Obama’s legacy is measured in ashes. From wars of aggression to a police state on
steroids, banking bailouts and Obamacare, Obama has been the perfect captain to carry the New World
Order football further down the field. But as Americans prepare for a new liner to be placed in
their gilded bird cage, today we remember how the Deep State tricked the public in 2008 by giving
them what they thought they wanted.
The Corbett Report Official LBRY Channel | February
26th, 2021
So here we are in 2021, living in the smoking
wreckage of Pax Americana. What was the meaning of the last four years? What lessons have been
learned, and how will those lessons be applied going forward? What, in other words, was Precedent
“In the real executive power
structure, the president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the international
-- Alex Jones...before he soldout --
"WAR IS A RACKET!"— Major General Smedley
D. Butler
In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, Alex
Jones/Infowars released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask used by the corrupt
power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to this presentation was the “real”
executive power structure. “…The president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the
international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald Trump was a puppet like his predecessor, Alex Jones
promoted him as a maverick outside of this systemic corruption that has plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower
coined the phrase, “Military Industrial Complex.” Using the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest
humanitarian crisis on earth—as a case example, The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet
another mask of deceit worn by the corrupt establishment.
Under the rubric of Zionism, the dispossession
of Palestinians and annexation of their land has for decades been hidden in plain sight, along with Israeli
apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Though tourism flows in steadily to "The Holy Land," masking these egregious past
and present events from scrutiny, has been and is nothing short of Orwellian. The Zionist state of Israel is a
totalitarian state, whose ideologues' sentiments match those advocating world government. As Rev. Chuck Baldwin
exclaims, "For all intents and purposes, the Globalist agenda (the New World Order, call it what you will) and the
Zionist agenda, are one and the same." The Trump Jones Deception 2, demonstrates this fact, and the way in which
both Donald Trump and Alex Jones are a part of it.
Published on Feb 3, 2017 SHOW
With promises to "drain the swamp!" still ringing in our ears, we have watched
Trump appoint nothing but Goldman banksters,
Soros stooges, neocon war hawks and police state zealots to head his
cabinet. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we examine the
swamp-dwellers with which Trump has filled his swamp.
Phoenix as the Model for Homeland Security and the War On Terror
- Douglas Valentine -
CIA Pacification Programs, Secret Interrogation Centers, Counter Terror Teams, Propaganda Teams
and military and civilian tribunals in all 44 provinces of South Vietnam; 1965 US military sent
in; National Liberation Front; secret 1967 CIA General Staff For Pacification combining all
CIA, military, and South Vietnamese programs to became The Phoenix Program; Phoenix based on
systems analysis theory combining 20-30 programs to pacify South Vietnamese civilians to
support the government; Phoenix instituted to more perfectly coordinate CIA and military
operations; streamlined and bureaucratized a system of political repression in South Vietnam;
media cover-up; CIA Foreign Intelligence including the Hamlet Information Program, the Province
Interrogation Center program and Agent Penetrations; CIA Covert Action Program; reliance on
corruption; Pacific Architects and Engineers oversaw design and construction of interrogation
centers in South Vietnam which became the model for the black sites.
Originally Aired: January 11, 2017
Trump Fills the Swamp With Steven
Published on Dec 7, 2016 SHOW
Trump has named Steven Mnuchin as his Treasury Secretary. So who is Mnuchin, and
what does his background tell us about his ideology and what kind of administration Trump is
assembling? Today we talk to Michael Krieger of LibertyBlitzkrieg.com about Mnuchin's career, his
Goldman Sachs and Soros ties, and his shady business practices, as well as the other people being
appointed to helm the Trump White House.
Economic progress under Trump is illusion, crash coming - Ron Paul
Published on Jan 3, 2018
With his first year in office drawing to a close, the US president has been talking up his
economic record in typical Trump style. But one man who does not share Trump's optimism is former
congressman Ron Paul. He told RT the growth is not even for all people.
