal judge Edward Lodge slammed the Justice Department and FBI for concealing evidence and showing “a callous disregard for the rights of the defendants and the interests of justice.” A Justice Department internal investigation compiled a 542-page report detailing federal misconduct and coverups in the case and suggested criminal charges against FBI officials involved in Ruby Ridge.

Barr told the New York Times in 1993 that he was not directly involved in the Ruby Ridge operation. Two years later, the Washington Post revealed that “top officials of the Bush Justice Department had at least 20 [phone] contacts concerning Ruby Ridge in the 24 hours before Vicki Weaver was shot,” including two calls involving Barr.

In January 1995, FBI director Louis Freeh announced wrist slaps for the FBI officials involved, including his friend Larry Potts, who supervised the operation from headquarters and who approved the shoot-without-provocation orders that “contravened the constitution of the United States,” according to the Justice Department internal report.

When Attorney General Janet Reno later nominated Potts for deputy director of the FBI, top newspapers and members of Congress protested, but Barr told the New York Times that his friend Potts “was deliberate and careful, and I developed a great deal of confidence in his judgment… I can’t think of enough good things to say about him.” A few months later, the FBI suspended Potts after suspected perjury regarding Ruby Ridge. (Potts was not charged and retired two years later.)

The Justice Department paid $3 million to settle a wrongful death lawsuit from the Weaver family. But when Boundary County, Idaho filed criminal charges against Horiuchi, Barr sprang to action seeking immunity for FBI snipers. He spearheaded efforts to sway the court to dismiss all charges because holding a sniper liable would “severely undermine, if not cripple, the ability of future attorneys general to rely on such specialized units in moments of crisis such as hostage taking and terrorist acts.”

When the Justice Department won an initial appeals court victory in the case in 2000, federal judge Alex Kozinski warned in a dissent of a new James Bond “007 standard for the use of deadly force” against American citizens. The same court reversed that decision the following year. Kozinski, writing for the majority, declared: “A group of FBI agents formulated rules of engagement that permitted their colleagues to hide in the bushes and gun down men who posed no immediate threat. Such wartime rules are patently unconstitutional for a police action.”

Does William Barr still endorse “wartime rules” and a “007 standard” that absolve federal agents for questionable shootings of Americans?  Does Barr consider “illegal government killings” to be an oxymoron? Best of all, can Barr explain to us his understanding of the phrase “government under the law”?

See also this report in The American Conservative.

In addition, as far as William Barr is concerned, the Fourth Amendment does not even exist. Senator Rand Paul notes that Barr "has been a big supporter of the PATRIOT Act, which lowered the standard for spying on Americans, and he even went so far as to say the PATRIOT Act was pretty good — we should go much further."

Rand also said that Barr is a “big fan” of seizing people’s property through civil asset forfeiture. Rand continued by saying that “the first things I’ve learned about him [Barr] being for more surveillance of Americans is very, very troubling.”

Furthermore (yes, there is more), William Barr told liberal gun grabber Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) in his senate confirmation hearing for becoming America’s next attorney general that he fully intends to push forward with Donald Trump’s Hitlerian “take the guns first, go through due process second” gun confiscation laws, also known as “red flag” laws. And remember: It was Donald Trump, not Barack Obama, who gave us more gun control by outlawing “bump stocks.”

Yep! The promise to protect the Second Amendment is another promise Trump has broken (that’s Number Six).

I have written previously about these Stalinesque “red flag” gun confiscation laws. And I will continue to warn people about these unconstitutional, draconian “red flag” laws as long as they continue to pose a threat to our liberties.

Of course, not only are most of the individual states currently in the process of considering “red flag” gun confiscation laws (13 states have already passed them), Republican Senator Marco Rubio (FL) has also introduced a national “red flag” law.

“Red flag” gun confiscation laws are the same kind of laws that were used to confiscate the weapons of undesirables (meaning anyone the state doesn’t like) in Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China—and in every despotic nation of the world.

Here is a warning about “red flag” laws (and the NRA) from TheFireArmGuy.

And here is William Barr’s statement that “red flag” gun confiscation laws are the “single most important thing” government can do regarding gun control.

Internet blogger and longtime supporter of Donald Trump, Carl F. Worden, recently wrote this:

Now I can understand how Trump fell for the wrongful nominations of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray.  That was early-on in Trump's presidency and Trump had no way of knowing those he trusted for advice were in fact Deep State maggots intent on destroying his presidency.  But this is a solid two years into Trump's first term, and it is more than obvious that Barr will not be a team player for Trump -- or us! In fact, Barr has a very troubling record on Second Amendment issues.

At this time, I have no confidence left in Donald J. Trump.  He is either a complete fool, or he knows exactly what he's doing, and either way he's not fit to represent me anymore.

No more excuses, Mr. Trump!

Bravo, Carl!

Sadly, a host of Trump’s supporters continue to be bamboozled by the elaborate psyops misinformation (translated: propaganda) entity known as QAnon, which keeps reassuring the Trump faithful that he is covertly waging war against the globalist insiders and that any day now the curtain is going to collapse on the swamp creatures. It’s all a hoax to give Trump cover—and more time.

If the nomination of William Barr as America’s next “Top Cop” doesn’t awaken the “Always Trumpers,” there is absolutely no hope for them. Even worse is the fact that the longer Christians and conservatives continue to make excuses for Trump’s lies and deceptions, there is less and less hope for America.

Many pastors and Christians are under the devilish delusion that the Bible promotes pacifism and non-resistance to tyrannical government. They believe and teach that, if government decides to outlaw firearms, Christians should sheepishly surrender their arms. These believers do not understand the Natural and Scriptural doctrine of self-defense.

In this message, Pastor Baldwin examines the life of Abraham as found in Genesis 14. This is an extremely important chapter of the Bible as it establishes several laws and principles given by God. This chapter introduces us to Melchizedek, the king and priest of Jerusalem who blessed Abraham after he had returned from "the slaughter of the kings" in defense of the inhabitants of the city of Sodom. Hebrews 7 retells the story of Genesis 14 and makes it clear that Melchizedek was either Christ Himself or a great type of Christ.

The timing of Christ's blessing of Abraham, and his establishment of several monumental doctrines for mankind, occurring following Abraham's armed defense of his family and community is extremely significant—and almost universally ignored and overlooked in modern churches.

As the title of the message states, this is "A Biblical Portrait Of The Righteousness And Requirement of Bearing Arms." Bearing arms for self-defense—which in the modern world points to AR-15-style rifles—is both RIGHTEOUS and REQUIRED of us by the laws of God. (Cont Nxt Column)

Unless you are over sixty-years-old, it is very likely that you have never heard a message like this before--and with the kind of compromising, watered-down preaching heard in most churches today, if you don't watch this one, you may never hear one like it in your lifetime.

But the truths of this message are undeniable and sacrosanct. And with the way that government--and many churches--are promoting the outlawing and surrender of AR-15-style rifles, this message is absolutely essential to the understanding of God's law on this subject--not to mention the survival of liberty in our land.

Today the debate over firearms rages, and on the heels of national tragedy and death, schools and other places have become "gun-free zones"—and killing fields. In addition, many in government are attempting to pass laws disarming the American people, beginning with banning AR-15 rifles. And, sadly, a host of pastors and churches are telling their congregations that Christians are obligated to surrender their firearms should civil government require them to do so. Such teaching is an egregious violation of the Word of God.

Written by Dr. Chuck Baldwin and his son, Attorney Tim Baldwin, "To Keep or Not To Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns" is a CLASSIC defense of the right to keep and bear arms—not just from a Constitutional perspective—but from a Biblical one. We don't know of another book like this one on the market today.

Read this book and you will see why NO ONE—Christian or otherwise—should surrender their arms and why stripping Americans of their right to keep and bear the AR-15 rifle in particular is to in effect disarm the citizenry.

Pastor Baldwin is so determined to maintain the right to possess the AR-15 rifle that he has said, "When my AR-15 rifle is outlawed, I will be an outlaw." This bold statement is spoken not only out of adherence to the Second Amendment but more importantly out of adherence to God's Natural and Biblical laws. This book brilliantly explains those eternal laws.

