"Earlier theWhite Helmets, a
Western-backed NGO known for its ties with terrorist groups, released a video
showing alleged victims of the false-flag chemical attack in Douma. The US and its allies used
the video as a
pre-textto conduct a missile strike on
Sputniknews 18-04-2018
Audio Excerpts From Video: Visiting Douma ‘chemical attack’ site: Witnesses recall how White Helmets
shot the video |Published on
Apr 20, 2018
------------------------------- SOME BACKGROUND -------------------------------
Visiting Douma ‘chemical attack’ site: Witnesses recall
howWhite Helmets shot the video
RT Published on Apr 20, 2018
As more doubts are raised over videos purporting to show the aftermath of an alleged chemical
attack in Syria's Douma...
an RT crew visits places seen in the footage and speaks to eyewitnesses.
As whistleblowers and documents continue to destroy the narrative surrounding the alleged
chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria last year, it is becoming increasingly apparent that this false flag event
has been exposed. This week on The Corbett Report podcast, James goes through the remarkable timeline of the Douma
hoax and breaks the spell
that the propagandists have sought to cast on the public.
"Donald Trump is now paying to support "radical Islamist terror" in Syria. That's how history will mark
it." Patrick
Henningsen| 23 Oct 2019
_OCTOBER 2019 _
Trump gives $4.5 million to Terrorist-linked White Helmets in Syria
Henningsen: Trump gives $4.5 mil
to Terrorist-linked White Helmets in Syria
21stCenturyWireTV | Oct 23, 2019
(Oct 22, 2019) RT News International spoke with 21WIRE
editor Patrick Henningsen about the Trump White House's $4.5 million pay-out to terrorist affiliate
group known as the White Helmets in Syria. No longer welcome by the Syrian public, and also
rejected by the Kurdish population in the northern region, and with no where left in Syria to
operate other than al Qaeda-occupied Idlib province, the US and EU-backed terrorist adjuncts, the
White Helmets, are now in their desperate last days of existence in Syria. Still, their backers in
Washington, London and NATO members states are too deeply invested in this monumental con that they
have no choice but to continue throwing money at the disgraced pseudo 'search and rescue' NGO, as
western powers hope that the White Helmets can provide more useful propaganda footage for western
mainstream media outlets, as Washington and its NATO-Gulf coalition partners desperately try and
protect their last terrorist-occupied enclave in Syria. It's now official: the Trump administration
is now aiding in the continuation of one of the biggest international cons ever.
representatives are regular visitors at the US congress & the State Dept as well as
the UK parliament. Known as Al Qaeda's medical unit, they have also fabricated evidence,
faked videos & engaged in organ trafficking. Their members double as armed
militants. #Syriahttps://t.co/pAV2BpwiMt
- Vanessa Beeley Interview - White Helmets Involvement In
Child Trafficking & Disinfo Ops
The Last American Vagabond
First published at 01:43 UTC on April 6th, 2019.
Joining me today is Vanessa Beeley, here to discuss a very important subject. With all that is
happening in Syria today and all that is going on the world it is important to understand the inner working parts
of the West’s regime change machine that is being sold to the world as one of peace and liberation, when in
reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. One very integral part of this machine is the White Helmet. Their
actions, specifically in Syria, give us an insight into the true nature of those behind the scenes actually in
control. And some of what we will discuss today, about the West's operatives might shock you.
An in-depth report that takes readers on a shocking tour through a macabre global underworld where
organs, bones, and live people are bought and sold on the red market
Investigative journalist Scott Carney has spent five years on the ground tracing the lucrative and
deeply secretive trade in human bodies and body parts—a vast hidden economy known as the “red market.” From the
horrifying to the ridiculous, he discovers its varied forms: an Indian village nicknamed “Kidneyvakkam” because
most of its residents have sold their kidneys for cash; unscrupulous grave robbers who steal human bones from
cemeteries, morgues, and funeral pyres for anatomical skeletons used in Western medical schools and labs; an
ancient temple that makes money selling the hair of its devotees to wig makers in America—to the tune of $6 million
The Red Market reveals the rise, fall, and resurgence of this multibillion-dollar underground
trade through history, from early medical study and modern universities to poverty-ravaged Eurasian villages and
high-tech Western labs; from body snatchers and surrogate mothers to skeleton dealers and the poor who sell body
parts to survive. While local and international law enforcement have cracked down on the market, advances in
science have increased the demand for human tissue—ligaments, kidneys, even rented space in women’s wombs—leaving
little room to consider the ethical dilemmas inherent in the flesh-and-blood trade. At turns tragic, voyeuristic,
and thought-provoking, The Red Marketis an eye-opening, surreal look at a little-known global industry and its
Critical Praise:
“The Red Market is a thrilling adventure into the global body business, with keen insight into the
economics that drive it. Scott Carney investigates both our insatiable need for replacement human parts and the
uncanny and often disturbing ways we go about getting them.”