The Fed Is Safe Under Trump
Nov 3 2017
President Trump is great at stirring up controversies and throwing red meat to the
media. He's great at keeping the left in a permanent state of hyperventilation. He's great at
rallying his supporters. But when it comes to actual policies, the
status quo has been maintained across the board. The warfare is safe. The welfare is safe. Even the
Federal Reserve is safe under Trump.
As The Corbett Report reported last year, Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater,
has slithered out from his hiding place and re-emerged as a figure on the political stage. He is
advocating for a rebirth of the US' infamous "Phoenix Program" to target the ISIS terrorists the
US created, and he is advising Trump from the shadows. Today Douglas Valentine, author of
The Phoenix Program and The CIA As Organized Crime joins us to discuss what The Phoenix Program
is and why its resurrection is so ominous.
The Incredible Trump Deception - F.
William Engdahl -
Originally Aired: December 28, 2016
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We examine some of the early political appointments of the new Trump
administration and the geopolitical shift in American foreign policy that it represents. The powers
behind the Trump presidency - the Netanyahu Likud connected think-tank, The Foundation for the
Defense of Democracies, including General Mike Flynn, Walid Phares; James Woolsey, and Michael
Ledeen, among others; an attack on the nuclear deal with Iran; the failed strategy of using radical
political Islam to destabilize and destroy countries; a strengthened alliance between Russia, China
and Iran; the failed CIA coup in Turkey of July 2016; a strong dollar policy and a weakened
European Union; rising interest rates and concomitant flight capital to a Wall Street safe-haven;
making America great again by re-building Americas defense industry infrastructure. #356
Wake Up: Trump is a Compromised
Puppet of Private Interests
[PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW] Banksta's Paradise feat. Donald Trump [A MUST
"The globalists create confusion by design so
that people see a smokescreen and can't figure out what's going on and that they hope would just
roll over and give up."
-- Alex Jones, vid: Trump Puppeted By Pro-War Left To
Attack Syria --
Adaptation and
Conformity The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars Link:Psywars
The Corbett Report Official LBRY Channel | April 10th, 2016
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=18377
Clocking in at 1300 pages of small print text, Carroll Quigley's seminal work, Tragedy and Hope, is an
intimidating and weighty tome. Today we talk to Joe Plummer of JoePlummer.com about his guide to Quigley's
massive book. Available as a free e-book or as a paperback or kindle purchase and dubbed Tragedy and Hope
101, Plummer's guide condenses, summarizes, explains and footnotes the highlights and lowlights of the text
so you can understand the nature of the conspiratorial network that Quigley exposed and why this
information is so important.
Is "democracy" just a carefully managed con game? Professor Quigley not only spent
decades researching and writing about those who secretly control the machinery of our “representative
governments,” he was permitted to examine their secret papers. He was invited in, but he ultimately
betrayed their trust when he exposed their plans and their methods.
- Joe Plummer -
G. Edward Griffin The Quigley Formula
Bill Clinton And More From The Archives!
Jason Bermas
Premiered Aug 20, 2019
G. Edward Griffin The Quigley Formula Bill Clinton And More From The Archives!
Another great speaker who lays out a compelling narrative of history in the archived
Books Used In The Summary: Tragedy and Hope, The Anglo-American Establishment, War Is A Racket,
1984, Brave New World, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, Lord Milner’s Second War, Globalization and the Crucible of
Global Banking, Prolonging The Agony, Propaganda, Technocracy Rising, The Sorrows of Empire, Manifest Destiny,
Trilaterals Over Washington, Hidden History - The Secret Origins of The First World War, Wall Street and FDR,
Between Two Ages, Transhumanism, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Trilaterals Over America, The Prince,
Western Technology - Soviet Economic Development, America’s Secret Establishment, National Suicide - Military Aid
To The Soviet Union, The United Nations’ Global Straitjacket, When Central Banks Rule The World, Technocracy - The
Hard Road to World Order, Wall Street And The Rise of Hitler, Tragedy and Hope 101.