Not since British troops marched on Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, during the early morning of April 19, 1775, to seize the weapons of the colonists has the American people's right to keep and bear arms been under such a direct attack.

Dr. Baldwin has shown in previous messages the Biblical duty of self-defense. In this message, he uses Nehemiah 4, the Book of Judges, Esther, Romans 15:4, and Ephesians 6:12 to show that the attacks against armed men are as much spiritual in nature as they are political and physical.

Pastor Baldwin goes on to show how Christians need to be watchful and alert to these attacks and be prepared to repel these attacks with both spiritual and Natural armor.

Humanly speaking, the only thing keeping America's (and the rest of the free world's) liberties intact (to the degree that they are) is the fact that America is an ARMED citizenry. Remove the arms from the American people, and the entire world would plunge into a 500-year period of medievalesque Dark Ages.

This message is absolutely vital to the understanding of God's truth relative to the subject of Christian liberty and the duty of men to protect it.

© Chuck Baldwin

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America’s Burgeoning Imperial Presidency


Published: Thursday, February 21, 2019

Read what follows, and notice how much it tracks with the spirit of America’s evangelical pastors and churches today:  

[A leader of this country] . . . claimed to have had a conversion experience to Christianity while visiting in the home of some pietistic friends. But he was faced with the realization that as a political statesman he had to violate the moral principles that governed his private behavior as a Christian. He reasoned that when acting as a servant of the state, a man was not bound by the same morality he should have as an individual. The state, it was argued, should not be judged according to conventional law because its responsibilities went beyond ordinary human values.

Paul’s teaching that we should be subject to political authorities was emphasized (Romans 13:1-2). The laws of the state were to be obeyed without asking for a moral rationale for what one was commanded to do. As [one leader] said, “I believe I am obeying God when I serve my king.”

Those who participated in the atrocities of the [state] frequently appealed to this distinction to defend their actions. When asked how they could reconcile their brutality with their humanistic values, they often replied, “Well, that was war, and obviously one has to do his duty no matter how hard.” In the words of [one murderer], “I had to obey the laws of my country and my flag.”

[Their leader] did become a god for millions.

[One military commander] stated . . . that he would have [killed] his own wife, children, and even himself if only the [leader] had commanded it.

[One spiritual advisor to his political leader] said, “[The leader] is an awakener of souls, the vehicle of Messianic powers.”

Through surveillance, wiretaps, spying, and rewarding those who betrayed their friends, [the leader] tried to control the citizens of [his country].

Adoration for [the leader] poured forth from pulpits of [the country]. One pastor proclaimed, “In the pitch-black night of church history, [our leader] became, as it were, the wonderful transparency for our time, the window of our age, through which light fell on the history of Christianity. Through him we were able to see the Savior in the history of [our people].”

Another pastor gushed, “Christ has come to us through [our leader]. Through his honesty, his faith and his idealism, the Redeemer found us. . . . We know today the Savior has come.”

The churches were so enamored with [their leader’s] successes that they did not pause to ask in whose name these benefits had come to them. They spoke of the political resurgence as a revival, a time of renewal and spiritual strength. The churches derived strength from the improved economy and giddy optimism about a new day for [their country.]

Dedication services for [the leader’s military police] were held in Protestant and Catholic churches.

One famous pastor from another country visited the nation with its new leader. Here is his report:

“What, you ask, is the real attitude of the [Christian] people toward [their leader]? There is but one answer. They love him. Yes, from the highest to the lowest, children and parents, old and young alike—they love their new leader. Their confidence in him cannot be shaken. They trust him to a man.”

“What about your elections?” I asked. “You have no choice. It is [the leader] or no one. There is no opponent.” “We don’t want another party,” they replied with indignation.

Clearly the majority of the clergy had adopted an attitude of safety first.

The above could easily be taken from a new best seller about President Donald Trump in any modern Christian bookstore. (If you doubt that, read this report). But it’s not. The book is entitled Hitler’s Cross and was authored by Erwin Lutzer almost 25 years ago. The focus of the book was the way Germany’s pastors and churches blindly adored and slavishly obeyed Adolf Hitler.

Mind you, I am NOT comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. I AM, however, comparing the blind adoration and slavish submission that today’s evangelical pastors and churches exhibit toward Donald Trump to the blind adoration and slavish submission that Germany’s pastors and churches exhibited toward the German leader.

The spirit being exhibited by a majority of evangelical pastors and Christians toward President Trump is more than respect and appreciation: It is unabashed idolatry. Trump is a god for millions.

Don’t tell me I am making things up or exaggerating. I am NOT! I receive thousands of pieces of communication each week from Trump loyalists. And from a Christian constitutionalist perspective, it is downright frightening what these people are saying.

One lady tweeted, “All you pieces of garbage who think you can bring down President Trump with asinine fits and lies will only destroy yourselves. I guarantee his supporters will follow him into any hell you create & will have his back all the way! We’ll never stop fighting for him.”

People such as this lady never talk about fighting for the Constitution; they never talk about fighting for the rule of law; they never talk about fighting for the Natural Laws of God. All they talk about is fighting for Donald Trump. I’m telling you, millions of Christians and conservatives wouldn’t blink an eye if Trump used a declaration of a state of emergency to suspend the Constitution and make himself emperor. In fact, they would unequivocally and enthusiastically support such a declaration. I am positive of that.

I have been pummeled by Trump loyalists over my opposition to the President’s declaration of a national emergency to circumvent the will of Congress and build a border wall with unappropriated monies. I am on record for a long time of not liking border walls. I see little that’s positive about them and a plethora of negatives. And I agree with Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) and many other conservatives who warn that if Trump’s declaration stands, the next Democrat President will use Trump’s precedent to declare gun violence or climate change as a “national emergency,” and then Katy bar the door. Conservative writer Matt Lewis agrees, “If a president can declare anything he wants to do an ‘emergency,’ then our republican system has been torn asunder.”

Had Congress appropriated monies to build the wall, I would have agreed that the President would be within his rights to build it. Congress didn’t, and, therefore, I believe Donald Trump is acting outside the law. But I can (and do) respect the position taken by principled, learned, proven conservatives who studiously disagree with me and believe Trump acted constitutionally.

But that is NOT what most of the arguments that I receive in favor of the wall are saying. The vast majority of people berating my “anti-Trump” position (it’s NOT anti-Trump; it’s PRO-Constitution) don’t care if the wall is constitutional or not. They truly do not care. If Trump does it, they are for it. It’s as simple as that.

Neither do they care about this:

President Trump lied to the nation today by falsely claiming his administration stopped multiple illegal alien caravans, when in truth, he let them into the USA. Speaking for 40 minutes, he never mention[ed] he just signed the dastardly and secretive budget bill which incentivizes illegal immigration and child trafficking.

Trump just signed into law a bill that 99% of Americans know nothing about which contains Amnesty for millions of illegals, incentives for child trafficking, an expansion of Trump's deadly catch and release policies, less detention space for illegals, reductions of interior immigration law enforcement, new buildings and buses to bring more illegals into the US [and] raising of legal immigration levels.

Trump lied without challenge from the media when he claimed they were stopping caravan illegals from entering America, when in truth Trump is letting the caravans in, which inspires more larger caravans to form.

Trump obfuscated and talked about trade agreements, law enforcement, the border, and his plan to declare a state of emergency for more than 40 minutes (View Video), but never admitted to the national audience that he signed the budget bill that a majority of his supporters despise.

"I know without a doubt that President Trump is a liar, he is deceptive, and intentionally manipulating his supporters to lead them to their own doom through Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Trump is a Judas Goat!" said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "It is clear to me that Trump is not the man he campaigns to be and he is complicit in passing a major policy bill in a disgusting way that prevented 99% of Americans from learning what is in the bill until after he made it a law, just like Obamacare. In truth, Trump shares Obama's tactics and immigration positions. The American patriots who see through Trump's lies and those who are upset by his signature on the Amnesty budget bill today are the Americans we want to represent and give voice to at ALIPAC."