“The Red Market is an unforgettable nonfiction thriller, expertly reported. Scott Carney takes us
on a tremendously revealing and twisted ride, where life and death are now mere cold cash commodities.”
"The globalists create confusion by design so
that people see a smokescreen and can't figure out what's going on and that they hope would just
roll over and give up."
-- Alex Jones, vid: Trump Puppeted By Pro-War Left To
Attack Syria --
Adaptation and
Conformity The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars Link:Psywars
INFOWARS "PROOF WHITE HATS ARE ISIS TERRORISTS" The Alex Jones Channel Published on Apr 13, 2018
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DONALD TRUMP GIVES WHITE HELMETS/"ISIS TERRORISTS" $6.6 MILLION ON HIS BIRTHDAY
Yet" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43. Trump's Best Birthday Yet. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, Jun 14,
THREE OUTRAGEOUS STORIES The Media Wants You To Forget! Published on Youtube: WeAreChange Channel,
Jun 14, 2018.
The Alex Jones Channel
Streamed live on Jun 14, 2018
"...distract the masses while they bulldoze bills, executive
orders, contracts, etc. that usually constrict our freedom and destroy the sovereignty of our
matrix of terms: Left/Right
Proof White Hats Are ISIS
The Alex Jones Channel
Published on Apr 13, 2018
Infowars reporters Rob Dew and Kit Daniels Cover the
history of the White Hats work with ISIS and why they can not be
Trump Freezes Funding For Syria's White Helmets After They Were Caught
Staging Chemical Attacks
The Alex Jones Channel
Published on May 9, 2018
Alex Jones breaks down how President Trump has frozen finances from the United
States to Syria's White Helmets organization as their false flag, gas
attack propaganda is exposed to the world.
JUNE 14, 2018,Alex
Jones had nothing to say about Donald Trump funding the White Helmets, who Infowars called ISIS
Terrorists in their video:Proof White Hats Are
ISIS Terrorists. This is the same group that nearly started WWIII
with a fake chemical attack in Douma! Instead of holding Trump accountable, Jones
step-ups his PR/smokescreen by celebrating Trump's birthday. He completely omits the fact that
after all his antics of crying and cursing Trump's April 13, 2018 attack on Syria,[51]
Trump turns around and gives millions to the very group that started
the whole thing![47] Where are the F-bombs and media coverage for this?!
In this video, Jason Bermas goes over three outrageous stories the media would like
you to forget. These include another DJ scandal involving underage boys, the real verdicts in the
controversial Muslim gang trial in the United Kingdom, as well as the
United States President funding the White Helmets once again.
"...the United
States President funding the White Helmets once again."
Published on Jun 14, 2018
US releases 6.6$mn for White Helmets, UN
Published on Jun 15, 2018
The U.S. has resumed funding for the controversial Syrian aid group, the
White Helmets. The Trump administration had decided to freeze funding for the rescue
organisation back in March, as part of a broader programme of cuts.
Published on Jun 14, 2018
In this video, Jason Bermas goes over three outrageous stories the media would like
you to forget. These include another DJ scandal involving underage boys, the real verdicts in the
controversial Muslim gang trial in the United Kingdom, as well as the
United States President funding the White Helmets once again.
Episode #237 – 'False Flag Follies' with guests Vanessa Beeley and Mike
Alternate Current Radio Presents: Sunday Wire
... Later in to first hour we'll connect with special guest, 21WIRE associate
editor Vanessa Beeley, for an in-depth exposé into the West's varied and wild claims of "Assad's
chemical weapons attacks" in Syria and how the White Helmets have come to
shape the entire basis for US-EU policy towards Syria.