Tell me, if the emergency is as real as Trump says it is (and I have advocated for stopping illegal immigration into our country for decades, so don’t try to label me as being “soft” on illegal immigration), was it not real in 2017 and 2018? So, why didn’t the GOP Congress fund the wall during those two years when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House? And why didn’t Donald Trump issue his declaration of a national emergency in 2017 and 2018 when the Republican Congress failed to appropriate funds for a border wall? Why? Why wait until 2019 when a Democrat House of Representatives did the same thing a Republican House of Representatives did for two years: refuse to fund a border wall? Why? Was there not a “national emergency” in 2017 and 2018?

Come on, folks. You and I both know that Donald Trump waited until Democrats assumed control of the House of Representatives so he could use his state of emergency declaration as a partisan political issue for his re-election campaign in 2020. Trump even admitted this was the case. But, again, Trump loyalists don’t care.

By the same token, Trump loyalists keep saying Trump is “pro-life,” even though he has done nothing to save the lives of unborn children from legal abortion: Roe v Wade is still the law of the land. Even though Trump and his fellow Republicans controlled the entire political establishment for two full years, nothing was enacted under Article. III. Section. 2. of the Constitution to make moot the infamous and illegal Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion-on-demand. In fact, for two full years of GOP domination, Trump didn’t even keep his promise to defund Planned Parenthood. Since Donald Trump became President, over 2 million unborn children have been legally murdered in the wombs of their mothers. Tell those dead little babies how “pro-life” Trump is. Does this matter to Trump loyalists? Not a bit.

Does it matter that Donald Trump has exploded the national debt over $2 trillion—to over $22 trillion—since becoming President two years ago? No! Does it matter that Trump has expanded America’s neocon Warfare State and advanced the scope of America’s foreign entanglements (now including Venezuela and Nicaragua) beyond that of his predecessors, Republican or Democrat? No! Does it matter that Trump has appointed the nastiest and swampiest CFR globalists, neocons and Zionists to his administration to a level not even matched by Barack Obama? No! Does it matter that Donald Trump is attacking our Second Amendment liberties more intensely than Obama did? No!

Since Trump called for America to enact “red flag” gun confiscation laws, 13 states plus Washington, D.C., have passed such laws (including GOP-controlled Florida), and thousands of innocent Americans have had their guns seized by police agencies; and a few weeks ago, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio introduced a national “red flag” gun confiscation law in the U.S. Senate. Does any of that matter to Trump loyalists? No!

Does it matter to them that Trump has issued a Presidential Directive to create a sixth branch of the U.S. military: the U.S. Space Force? This new branch of the U.S. military is being created to take America’s Warfare State into outer space. Does it matter to Trump loyalists? No! Does it matter that Trump is signing an Executive Order to promote artificial intelligence? (Now, what could possibly go wrong with that?) No!

I could go on forever.

The point is, it just doesn’t matter to Trump loyalists if what Trump does is constitutional—or just, moral and legal—or not. It truly does not matter. If Trump does it, they are for it. It’s as simple as that.

Perhaps this photo sums up the Trump adoration and idolatry better than anything I’ve seen.

The worst thing about America’s acceptance of a burgeoning imperial presidency (which is exactly what all of this is leading up to) is that it is being spearheaded by evangelical Christians and pastors—just like it was in Lutzer’s historical account of the Church in Germany.

P.S. You can order Erwin Lutzer’s book, Hitler’s Cross, here:

Hitler's Cross: How The Cross Was Used To Promote The Nazi Agenda  

P.P.S. I also recommend that people read the book co-authored by my constitutional attorney son and me called Romans 13: The True Meaning Of Submission. Order it here:

Romans 13: The True Meaning Of Submission

© Chuck Baldwin

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

Chuck Baldwin Live Donate Form

I also have many books and DVDs available for purchase online. Go here:

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An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen

Published: Thursday, January 31, 2019

I know I am speaking for tens of thousands of my fellow Montanans and tens of millions of my fellow Americans when I write what I’m about to write.

The “red flag” laws that are sweeping the country violate every principle of liberty upon which our country was founded. There is no due process associated with “red flag” laws. A judge’s order to seize the firearms from an American citizen who has not been accused of a crime, charged with a crime, convicted of a crime—or who never even threatened to commit a crime—based on the accusation of a single individual is anything but due process.

Our accuser could be a disgruntled employee, a bitter ex-spouse or relative, a vengeful neighbor, an anti-gun liberal or even an anti-gun policeman. By definition, “red flag” laws use mere suspicion of what one “might” do as justification to seize a person’s firearms. Tactics such as these have been used in virtually every despotic regime of history. In the name of protecting society, the rights and liberties of individuals were denied. Eventually, these repressive governments included political or religious persuasion as triggering “red flags,” which led to their disarmament—all in the name of public safety, of course.

You know as well as I do that when the rights of ONE American are abridged, the rights of ALL Americans are abridged. This is not yet a communist nation where the rights of the state—or even the rights of a majority of citizens—supersede the rights of the individual.

Furthermore, it is a fallacy to suggest that a mental health diagnosis, by itself, indicates that someone is automatically a threat to himself or others. Dr. Ann Bukacek, a highly-respected medical doctor in the community in which I live, recently wrote:

Mental health diagnoses given by physicians or other mental health care workers do not predict firearm violence. As a physician for over 30 years who has treated many patients with mental health diagnoses and some autistic spectrum patients, I have not had one of those patients commit an act of gun violence. I did have a patient who bludgeoned a man to death with a blunt object, and that patient carried no mental health diagnosis. Psychopaths with no conscience, especially the more intelligent ones, usually escape detection and/or a particular diagnosis.

This doctor’s examination of the issue reflects reality.

Besides, under these “red flag” laws, exactly who is it that determines that someone is “crazy”? Is it one judge, who bases his or her conclusion on the accusations of just one individual? Is it up to politicians or government bureaucrats to define who is and who is not “crazy”?

There are some people who believe that anyone who would even own a firearm is “crazy.” Others believe one’s political or religious beliefs qualify him as “crazy.” Heck! We have all read the documentation of various governments (local, State and federal) that have assigned all kinds of “crazy” (even “dangerous”) definitions against people based on their interpretation of Bible prophecy or their association with political candidates such as former Congressman Ron Paul or their opposition to politically correct ideologies, etc.

Does the judge who issues a warrant to seize a person’s firearms under a “red flag” law provide the accused with an opportunity to defend himself BEFORE violating his constitutional and Natural rights? No. Does the judge provide an opportunity for a close examination of the accusations against the accused (including investigating the accuser) BEFORE violating his constitutional and Natural rights? No. Does the judge allow the accused to face his accuser BEFORE violating his constitutional and Natural rights? No.

“Red flag” laws turn the Bill of Rights and the fundamental legal doctrine that a man is innocent until proven guilty completely upside down. “Red flag” laws are a mockery to every constitutional principle of liberty since the Magna Carta. Seizing a citizen’s firearms by force (and thereby rendering him defenseless) without a crime being committed—or even the accusation of a crime being made—is old-fashioned TYRANNY. Such an act presumes a person is guilty until proven innocent.

Then there is this: After the guns are seized, it could take years for the victim to prove his innocence (or competence) and have his guns returned—and in what condition would they be when (and IF) returned? Furthermore, will you legislators, judges and police officers who collaborate to strip an innocent person’s ability to defend himself accept any responsibility when the real bad guys take advantage of this person’s vulnerability and invade his home and bludgeon or rape or even kill his family? Of course you won’t. But mark it down: You will be held responsible in the eyes of Almighty God—and in the eyes of the citizens you have victimized.

And are you really going to try and tell us that police officers are more competent and mentally stable than the rest of us? Are you kidding? The examples of improper, unsafe, careless and even homicidal acts of cops with guns are ubiquitous.

It was an FBI agent who was armed at a nightclub in Denver and then started gyrating and dancing like a madman until his handgun fell on the floor, discharged and wounded a fellow patron. But no official even questioned this officer’s fitness to possess a firearm—even AFTER that event took place.

Then there is the case of the Dallas police officer who walked into the wrong apartment and shot and killed the man who lived inside. Where was the “red flag” regarding this officer? And what about the two police officers in St. Louis who used a revolver to play Russian roulette, and one of the two wound up shooting and killing the other one? Why wasn’t a “red flag” raised about these nincompoops? These stories could go on forever.