The world once again finds itself hurtling to the brink of war, and once again the establishment
mouthpiece puppet propaganda media is leading the charge. This time around their lies defy description. In the sick
world of the would-be warmongers, child beheading terrorist scum are now the heroes. The blood of the innocents
that spill from here on in covers the hands of the mainstream media propagandists.
Under the rubric of Zionism, the dispossession of Palestinians and annexation of
their land has for decades been hidden in plain sight, along with Israeli apartheid and ethnic
cleansing. Though tourism flows in steadily to "The Holy Land," masking these egregious past and
present events from scrutiny, has been and is nothing short of Orwellian. The Zionist state of
Israel is a totalitarian state, whose ideologues' sentiments match those advocating world
government. As Rev. Chuck Baldwin exclaims, "For all intents and purposes, the Globalist agenda
(the New World Order, call it what you will) and the Zionist agenda, are one and the same." The
Trump Jones Deception 2, demonstrates this fact, and the way in which both Donald Trump and Alex
Jones are a part of it.
47. “Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at
Saudi Arabia, open the documents.” -- Donald Trump Fox and Friends on the morning of February 17, 2016.
9/11 According to Donald Trump
"This is the same Donald Trump who on the campaign trail told Fox & Friends, “Who blew up the
World Trade Center? It wasn't the Iraqis, it was Saudi--take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the
documents.” Now, instead of opening the documents ON Saudi Arabia, Trump is opening the purse FOR
Saudi Arabia."
-- Rev Chuck
Baldwin: Globalists Using Donald Trump To Take America Into
War, May 25, 2017 --
“Who blew up the
World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the
-- Donald Trump Fox and Friends on the morning of February 17, 2016 --
Donald Trump You May Find The Saudis Were Behind The 9/11
Does Saudi Arabia Own
Donald Trump
Donald Trump Interview on FOX AND FRIENDS
TERRORISTS" - George W. Bush, 9/21/2001
"...The Saudi Arabians basically own our governments…They rule us…
And anyone else aiding and abetting the enemy will be brought to justice
understand that!"
-- ALEX JONES Youtube Video : "Alex Jones Calls Out Corruption in Saudi Arabia" Mar 25, 2016
Visiting Douma ‘chemical attack’ site: Witnesses recall how White Helmets shot the
RT Published on Apr 20, 2018
As more doubts are raised over videos purporting to show the aftermath of an alleged chemical
attack in Syria's Douma...
an RT crew visits places seen in the footage and speaks to eyewitnesses.
Earlier theWhite Helmets, a Western-backed NGO known for its
ties with terrorist groups, released a video showing alleged victims of the false-flag chemical attack in
Douma.The US and its allies
used the video as a pre-text to conduct a missile strike on Syria.(Highlight Added)
MARCH 14, 2019!
Robert Palladino Deputy Spokesperson
Department Press Briefing
Washington, DC
March 14, 2019
"Ambassador Jeffrey also announced, at the direction of the
President and subject to Congressional approval, the United States intention to provide
additional 5 million to support the vital, lifesaving operations of the White Helmets in Syria and the United
Nations International, Impartial, and Independent Mechanism, the IIIM. The United States strongly supports the work
of the White Helmets. They have saved more than 114,000 lives since the conflict began, including victims of
Assad’s vicious chemical weapons attacks. And we stand firmly with them against attempts to delegitimize their
Trump Gives $5 Million To 'Heroic' White Helmets In
Syria While Russia Warns Of Another
False Flag
The Last American Vagabond
Published on Mar 17, 2019
U.S. Department of State
Published on Mar 14, 2019
Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino will lead the Department Press Briefing, at
the Department of State, on March 14, 2019. A transcript is available at https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/20....
US announces more support for ‘heroic’ White
Helmets in Syria
Published on Mar 15, 2019
The Trump administration is doubling down on backing the White Helmets, the
self-proclaimed civil defense group with often controversial activity in militant-held areas of
Syria, pledging a $5 million donation at a conference.
US/Saudi Coalition Giving Yemen Citizenship To Known Terrorists While US Secretly Gives Saudis Nukes
The Last American Vagabond
Published on Mar 30, 2019
This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 3/29.
** This story was reported by RT on Mar 28, 2019, so don't take the April 1st reports any less
BOMBSHELL: US Secretly Giving Saudi Nuclear
Secular Talk
Published on Apr 1, 2019
(WASHINGTON) — The Trump administration has approved seven applications for U.S.
companies to sell nuclear power technology and assistance to Saudi Arabia, the Energy Department
said Thursday.
Energy Secretary Rick Perry told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the
Energy Department has approved 37 nuclear applications since January 2017, including nine in the
Middle East. Besides the seven to Saudi Arabia, two were approved for Jordan...
US Energy Secretary Rick Perry approved the secret sharing of nuclear power
technology to Saudi Arabia, according to reports. But a nuclearized Saudi Arabia raises concerns
about a new Middle Eastern arms race. RT America’s John Huddy joins News.Views.Hughes with the
details. They also discuss reports of Israeli airstrikes near Aleppo, Syria on Wednesday and
Trump’s Mind-Blowing Approval of Nuclear Tech Sale
to Saudis
Tulsi Gabbard
Published on Apr 1, 2019
President Trump’s recent decision to allow U.S. companies to sell Saudi Arabia
nuclear technology is both mind-blowing and inexplicable. How does it serve our interests to help
Saudi Arabia develop nuclear weapons?
'US & UK can stop Yemen war
today, but they love Saudi money' -Hussain Albukhaiti, Journalist -
"On militarism, the Obama Administration was just an extension of the Bush Administration, which was an
extension of the militarism of the Clinton Administration. And so on. The military-industrial complex continues to
generate record profits from fictitious enemies. The mainstream media continues to play the game, amplifying the
war propaganda produced by thethink
tanks, which are funded by the big defense
This isn’t a conspiracy theory. This is conspiracy fact. Enemies
must be created to keep Washington rich, even as the rest of the country suffers from the destruction of the
dollar. That is why the neocons continue to do very well in this Administration."
-- Ron Paul, Video: Neocons Are Back With a Big War Budget
and Big War Plans --
In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president,
Alex Jones/Infowars released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask
used by the corrupt power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to
this presentation was the “real” executive power structure. “…The president serves the military
industrial complex, itself owned by the international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald
Trump was a puppet like his predecessor, Alex Jones promoted him as a maverick outside of this
systemic corruption that has plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the phrase,
“Military Industrial Complex.” Using the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest humanitarian
crisis on earth—as a case example, The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet
another mask of deceit worn by the corrupt establishment.
------------------------------- MORE BACKGROUND -------------------------------
White Helmets Are A Propaganda Construct
Published on Feb 9, 2018
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: corbettreport.com/whitehelmets
Contrary to what its multi-million dollar international PR campaign would have you believe, the
"White Helmets" are not a group of volunteer search-and-rescue workers that sprang spontaneously out of the Syrian
soil. When you peel back the layers of foreign financing and reveal the foreign intelligence operatives and murky
lobbying groups at the heart of the organization, what you find is that the White Helmets are, in fact, a
propaganda construct.
Syrian War Report – April 19, 2018: Journalists
Find Boy Filmed In Douma Chemical Attack Video
South Front
Published on Apr 19, 2018
If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the
project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal
'They gave dates & cookies to kids at Douma
hospital' – father of ‘chem attack’ victim
Published on Apr 19, 2018
A correspondent from the Russia 24 TV channel claims to have found a Syrian boy
seen in the White Helmets' footage, said to show the aftermath of an alleged chemical attack. READ
MORE: on.rt.com/93lf
Meet 11 year old victim of "Assad's chemical
Syriana Analysis
Published on Apr 19, 2018
An 11-year-old Syrian kid from Douma, Hassan Diab appears on a Russian TV
explaining what happened on the night of the alleged use of chemical attack in his town.
A group of Russian correspondents led by Evgeny Poddubny has found a boy filmed by the White
Helmets in their video showing people “affected” by the alleged chemical attack in Douma on April 7.