Where are the “red flag” laws for the policemen and sheriff’s deputies in this country? The only difference between them and the rest of us who are being victimized by these draconian “red flag” laws is that they wear badges, and we do not—and the other difference is the vast majority of private citizens who carry firearms are not nearly as stupid and incompetent as the policemen mentioned above.  

So much for equal justice under the law.

It has taken many of us a lifetime of hard work and labor to be able to obtain our gun collections; we have successfully passed FBI background checks and local and State requirements and obligations for responsible gun ownership, yet our guns are going to be confiscated overnight on the word of someone (an anonymous someone, at that) who claims we “might” be unsuitable to own a gun? Again, such an act turns American history and our Bill of Rights upside down.  

Kris Kobach is the former Secretary of State of Kansas. He is a former professor of constitutional law at UMKC School of Law. He wrote an excellent analysis of the constitutional violations of these “red flag” laws:

1. The seizure of guns without any hearing at all. The laws all contain an ex parte provision that allows the state to temporarily seize a person’s guns without even notifying the gun owner or giving him a chance to be heard. This is the quintessential denial of due process. The Fourth Amendment makes clear that a person cannot be denied of liberty (to exercise one’s constitutional right to bear arms) without due process of law. This confiscation is “temporary,” but it can easily lead to long-term or permanent confiscation.

2. Based on the testimony of one unrelated person. The confiscation order can be based on the testimony of only one person claiming that the gun owner poses a risk to the safety of himself or others. The law [proposed in Kansas] deceptively says that it has to be the testimony of a “family member.” But “family member” is defined to include “former dating partners” and anyone who has ever lived with the defendant. So a jilted former boyfriend or girlfriend, or even a roommate from years ago, could easily set in motion the disarming of a lawful gun owner.

3. Using a very low standard of proof. The standard for obtaining an ex parte order against a gun owner is absurdly low – one need only show “reasonable cause” to believe that the person may pose a risk. That’s even lower than the “probable cause” standard for obtaining a search warrant. In addition, the judge is forced to rush his decision and issue the confiscation order on the same day of the ex parte hearing. Within two weeks of the ex parte hearing, a hearing with the gun owner present must occur; the purpose is to put in place a long-term confiscation order. But even at that hearing, the standard of proof is far below the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard used in criminal trials. Rather, it need only be shown by “a preponderance of evidence” that the person poses a risk of injury to self or others. What kind of evidence? Things like the “reckless storage” of firearms and drinking habits can be considered. If you keep a handgun in the bedside table and drink beer regularly, you may [be] in trouble.

4. Shifting the burden of proof to the gun owner. The long-term confiscation order lasts up to a year, but may be renewed indefinitely. Once it is in place, it becomes very difficult to remove. To have the confiscation order lifted, the gun owner must prove he does not pose a threat to himself or others. Proving a negative is nearly impossible. Adding insult to injury, the bill even authorizes local law enforcement to charge the gun owner a storage fee for confiscating and storing his guns.

The implementation of “red flag” laws (at any level) is unconscionable and totally unacceptable. And I am here to warn you that there are millions of Americans who will never submit to such oppression. None of us wants to see acts of violence committed against law enforcement personnel in America, but when law enforcers begin carrying out these draconian “red flag” laws, they will begin lighting the matches of resistance in the hearts of freedom-loving people in this country like hasn’t been seen in over 150 years.

We have already heard about Gary Willis, the Maryland man who was killed by police officers in his own home as they attempted to carry out a “red flag” order to seize his guns. This man had committed no crime; he had not been accused of committing a crime; he was given no hearing and no due process. Mr. Willis did not attempt to harm the officers; he merely resisted their efforts to disarm him, and he was killed on the spot—in his own home—by police officers who had taken an oath to protect the liberties of this poor innocent man.

I assure you, Mr. Willis will not be the last American to resist the attempted confiscation of his firearms.

Do you legislators, judges, county sheriffs, chiefs of police, sheriff’s deputies and city policemen not realize that “red flag” laws are tantamount to a declaration of war against the American people? Are you so far removed from “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God” that you cannot see this? Do you not realize that in spite of all of Great Britain’s abuses of power, our colonist forebears did not openly rebel against the Crown until King George sent troops to Lexington and Concord to confiscate the colonists’ firearms? You do understand that, right? And you do understand, do you not, that the blood of the colonists flows in the veins of we Americans?

At what point do the American people come to believe that you truly do NOT wish to honor your oath to the Constitution or behave in a manner that truly honors America’s Second Amendment and the heritage of liberty that we all share as Americans? At what point do we Americans lose all respect for our civil magistrates and peace officers? For many Americans, that point will come when policemen bang on their doors at 5am and attempt to seize their guns.

Do you not realize that every single instance of an innocent person being subjected to a “red flag” gun confiscation order will only magnify and strengthen the resentment and animosity in the hearts of the community against these laws—and against the ones who are creating and implementing them? Do you not understand that this is a powder keg that could explode into all-out rebellion at any time? Do you want that? I don’t want that! I don’t want that for my wife and me, my children and grandchildren, my friends or my community.

Why would you legislators, judges and policemen even think about doing such a thing?  

In the name of all that we hold dear, in the name of the brave men at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge, in the name of every American who has given his life in defense of the principles contained in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights—including many of our brave police officers and sheriff’s deputies—and in the name of the Natural Laws of our Creator, please STOP this madness before you literally tear our communities and our country apart.

As a legislator, you must not pass any semblance of a “red flag” law; as a judge, you must not issue a gun confiscation warrant on the basis of a “red flag” law; as a sheriff or chief of police, you must not order your officers to confiscate a citizen’s guns on the basis of a “red flag” warrant; and if you are a sheriff’s deputy or city policeman, you must not obey an order to confiscate your fellow citizens’ guns on the basis of a “red flag” law.

I beg you to realize what you are doing. I beg you to refuse to participate in this madness. I beg you to join your fellow churchmen, clubmen, neighbors, friends and townsmen and help us turn back this dastardly attempt to transform our constitutional republic into another repressive regime that, in the end, would require The People to tear it down.

“Red flag” laws are on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of our Constitution, the wrong side of liberty and on the wrong side of the laws of God.

Again, I beg you to think about what you are doing, about the pain you are causing, about the lives you are ruining and about the potential harm you are inflicting on our country. Please think this through.

© Chuck Baldwin


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The Truth About Trump’s Withdrawal Of U.S.
Forces From Afghanistan And Syria


Published: Thursday, January 3, 2019

As we all know, Donald Trump campaigned on a platform of disengaging U.S. forces from unconstitutional, perpetual foreign wars. However, the first two years of Trump’s presidency was a flagrant disavowal of that campaign promise. Not only did Trump not disengage our forces from these illegal and immoral wars, but, as I have documented, he dramatically INCREASED America’s involvement in these wars. In fact, President Trump has dropped more bombs on more people in his first two years of office than President Obama did in his entire last term in office. Plus, he sent thousands of additional ground troops to Afghanistan and Syria and several other countries.

Now Trump is saying that he is going to withdraw all U.S. forces from Syria (ostensibly 2,000 in number) and half of our forces (reportedly numbering 7,000 troops) from Afghanistan. Of course, high level government globalists such as Senator Lindsey Graham and Secretary of Defense James Mattis are incensed at the announcement. Mattis tendered his resignation over the decision, and Graham has had lengthy discussions with Trump about the matter.

And, sadly, the majority of conservatives around the country are likewise chagrined. Remember that almost all (if not all) of these conservatives are also Zionists, and they know the only reason America is fighting these wars of aggression in the Middle East is for the purpose of assisting the offensive military machinations of the State of Israel. And they are pouting over the possibility that Israel might actually be stymied from some of its bloodlust and apartheid atrocities. They really shouldn’t worry, however. The U.S. has no intentions of cutting the bloody umbilical cord from the Zionist state.

RT.com has the story:

The US 'withdrawal' from Syria might not mean the end of all its Syria-related operations where Israel is concerned, as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reaffirmed Washington’s ongoing commitment to Israel’s security on Tuesday.