According to Poddubny:
- 11-year-old Hassan Diab is fine;
- He suffered no injures from the “chemical attack” because there was no attack (at least then
and there);
The boy participated in the video for food (rice, dates and cookies).
- Poddubny also contacted Hassan’s father – he also said that there was no chemical attack in the
‘Bombing proves there’s no solid
case’– analyst on alleged Douma chemical attack
Published on Apr 27, 2018
Russia’s envoy to the OPCW said it was crucial to avoid new false-flag
attacks in Syria and that Moscow “won’t allow” US military action there, as he described details of
Russian findings on the site of the alleged Douma incident.
Syrian voices muted by Western media for 7 years –
independent journalist
Published on Apr 27, 2018
Local Syrian doctors have testified that they saw no patients with signs of
chemical poisoning in the aftermath of the alleged attack in the city of Douma. RT asked
independent researcher Vanessa Beeley, who returned from Douma just days ago, about what she
No attack, no victims, no chem weapons: Douma
witnesses speak at OPCW briefing
Published on Apr 26, 2018
Witnesses of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, including 11-year-old
Hassan Diab and hospital staff, told reporters at The Hague that the White Helmets video used as a
pretext for a US-led strike on Syria was, in fact, staged.
UK Column News
UK Column
Published on Apr 13, 2018
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today's UK Column News.
US-UK-France’s Nonexistent Case on Syrian
WMDs and More Murdoch Fake News
UK Column
Published on Apr 16, 2018
Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today's news update from the UK Column.
Going over the Friday night’s post-mortem in Syria, and pondering the Tripartite powers’ apparent
decimation of international law. It seems that the US, Britain and France have a lot to answer for now. Meanwhile,
the BBC offers a platform to a Syrian terrorist moonlighting as a White Helmet-terrorist, and Rupert Murdoch
continues pumping out fake news on Syria.
UK Column News anchor Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with a break down of this and much
You've no doubt heard of the White Helmets, aka the
Syria Civil Defense. They claim to be a neutral entity in Syria. They say they are just helping
people caught in the middle of a civil war. But are they?
Follow the money and you will find numerous ties to
government funding from not only the U.S., but the U.K., Netherlands, Denmark and
We untangle these ties to the White Helmets in a
Reality Check you won't get anywhere else.
Did you remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel?
Also follow me here:
Just hours after releasing our investigation into
who's funding the White Helmets, the news broke—the State Department has ceased funding the
controversial group.
But is that true? What funding has been
This is a Reality Check you won't get anywhere
Live (by which I mean recorded) from western Japan, it's The 2nd Annual REAL Fake News Awards,
that ceremony where the worst Fake News offenders of the past year are dishonoured with the shameful Dino
awards. So will The Guardian retain its title as biggest purveyor of fake news or will a new challenger come
along to take its place?
Find out in this year's most exciting award show!
Sixteen days after announcing the fake withdrawal of
illegal US troops in Syria, the Trump regime White House announced it was sending another 4.5 million taxpayer
dollars to the fake responders known as the White Helmets. These new monies are in addition to$5 million sent in March. The announcement
came soon afterPresident Bashar al Assad met with Syrian Arab
Army soldiers and told them they are ready to clean Idlib; apparently the Trump regime
wants the fake neutral fake responders to be ready, as well.
f course, Washington’s logic is riddled with
absurdity.To claim that its
forces are acting in self-defense overlooks the glaring reality thatthe US-led military coalition has no legal mandate whatsoever to be in Syria in the
first place. Its forces are in breach of international law by operating on Syrian territory
without the consent of the government in Damascus and without a mandate from the UN Security
- Finian Cunningham -
(Article)Syria: US Flagrant Aggression is Absurdly Described
as'Self-Defence' -
Syrian Exposes Media Lies About Syria
Kentucky is in Syria (and other anomalies of MSM geography) -
The Corbett Report
First published at 08:30 UTC on October 15th, 2019.
Did you know that Kentucky is in Syria? Or that Tripoli is in India? Or that
Caracas is in Singapore? No? Then you must not be paying enough attention in MSM Geography 101,
class. Better hit the books!
Syrian Exposes Media Lies About Syria
Withdrawal ___________________________________________
partisan Girl
First published at 08:21 UTC on October 15th, 2019
A message to the American people from Syria - your media is lying to you. The truth
about the released ISIS prisoners and why Israel wants the neocons to stay in #Syria.
A message to the American people from
Syria - your media is lying to you.The truth about the released ISIS
prisoners and why
Israel wants the neocons to stay in #Syria.
By Israel Shahak and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, August 03, 2019
Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc. 3 March 2013
The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone
of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the
Israeli military and intelligence establishment. (article first published by Global Research on April 29,
Greater Israel
President Donald Trump has confirmed in no uncertain terms, his support of Israel’s illegal settlements
(including his opposition to UN Security Council Resolution 2334, pertaining to the illegality of the Israeli
settlements in the occupied West Bank). In recent developments, the Trump administration has expressed its
recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” is supportive of the “Greater Israel” project. It consists in the
derogation of Palestinian’s “the right of return” by “naturalizing them as citizens of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria,
Iraq, and elsewhere regionally where they reside”.
Bear in mind: The Greater Israel design is not strictly a Zionist Project for the Middle East, it
is an integral part of US foreign policy, its strategic objective is extend US hegemony as well as fracture and
balkanize the Middle East.
Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is intended to trigger political
instability throughout the region.
According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the
Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised
Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”
President Trump's Oil Wars in the Middle
East Wars for oil
Blackstone Intelligence Network
|Oct 22, 2019
Wars for oil have been around since before Donald
Trump. But he is certainly playing his part to expand them for the New World Order. #Syria
#Iraq #Trump
The Ongoing Illegal US Occupation Of Syria Is About
Denying Syria Its Own Resources
Letter To Chuck Baldwin From Palestinian Christian
Pastor Chuck Baldwin Counters Donald Trump's "Deal Of The
Century" With A True M.E. Peace Plan
LibertyFellowshipMT | Feb 18, 2020
This video is a brief response by Pastor Chuck Baldwin to a reader who, after reading Dr.
Baldwin's national column entitled "Trump's Deal With The
Devil," sarcastically asked him to propose his own Middle East peace plan if he didn't like Trump's
Chuck Baldwin The Signs
Of The Times Excerpt of
Message by Dr. Chuck Baldwin on Jan. 5, 2020
Now, stop and think, folks. The U.S. has dropped 200,000 bombs (the
number is probably greater than that by now) on seven Middle Eastern countries—each country
comparable in size to the states of Alaska, Texas, California, and Washington State. Try and
imagine seven states in the U.S. having 200,000 bombs dropped on them. Think of the death and
destruction that we Americans are supporting with our tax dollars. How many innocent people are
killed with each bomb and missile? Conservative estimates calculate that hundreds of thousands of
innocent people have been killed (and how many more wounded and maimed?) in America’s phony “war on
Yesterday, I received an email from an independent candidate for U.S. Senate in
Alaska, Margaret Stock, which pointed out that she is a retired Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve and a former
professor at West Point. In her email, Stock stated that she had served alongside and mentored soldiers “who have
given their lives for our country.”
It would be difficult for me to find anything more nonsensical than that. Does she really mean what she says? Or
is it just political pabulum?
Show me U.S. one soldier — just one — in the past 65 years who has died for his country or, as others assert, in
the defense of our freedoms here at home. You can’t do it.
Most of those soldiers died because officials within the national-security branch of the federal government
ordered to go to some foreign country thousands of miles away, where they were placed in a position of kill or be
killed. In fact, many of them were first conscripted (i.e., seized) and then ordered to deploy.
Some soldiers volunteered to go and fight in order to improve their chances for promotion. During the Vietnam
War I knew of an Air Force colonel who volunteered to go to Vietnam because he was convinced that that was the only
way he could make general. I also knew of several officers who were trying to get to Vietnam in the waning stages
of the war to pad their combat resumes.
One thing is for certain: Contrary to what Stock asserts, the deployment of U.S. troops in wars for the past 65
years have had nothing to do with defending America or the freedom of the American people for one simple reason:
America and American freedom were never under attack.