Speaking ahead of a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Brazil, Pompeo said the US’ commitment to Israel was unchanged, despite the pullout of US troops from Syria announced by the Trump administration last month. Pompeo said that the US effort to “counter Iranian aggression” would continue along with the “protection of Israel” just as it had before.

Earlier, Trump had reassured Israel that the US would take great care of Israel despite the withdrawal, citing the billions in foreign aid Washington gives to Israel every year.

And this report states:

Donald Trump has told Benjamin Netanyahu that the US is paying billions of dollars a year for Israeli security, and that Tel Aviv should not be worried about losing its influence in the region after US troops withdraw from Syria.

“I spoke with Bibi [Benjamin Netanyahu]. I told Bibi, you know we give Israel 4.5 billion dollars a year. And they are doing very well at defending themselves,” Trump told reporters on his way back from Iraq where he paid a surprise visit to US soldiers stationed there. “We are going to take great care of Israel. Israel is going to be good,” US president added, replying to a question on how his announced withdrawal from Syria will impact Israel.

During Trump’s surprise, sudden visit to U.S. forces in Iraq, he made it clear that he has no intentions of withdrawing America’s troops from the Syrian theater.

RT.com again reports:

President Trump’s big announcement to pull US troops out of Syria and Afghanistan is now emerging less as a peace move, and more a rationalization of American military power in the Middle East.

In a surprise visit to US forces in Iraq this week, Trump said he had no intention of withdrawing the troops in that country, who have been there for nearly 15 years since GW Bush invaded back in 2003.

Hinting at private discussions with commanders in Iraq, Trump boasted that US forces would in the future launch attacks from there into Syria if and when needed. Presumably that rapid force deployment would apply to other countries in the region, including Afghanistan.

In other words, in typical business-style transactional thinking, Trump sees the pullout from Syria and Afghanistan as a cost-cutting exercise for US imperialism. Regarding Syria, he has bragged about Turkey being assigned, purportedly, to “finish off” terror groups. That’s Trump subcontracting out US interests.

What Trump seemed to be doing was reassuring the Pentagon and corporate America that he is not going all soft and dovish. Not at all. He is letting them know that he is aiming for a leaner, meaner US military power, which can save money on the number of foreign bases by using rapid reaction forces out of places like Iraq, as well as by subcontracting operations out to regional clients.

Most of the U.S. forces (5,000+) fighting in Syria are actually based in Iraq. And as Trump assured them, they are not going anywhere, in spite of the fact that Iraqi lawmakers have demanded that the U.S. leave their country. So, those anti-establishment Trumpites who think that The Donald has fulfilled some kind of anti-war campaign promise and is “sticking it” to the Deep State have yet again fallen victim to one of Trump’s masterful con jobs.

As Trump was telling the world that he is withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria, the U.S. Army was in the process of building two brand new bases in the Anbar province, less than 100 kilometers from the Syrian border.

And the Times of Israel reported that after holding extensive meetings with President Trump, ultra-globalist war hawk Senator Lindsey Graham gleefully ensured that Trump is NOT going to abandon the Syrian theater:

A senior Republican senator said Sunday that President Donald Trump had promised to stay in Syria to finish the job of destroying the Islamic State group — just days after announcing he would be withdrawing troops immediately.

“He told me some things I didn’t know that made me feel a lot better about where we’re headed in Syria,” the South Carolina lawmaker said.

Of course, now Trump is saying the withdrawal will take “months.”

The Jerusalem Post reports:

Now, reports indicate that the US will allow “months” for the withdrawal, as opposed to a specific 30-100 day timeline.

The new timeline presented and reported in the US now appears to be within 120 days; Trump says that the US is “slowly” bringing the troops home.

There are also new questions about the degree to which the withdrawal will be coordinated with Turkey. Trump made his decision after a conversation with the Turkish president on December 14. Ankara had threatened a military operation in northern Syria against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), which it accuses of being linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Trump claimed on December 23 that the US withdrawal would be “slow and highly coordinated” with Turkey.

John Bolton, the national security adviser, is now planning a trip to the region – along with chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford and Syria envoy James Jeffrey – to discuss the withdrawal in Turkey and Israel. According to CNN’s Kevin Liptak, only Bolton will travel to Israel, not the whole delegation. This comes on the heels of reports that Israel had sought to convince Trump to slow down the withdrawal.

Trump is coordinating the war against Syria (and Lebanon, Iran, etc.) with Israel and Turkey in such a way as to provide those two countries with the opportunity to unleash their war machines (supplied by the United States, of course) against Syria (and eventually Iran) without risk to U.S. troops, while, at the same time, expanding U.S. efforts to oust Bashar al-Assad and take the war closer to Iran’s doorstep. Even with the assistance of American military forces, U.S. and Israeli proxy armies (ISIS, al-Nusra, etc.) failed miserably in their assignment to overthrow Assad. Trump is not angry about U.S. forces being there; he is angry that they failed to defeat Israel’s manufactured adversaries in the region.

But not only is Trump pandering to Israel and Turkey (a NATO member-state that is on the verge of allying itself with Russia over Washington’s agitating actions toward Ankara), true to his “make Big Business bigger” MO, here is the real story behind Trump’s military decisions in the Middle East—and it should horrify all men and women of decency. It won’t, but it should.

You should shudder as you read this report in the Military Times:

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis is out.

Mattis' resignation comes amid news that President Donald Trump has directed the drawdown of 2,000 U.S. forces in Syria, and 7,000 U.S. forces from Afghanistan, a U.S. official confirmed to Military Times, a story first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

This month, in the January/February print issue of the gun and hunting magazine “Recoil," the former contractor security firm Blackwater USA published a full-page ad, in all black with a simple message: “We are coming.”

Is the war in Afghanistan — and possibly elsewhere ― about to be privatized?

If Blackwater returns, it would be the return of a private security contractor that was banned from Iraq, but re-branded and never really went away.

[Blackwater founder Erik] Prince  has courted President Donald Trump’s administration since he took office with the idea that the now 17-year Afghan War will never be won by a traditional military campaign. Prince has also argued that the logistical footprint required to support that now multi-trillion dollar endeavor has become too burdensome. Over the summer and into this fall Prince has engaged heavily with the media to promote the privatization; particularly as the Trump administration’s new South Asia Strategy, which was crafted with Mattis, passed the one-year mark.

The news of a leaning on a smaller number of privatized forces, instead of a larger U.S. military footprint — and contracted support for U.S. forces that knew few bounds and at times included coffee shops, base exchanges, restaurants, a hockey rink and local vendor shops — may be welcomed by current U.S. military leadership on the ground. That includes former Joint Special Operations Command chief Army Lt. Gen. Scott Miller, a source familiar with Miller’s approach told Military Times. Miller replaced Gen. John Nicholson as the head of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan in September.

In an [sic] previous exclusive interview with Military Times, Prince said he would scrap the NATO mission there and replace the estimated 23,000 forces in country with a force of 6,000 contracted personnel and 2,000 active-duty special forces.

The potential privatization of the Afghan War was previously dismissed by the White House, and roundly criticized by Mattis, who saw it as a risk to emplace the nation’s national security goals in the hands of contractors.

But Mattis is out now, one in a series of moves that has surprised most of the Pentagon.

Drastic change would “be more likely” now, one DOD official said.

That’s right. Donald Trump is preparing to replace U.S. military forces with mercenaries to fight Israel’s wars.

Here’s the horrifying part: These “private contractors,” i.e., mercenaries, operate in a manner that is totally unaccountable to the rule of law. Totally! They operate outside the Constitution, outside the Rules of Engagement, outside the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), outside the Law of Nations, outside law period—and also outside public scrutiny. There is virtually no accountability for whatever murders, rapes, plunderings or criminalities of any sort that these mercenaries commit.

The Pentagon has already admitted that U.S. Special Forces troops are under fire for “rampant crimes”:

After a string of horrific PR disasters saw elite US soldiers arrested for drugs, abuse, rape and murder, the Pentagon is cracking down on disciplinary issues in its Special Operations Command, according to a new report.