Suppose that U.S. troops had not gotten involved in the Korean War in the early 1950s. Ask yourself: How many
Americans would have voluntarily traveled to Korea and helped the South Koreans defeat the North Korean
Answer: Zero! None! Not one single American would have done that, even if President Truman and his
national-security establishment had pointed out the dangers that international communism posed to America.
Suppose the U.S. national-security establishment had never invaded Vietnam and simply decided to stay out of
that country’s civil war. Suppose President Johnson, the Pentagon, and the CIA told Americans that a victory by
North Vietnam would pose a grave threat to U.S. national security because the dominoes would begin falling to the
communists, with the big domino (the United States) ultimately falling to the Reds.
How many Americans would have traveled to South Vietnam and joined up with South Vietnamese forces to help them
prevent a communist victory?
Answer: Zero! None! Not one single American would have gone to fight the commies in Vietnam.
Suppose George H.W. Bush had refused to involve his army in his war against Iraq in 1991, but had exhorted
Americans to travel to the Middle East and join up with forces that were attempting to reverse Iraq’s (i.e., Saddam
Hussein’s) invasion of Kuwait. Suppose that Bush had told Americans that while the U.S. government had partnered
with Saddam during the 1980s in his war on Iran, Saddam had since become a “new Hitler” who threatened the
How many Americans would have traveled to the Middle East to join up with forces attempting to liberate Kuwait
from Saddam?
Answer: None! Zip!
Suppose George W. Bush had declined to invade Afghanistan and Iraq after the 9/11 attacks but instead simply put
out an arrest warrant and bounty for Osama bin Laden.
How many Americans would have traveled to Afghanistan and Iraq to oust the Taliban and Saddam Hussein from
Answer: None. The only ones who would have gone over there would have been the ones looking for bin Laden in the
hopes of collecting a large bounty.
If the U.S. government evacuated the Middle East and Afghanistan today, how many Americans would travel to Iraq,
Yemen, Libya, Syria or the rest of the Middle East to fight ISIS and prevent it from taking over those
Answer: Not one single one, including the infamous neocons who continue to tell us that “national security” is
at stake. In fact, if all U.S. troops were ordered to withdraw from that part of the world today, not one single
U.S. soldier, including officers and enlisted men, would seek to resign from the U.S. military and travel to Iraq
and Afghanistan to prevent ISIS and the Taliban from winning and taking control in that part of the world.
So, does all that mean that the American people are cowards? That they are only courageous when it comes to
sending the troops to do the fighting for them? That they’re not willing to put their lives on the line in the
defense of their country? That they’re not willing to defend their own freedom and the freedom and security of
their family members and countrymen?
No, it doesn’t mean any of those things. It simply means that the American people are not stupid. The reason
they wouldn’t have traveled to South Korea or South Vietnam and helped them to defeat the communists is simply
because giving their lives in a civil war thousands of miles away wasn’t worth it to them. If someone had told them
that a communist victory in Korea or Vietnam could mean that the Reds would ultimately take over the federal
government and run the IRS, they would have summarily rejected that notion as ridiculous.
The same holds true for the Middle East and Afghanistan today. Deep down, every American knows that it’s not
going to make one whit of difference, insofar as the United States is concerned, if ISIS wins or if the Taliban
wins. If they really believed that America’s existence and freedom were at stake, you’d see Americans traveling
over there and volunteering to help the Iraqi and Afghan armies.
Oh, for sure, most (but certainly not all) Americans would have sympathized with the South Koreans and the South
Vietnamese but they never would have gone over there to commit their lives fighting a communist unification of both
Now, imagine that the United States were suddenly invaded by the troops of some foreign nation-state. How many
Americans would come to the defense of their country, their families, and their freedom?
Answer: 98 percent.
Everything changes, however, when it comes to the U.S. national-security establishment, the totalitarian
apparatus that came into existence with the Cold War. When the national-security establishment says that it’s
imperative that U.S. military forces defeat North Korea or North Vietnam or Saddam Hussein or the Taliban or Iran
or whoever, everyone hops to, clicks his heels, salutes, and automatically accepts it as gospel. People have
converted the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA into their god — their idol — and heaven help anyone who dares to
criticize what their warrior angels — the troops — do with respect to all those foreign interventions.