With "allegations of serious misconduct" piling up too high to ignore after two decades of war, General Raymond 'Tony' Thomas, head of Special Operations Command, and Owen West, head of Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict for the Pentagon, have outlined an ambitious 90-day plan to find out how the military's most elite corps lost its way.

Combining Special Forces units that are already plagued with rampant abuses of power with mercenaries who are virtually unaccountable to any human authority is a recipe for the worst kind of barbarity and atrocity. This is what the Roman Empire did during its last days of power and what Great Britain did in its failed war against the American colonies. And this is exactly what Donald Trump is preparing to do. In fact, Trump is already setting the table for an unaccountable military force by shutting down military watchdog groups, thus turning off the light of public knowledge and ensuring military unaccountability.

Donald Trump’s presidency—a presidency that is rife with graft, fraud, extortion, bribery, immorality and now government collaboration with unaccountable mercenaries and military units to wage war on behalf of foreign nations—is what happens when supposed Christian leaders such as Jerry Falwell, Jr., have their way.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Falwell said, “You don’t choose a president based on how good they are.” He also said in that interview that there was “nothing” Trump could do that would jeopardize his (Falwell’s) support. “Nothing” means no lie, no act of immorality, no theft, no act of betrayal, no act of murder or no act of wanton military slaughter would prevent Falwell from supporting Trump. Ladies and gentlemen, such an attitude is nothing short of insane idolatry. In essence, Falwell was saying that he knows how immoral, unethical, dishonest and violent Trump is, and he doesn’t care; it doesn’t matter to him.

Trump wasn’t kidding when he boasted that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone, and his supporters would still vote for him. Falwell proves that.

Tragically, Falwell is representative of the vast majority of evangelical Christian pastors and leaders in this country today. They have sold their souls (not to mention their spiritual birthright) to sit at Trump’s treacherous, tainted, twisted, thoughtless, tumultuous, terrifying, terrorizing, tortuous, tyrannical, Talmudic table. They should apologize for all of their sermonizing about the Ten Commandments, the beatitudes of Christ, the teachings of the Apostles, the Golden Rule, etc. They should take back all of their admonitions of honesty, integrity, morality, trust, fidelity, honor, adherence to law, etc.

Let’s face facts: These evangelical Christian “leaders” believe in situation ethics; they believe that some people are above the laws of men and God; they believe the principles of biblical morality and honesty are apportioned according to position and power (or the lack thereof); and their blind allegiance to the moral and ethical deviant Donald Trump has proven they never meant what they preached.

Christian people by the millions have supported, defended, lauded, extolled and glorified a man (Donald Trump) whose personal morals and ethics rival the most vile leaders in world history. Donald Trump is a man without conscience. His behavior is pathological and diabolical. And he is successfully searing the consciences of the millions of Christian people who have sullied their own hearts by willingly partnering with his incessant crimes.

Trump is not pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Syria; he is pulling the wool over the eyes of millions of Christians and conservatives.






The GOP Continues To Fully Fund Planned Parenthood



Published: Thursday, September 27, 2018

Christians and conservatives who think that the GOP and Donald Trump are pro-life a
re deluded beyond all remedy. A GOP Congress and White House can't even defund Planned Parenthood, much less overturn Roe v Wade. Trump's two years in office now marks a total of six years of a Republican majority in control of the White House and both houses of Congress (four years of GOP control under GW Bush and now two years under Trump), and Roe v Wade still stands as the law of the land, and Planned Parenthood continues to slaughter unborn babies with taxpayer funding.

CNSNews.com reports:

The Republican-controlled Congress is moving to enact a Defense appropriations bill that has morphed into a multi-agency "minibus" and continuing resolution that funds Planned Parenthood and research that uses fetal tissue taken from aborted babies.

The version of the Labor-HHS-Education bill that was approved by the House Appropriations Committee on July 11—but never brought up for a vote on the House floor—defunded both Planned Parenthood and federal research that uses tissue taken from aborted babies.

The version of the Labor-HHS-Education bill approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee on June 28 permitted funding of Planned Parenthood and research that uses tissue taken from aborted babies.

By joining the Defense Department funding bill to the Senate Appropriations Committee’s version of the Labor-HHS-Education bill, the Republican leadership made it impossible for a senator to vote against funding Planned Parenthood and fetal tissue research without also voting against funding the Defense Department.

Sen. Rand Paul (R.-Ky.) fought to get a vote on an amendment to the bill that would defund Planned Parenthood.

Before the Republican leadership agreed to such a vote, Paul needed to go to the floor to speak out about what was happening.

“My amendment would end the funding of Planned Parenthood,” Paul said. “Yet my amendment is now being blocked by Republicans.”

“Many voters think Republicans actually care about the unborn,” said Paul. “Many voters think Republicans are really opposed to government-funded abortions. But the dirty little secret is that Republican leadership is blocking my amendment to defund Planned Parenthood.”

“Big-spending Republicans fear that blocking funding for Planned Parenthood would derail their plans to greatly expand the welfare-warfare state,” he said. “So be it. The public has long known that the Democrats are the abortion party. Now the public will know that many Republicans just pay lip service to pro-life issues and are really more concerned with bloated government spending than with saving lives.”

The seven senators who voted against the bill included six Republicans and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I.-Vt.).

Sen. Mike Lee (R.-Utah), one of the six Republicans, delivered a floor speech explaining his opposition to this bill that funds Planned Parenthood and fetal-tissue research.

“For the second straight year of unified Republican governance—unified pro-life governance—Congress’s annual spending bills will include no new reforms protecting unborn children or getting federal taxpayers out of the abortion business,” said Lee.

“Under this bill,” said Lee, “neither the unborn nor taxpayers are any more protected from the abortion industry than they were under President Obama and a unified Democratic Congress.”

Yesterday the House passed the bill, and for all of Donald Trump’s protestations over taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood and bloated government spending in general, Trump promised that he will sign this massive spending bill into law.

How long will it take Christians and conservatives to wake up to the fact that the Republican Party in Washington, D.C., is nothing more than controlled opposition? The national GOP is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. It has been selling itself as a “pro-life” party ever since the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its heinous Roe v Wade decision legalizing abortion-on-demand. But 45 years and 60 million aborted babies later, Roe is still the law of the land. Republicans are so pathetic that they can’t even defund the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, when they have total control over the entire federal government.

And when Republicans say we must wait for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe (remember it was a Republican Supreme Court that passed Roe, and the Supreme Court has been dominated by Republican appointments ever since), they are spouting utter balderdash. Under Article. III. Section. 2. of the U.S. Constitution, a genuine pro-life Congress and White House could overturn Roe v Wade anytime it wanted to. The only reason the Republican Party hasn’t overturned Roe is because it hasn’t wanted to overturn Roe.

And, incredibly, there are millions of Christians and conservatives who continue to believe that the GOP is pro-life. Is this stupidity, naïveté or what exactly?

Furthermore, pro-life conservatives and Christians are beside themselves with glee over Trump’s appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. They seem to be convinced that Kavanaugh is going to tip the scales on the High Court and finally overturn Roe v Wade. It is pure fantasy.

In the first place, the idea that only the Supreme Court can overturn Roe only serves to reinforce the fallacious and unconstitutional doctrine of judicial supremacy. And, secondly, there is absolutely nothing in Kavanaugh’s record to suggest that he will vote to overturn Roe—all of the left-wing hysteria over the idea that he will notwithstanding.

Kavanaugh believes that Roe is “settled law.” He believes that women and teenage girls “have a right to abortion.”

Phillip Jauregui of the Judicial Action Group warned that Kavanaugh is not “constitutionally principled.” That’s an understatement.

Not only is Kavanaugh neck-deep in his complicity to cover up the murder of Clinton Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster, he has a judicial track record as being a loathsome toady for the Police State. Judge Andrew Napolitano is trying to warn conservatives that Kavanaugh is an “enemy of the Fourth Amendment.”

Mises Institute reports (VIDEO):

In a discussion on natural law, Napolitano noted that Judge Kavanaugh had established a record of supporting government surveillance on Americans, even when there was not probable cause to believe a crime was being committed.

Kavanaugh's support for abuse of government power in this case, has been buttressed by the Patriot Act, one of the most anti-Fourth-Amendment pieces of legislation passed in recent decades.

Napolitano goes on to outline the many ways the Patriot Act violates the natural rights behind the Fourth Amendment, concluding:

"What young lawyer was the scrivener when they were putting together the Patriot Act?"

It was, of course, Brett Kavanaugh.

People who are putting their faith in Brett Kavanaugh to uphold the Natural rights of man codified in our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights—including the right to life—are in for a rude awakening.

Again, if Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress truly wanted to overturn Roe v Wade and put a stop to legalized abortion-on-demand, they could have already done it.

Do you really believe that a Republican President and Congress that haven’t been able to even defund Planned Parenthood for two years (make it six, if you include the years under Bush and Trump) are going to overturn Roe v Wade? You really aren’t that naïve, are you?

Tell me again how a federal government under the control of the GOP is all that different from a federal government under the control of the Democrats. Both parties continue waging a perpetual never-ending war on innocent unborn babies and perpetual never-ending wars on innocent people abroad.

Of course, the other war being waged by both Democrats and Republicans in Washington, D.C., (including Donald Trump) is the war on the Constitution.

P.S. The other thing that both parties in Washington, D.C., have in common is their blind support for the Zionist State of Israel. And, in this regard, Donald Trump is the leader of the pack.

Christian teaching in support of Zionist Israel is one of the greatest deceptions in Church history. No country is more rabidly pro-abortion than Israel. The State of Israel pays for a woman’s abortion up to the very moment of delivery—regardless of the reason. Zionists are among the most radical pro-abortion people in the world. In fact, many of the radical left-wing pro-abortion groups in the United States are comprised heavily of Zionists. Those who call themselves pro-life and pro-Israel at the same time are truly among the most deluded people on earth.

I urge readers to get the 15-message series on the truth of Israel that I recently delivered.

We have put all 15 messages into a 7-DVD set called The Israel Package.

If purchased separately, these 15 messages would cost $95. But The Israel Package, including 7 DVDs containing all 15 messages, costs only $30. Basically, we are offering 15 messages for the price of 2. Plus, the DVDs come in a beautiful hard plastic case that will compliment any library or coffee table. And the price is affordable enough that sets can be purchased for friends and loved ones.

As I said, this package includes 7 DVDs containing 15 messages, including:

*“The Children Of Promise”

*A Counterfeit Temple; A Counterfeit Israel

*Christ’s Last Words To Israel

*I Will Curse Them That Bless Thee

And 11 more

I am convinced that the Israel deception is to a great extent responsible for America’s rapid descent into the moral, cultural and political upheaval (including the abortion upheaval that has claimed the lives of over 60 million unborn babies) taking place in our country. The Israel deception has blinded the vast majority of evangelical pastors and churches and during the past 70 years has brought our country to the brink of ruination. I am further convinced that if our pastors and churches could be delivered from the Israel deception, it could bring a great national healing to our country.

I urge readers to take advantage of this limited-time offer and order The Israel Package: 7 DVDs containing 15 messages on the truth about Israel for only $30.

Order The Israel Package here:

The Israel Package

© Chuck Baldwin





[By Chuck Baldwin]

Published: Thursday, October 4, 2018

Patrick Henry may have said it best:

It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.

Henry’s observations of the nature of human nature are as true today as they were on March 23, 1775, when Henry spoke them. It is indeed “natural to indulge in the illusions of hope.” It is equally natural for men to “shut [their] eyes against a painful truth.” And Patrick Henry was not the only one to understand this human frailty—so do con men, charlatans, crooks and conspirators.

Dishonest, deceptive, duplicitous scoundrels know that most people are trusting by nature. They know that most people prefer comfort and are not quick to forsake it. Scoundrels know that people need hope, and the scoundrels are all too eager to give them hope—or at least the illusions of it. They also know that people such as Patrick Henry are an aberration of humanity: most are NOT willing “to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.” They know that most people “shut [their] eyes against a painful truth,” that “having eyes, [they] see not, and, having ears, [they] hear not.”

Pernicious predatory politicians constantly prey on this natural weakness of man. They tell people what they want to hear; they play to their wants and fears; and they cast themselves as the hero for which people yearn. And even though secularists seem to have no comprehension of it, many of these pretenders are assisted by a supernatural ability to bewitch (Galatians 3:1) trusting and unsuspecting souls. It is my studied opinion that Donald Trump is such a man.

Trump has given hope to those who were drowning in hopelessness. He has convinced them that he is their political savior. He plays to their wants and fears. He tells them what they want to hear. And he does it so masterfully, so perfectly, that he has brought millions of people (including Christians) under his spell.   

Before being elected, Trump said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” And he wasn’t making that up. He knew he had mesmerized them.

For two years now, it hasn’t mattered to a tinker’s dam what Trump does or doesn’t do. He has given people the “illusions of hope,” and they dare not let go. Their hope is in Trump. This is more than support or appreciation—or even love; this is worship. The “always Trump” crowd literally worships Donald Trump. From a spiritual perspective, they have been bewitched. They are hypnotized. They are in a trance. And they dare not allow themselves to be awakened, for if they were, they would have “to know the worst, and to provide for it.” This they are not willing to do.

For this reason they allow themselves to believe the pathetic propaganda of QAnon; they mindlessly believe the outlandish lie that there are 55,000 sealed indictments against members of the Deep State (and to these people, the definition of Deep State is anyone who does not agree with Donald Trump). I have even heard them speak in rapturous euphoria about Trump secretly colluding with military personnel to implement martial law, rounding up all of the bad guys (again, the people who oppose Trump) and taking them at gunpoint before military tribunals. (Can you imagine what these same people would have said had Obama’s supporters said this?) In fact, many of these Trump toadies have written me to say that when this Trump/military coup begins, I am on the list to be taken away. I am telling you, folks, all of this is VERY REAL to these people. Again, these people are bewitched; they are victims of seducing spirits (I Timothy 4:1) that are empowering Donald Trump. And, as Patrick Henry said, many are being transformed into “beasts.” Cheering for the rise of an American version of Germany’s Brown Shirts or GESTAPO and the positive anticipation of a nation under martial law are truly BEASTLY concepts that come from BEASTLY hearts.

But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption. (II Peter 2:12)

Nevertheless man being in honour [having wealth and power] abideth not: he is like the beasts [in murderous brutality] that perish. (Psalms 49:12)

Not to mention that any kind of martial law, complete with roundups and military tribunals, totally destroys the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights and fractures the very foundation of a free American republic.

But it is pointless to discuss the Constitution with these people. It is pointless to discuss the way Trump has filled his administration with neocons, CFR and Bilderberg globalists or the way he panders to Zionist Israel or his lack of any action against abortion and even taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood or the way he increases deficit spending comparable to that of any Democrat or the way he continues to escalate the phony “War on Terror.” These people are absolutely deaf to these things. They are deaf to truth, deaf to constitutional government, and they are blind to the evidence that stares them in the face every day.

I’m telling you, Donald Trump is not the enemy of the Deep State; he is a servant of the Deep State. The same elitists that controlled Trump’s predecessors control Trump. For those who have the courage to watch, here is a sample of what I’m talking about. Watch this video, and you will see Trump reading from the same script (almost word for word) that Barack Obama read from when he announced his missile attacks against Syria. Watch it, and then tell me how Donald Trump is not controlled by the same neocon warmongers that have been taking this country to unjust foreign wars ever since the presidency of G.W. Bush.

Trump’s maniacal sanctions against Iran are an incitement to war and are dooming the American economy to suffer the pangs of severe inflation. Experts are already predicting $100 per barrel oil prices. And when oil prices inflate, ALL prices inflate. Plus, Trump’s Deep State operatives are destabilizing Venezuela, and Trump is threatening to send the U.S. military into that oil-rich country. Venezuela is one of the world’s largest oil producers and has the world’s second largest natural gas reserves. What a coincidence that most of the nations that neocons target in their perpetual war schemes are rich in oil. And tell me again what threat Venezuela poses to the United States.

Then we hear Trump’s toady Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke put forth the threat that America could and might put a naval blockade around Russia in order to curtail its exports. Can you imagine?