Suddenly, everyone’s mindset changes. “The troops in Korea are dying for our freedom!” “The troops are dying in
Vietnam for their country.” “The troops are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq for their country and our freedom.”
It’s all a crock. They’re dying because the national-security state deemed it necessary to involve the United
States in overseas conflicts whose participants never invaded the United States or threatened our nation or our
freedom in any way.
It’s been a racket since the day the national-security establishment was grafted onto our original governmental
system. It’s the national-security state that has gotten America into all these unnecessary wars and conflicts. And
they’re not stopping. They’re now provoking two other major nuclear powers, Russia and China. If anyone thinks that
nuclear war isn’t possible, he is naïve to the extreme.
Yesterday, the New York Times reported that suicides among soldiers who have experienced repeated
deployments to the Middle East and Afghanistan are suffering record suicide rates. We all know about the family
violence, the alcoholism, the drug addiction, and the depression that U.S. troops who have fought in that part of
the world are experiencing.
And of course there are the dead — the soldiers who, we are told, made the ultimate sacrifice for our country
and our freedom. It’s all one great big lie, one that people feel is necessary to keep intact at all costs, just
like everyone was expected to admire the emperor’s new clothes. The naked truth is that U.S. soldiers who died in
all those overseas military adventures died for nothing — that is, they died for something that no American would
have been willing to die for if the U.S. national-security establishment had not gotten America embroiled in those
(illegal and unconstitutional) wars.
As our ancestors understood so well, there will always be monsters in the world in the form of such things as
tyrannical dictatorships, civil wars, and famines. (See John Quincy Adams’ July 4, 1821, address to Congress
entitled “In Search of
Monsters to Destroy.”) America, Adams said, would not send soldiers abroad to slay any of those dragons but
instead would serve as a sanctuary for people fleeing those monsters. He also pointed out that if America ever
abandoned this non-interventionist philosophy, it would inevitably change America in drastic ways, for the worse.
Who can argue that he was wrong?
The Cold War national-security state apparatus overturned that non-interventionist philosophy, committing
America to a perpetual crusade to slay monsters overseas. That’s what every U.S. soldier has died for and
sacrificed for during the past 65 years — not for freedom, not for our country but instead for such things as
regime-change operations, coups, partnerships with dictators, and other vital interests of the national-security
establishment, all with the aim of keeping that old Cold War dinosaur, the national security state, in perpetual
The sooner Americans, including the troops, acknowledge this truth, as discomforting as it might be, the better
off America and the troops will be, because then we can restore a constitutional republic to our land and make
America, once again, a peaceful, harmonious, prosperous, and free country.
STEAL ( ( ( ( This Includes Oil ) ) ) ) Neither Donald Trump Nor the US MilitaryAre Above GOD'S LAW! All People of Conscience Must Stand Against This
Blatant War Crime
Audio Excerpt: The Last American Vagabond - Video: Baghdadi Deception Exposed, Israel Bombs
Gaza After Phantom Rocket & US Violates Own Syria Sanctions
“In international law, you can’t take civilian goods or seize them. That would amount to a war
crime,” Anthony Cordesman, the Arleigh Burke chair in strategy at the Centre for Strategic and International
Studies. “Oil exports were almost the only Iraqi source of money. So you would have to pay for government
salaries, maintain the army, and you have triggered a level of national animosity far worse than we did. It
would be the worst kind of neo-colonialism. Not even Britain did that.” [bold emphasis
Jay Hakes, the author of A Declaration of Energy Independence, about the relationship between US
national security and Middle Eastern oil, was similarly unsparing.“It is hard to overstate the stupidity of this
idea,” he wrote on Real Clear Energy. “Even our allies in the Middle East regard oil in their lands as a gift from
God and the only major source of income to develop their countries. Seizing Iraq’s oil would make our current
allies against Isis our new enemies. We would likely, at the least, have to return to the massive military
expenditures and deployment of American troops at the war’s peak.”
Hakes pointed out that Gen Douglas MacArthur, who Trump professes to admire, did the opposite when
he oversaw the occupation of Japan: MacArthur brought resources in to help fend off starvation of the
population.“By giving up the spoils of war, MacArthur and the United States earned the respect of the Japanese and
the world, helping legitimise America’s status as leader of the free world,” he argued.