My friends, it will be an absolute miracle if America is not in a global war, complete with crippling inflation and a collapsed economy, before the end of Trump’s term in office. And if it doesn’t happen, it won’t be because Trump didn’t do his best to make it happen.

Plus, everyone is praising Trump for fixing the economy, but top economists are warning that what we are seeing is merely another bubble, and when it bursts it will make the recession in 2008 and 2009 look mild by comparison.

And as I pointed out in this column last week, President Trump and the Republicans in Congress just passed a massive $854 billion spending bill that continues to fund virtually all of the left’s radical social agendas, including fully funding Planned Parenthood and fetal tissue research.

And as the federal government just concluded its 2018 fiscal year, we read this report:

The federal debt increased by $1,271,158,167,126.72 in fiscal 2018, according to data released today by the Treasury.

The total federal debt started the fiscal year at $20,244,900,016,053.51 according to the Treasury, and finished the fiscal year at $21,516,058,183,180.23.

The federal fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30.

So, the GOP controls both houses of Congress and the White House (with Donald Trump as President), and not only can they NOT defund Planned Parenthood and fetal tissue research, they cannot defund the left’s radical social agendas or keep from increasing the federal deficit by over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

In addition, Donald Trump and the GOP leadership are up to their eyeballs in facilitating the neocon/globalist/Zionist perpetual war agenda even to the point of protecting U.S. “allies” who are engaged in the most despicable forms of child sex slavery in the process. Here is the report:

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) last week tried to block billions in U.S. taxpayer funds from going to the Afghan military and police forces unless its units stopped sexually abusing young boys, but he was opposed by Senate Foreign Relations Committee leaders.

During a committee business meeting last Wednesday considering the reauthorization of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, Paul proposed an amendment to withhold all U.S. funding for all Afghan security forces unless the U.S. government’s watchdog in Afghanistan could verify those forces were not using children as child soldiers or sex slaves.

The U.S. is slated to provide Afghan security forces — military and police — with $4.92 billion in 2019 for equipment, training, supplies, services, infrastructure repair and other funding.

Paul told other members, according to a transcript of the business meeting first obtained by Breitbart News: “I think that the committee is right to be gravely concerned with sexual trafficking and abuse of young people around the world in a variety of countries. I think we shouldn’t turn a blind eye towards when our allies are responsible for this, as well.”

Specifically, Paul referred to the common Afghan practice of “bacha bazi” — or using boys as young as 10 years old for sex. Some U.S. troops who have deployed to Afghanistan have tried to stop instances of sexual abuse when they have come across it, but have been punished for doing so, according to reports.

However, Chairman Bob Corker (R-TN) and Ranking Member Bob Menendez (D-NJ) backed a counter-amendment to require the Departments of Defense and State to report on implementation of recommendations made by SIGAR on ending the practice [which means nothing will be done and the practice will continue].

Paul’s amendment failed, while Corker’s passed.

Tell me again how Donald Trump and the Republican Party are so “conservative.”

Let me put this in perspective for you: Republicans have held the House of Representatives (that means the federal purse strings) for 20 of the last 24 years. The GOP has controlled the Senate for 11 of the last 19 congresses. In addition, the GOP has controlled the Supreme Court since before 1973 when Roe v Wade was decided. And going back to the election of 1968, Republicans have held 8 of 13 presidential administrations. But they need ONE MORE ELECTION to get something done. BALDERDASH! Donald Trump and the GOP are playing Christians and conservatives like a fiddle.

Before the American people can begin the process of restoring their constitutional republic, they MUST be willing to stop indulging in the illusions of hope and stop shutting their eyes to painful truth. And, like Patrick Henry, they must be willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.

Christians and conservatives think that all they have to do is vote for a Republican president and then spend the next four years blindly supporting him—no matter how unconstitutional, immoral or wrong he is—and all will be well with America. Oh! And, of course, they must get out and work like crazy for Republicans in the midterms, because, after all, as Trump said, “When you vote for Republicans in November, you are voting for ME.”

But we Americans are supposed to be voting for the Constitution when we vote. This is not about liberals or conservatives, Democrats or Republicans or left vs. right. And it is certainly not about building a government around one man: Donald Trump. This is supposed to be about electing men and women regardless of race, religion or party affiliation who will “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of The United States.”

Donald Trump has turned not only the entire country but the entire world into a “you are either with ME or against ME” equation. And too many conservatives and Christians are absolutely blinded and bewitched by this man.

The tendency to “indulge in the illusions of hope” and to “shut [one’s] eyes against a painful truth” may indeed be natural. But, ladies and gentlemen, blind bewitching worship of a political leader is not only the result of supernatural seducing spirits, it is downright dangerous to any nation’s future.

We witnessed shades of this blind robotic fawning over a President during the administrations of Ronald Reagan and G.W. Bush (and the left fawned over Obama just as blindly), but nothing to this degree. This is surreal. And it seems to get worse by the hour.

I am thankful for the few times that Donald Trump has demonstrated fidelity to the Constitution. And I am not criticizing anyone who voted for Donald Trump over his opponent in 2016. But what I am trying to warn against is the way conservatives—and especially evangelical Christians—have practically turned Trump into an idol and are ascribing all kinds of praises and platitudes to him that are so out of proportion to the truth that it convinces me that these folks have given heed to seducing spirits and have set themselves up for a bigger fall than they could possibly imagine.

P.S. Not long ago, I brought a message on the subject of hope. Tragically, many Christians SAY they are trusting God, but in reality they have placed their hope and trust in politicians (especially Donald Trump) and political parties (especially the Republican Party). This is a recipe for disaster.

My message is entitled Looking For Hope In All The Wrong Places. I wish somehow that America’s Christians and pastors could come to grips with the truths of this message.

I fear that when America’s evangelicals wake up to the reality that Donald Trump has deceived them, their disappointment will be so great, the damage could be fatal to our country. Oh! If only Christians could awaken from the trance they are in and clearly see the hope that is found in the principles and truths of God’s Natural and Revealed laws, it could doubtless restore a Biblical perspective of our proper duties and responsibilities—and maybe revive constitutional liberties in the process.

I urge readers to get this message DVD: Looking For Hope In All The Wrong Places.

Plus, during the month of October, when you order Looking For Hope In All The Wrong Places, I will also send you my DVD message entitled My Election Counsel. In this message, I review the six Biblical requirements for civil magistrates and the ONE American requirement for civil magistrates. If voters—especially Christian voters—would take heed to these seven requirements and would vote accordingly, our freedoms and liberties would never be at risk and hardly ever would we be at war.

Again, I am sending you both messages:

*Looking For Hope In All The Wrong Places

*My Election Counsel

Order here (and maybe order one for a friend before they go vote on November 6):

Looking For Hope In All The Wrong Places





In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, Alex Jones/Infowars released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask used by the corrupt power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to this presentation was the “real” executive power structure. “…The president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald Trump was a puppet like his predecessor, Alex Jones promoted him as a maverick outside of this systemic corruption that has plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the phrase, “Military Industrial Complex.” Using the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest humanitarian crisis on earth—as a case example, The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet another mask of deceit worn by the corrupt establishment.





WAR IS A RACKET! — Major General Smedley D. Butler

In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, Alex Jones/Infowars released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask used by the corrupt power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to this presentation was the “real” executive power structure. “…The president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald Trump was a puppet like his predecessor, Alex Jones promoted him as a maverick outside of this systemic corruption that has plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the phrase, “Military Industrial Complex.” Using the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest humanitarian crisis on earth—as a case example, The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet another mask of deceit worn by the corrupt establishment. 


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Under the rubric of Zionism, the dispossession of Palestinians and annexation of their land has for decades been hidden in plain sight, along with Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Though tourism flows in steadily to "The Holy Land," masking these egregious past and present events from scrutiny, has been and is nothing short of Orwellian. The Zionist state of Israel is a totalitarian state, whose ideologues' sentiments match those advocating world government. As Rev. Chuck Baldwin exclaims, "For all intents and purposes, the Globalist agenda (the New World Order, call it what you will) and the Zionist agenda, are one and the same." The Trump Jones Deception 2, demonstrates this fact, and the way in which both Donald Trump and Alex Jones are a part of it.


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