Look Into It - Troops Protect Government Drug Dealing
Troops Protect Government Drug
The US military is in Afghanistan for two reasons. First to restore
and control the world’s largest supply of opium for the world heroin markets and to use the drugs as a geopolitical
weapon against opponents, especially Russia. That control of the Afghan drug market is essential for the liquidity
of the bankrupt and corrupt Wall Street financial mafia. ...The second reason the US military remains in
Afghanistan long after the world has forgotten even who the mysterious Osama bin Laden and his alleged Al Qaeda terrorist organization is or even if they exist, is as a pretext to
build a permanent US military strike force with a series of
permanent US airbases across Afghanistan. The aim of those bases is not to eradicate any Al Qaeda cells that may have survived in the caves of Tora Bora,
or to eradicate a mythical “Taliban” which at this point according to eyewitness
reports is made up overwhelmingly of local ordinary Afghanis fighting to rid their land once more of occupier
armies as they did in the 1980’s against the Russians.
*This audio sample was during the Obama Admin, and before Alex
Jones sold out & became Trump's/The Establishment's PR
Inside Intel! Trump’s Secret Strategy EXPOSED
*In case of video glitch, it is also embedded on this page
The Afghanistan Papers Confirm
America’s Longest War Is a Lie
The most important function of the Afghanistan Papers is to confirm that
government officials have been utterly dishonest with the public about U.S. achievements and
progress in Afghanistan. John Sopko, the Special Inspector General at SIGAR, admitted to the Post
that the documents prove that
“the American people have constantly been lied
to.” ... By comparison, the Afghanistan Papers reveal that officials privately knew they were
fueling corruption, and that “Much of the money … ended up in the pockets of overpriced contractors
or corrupt Afghan officials, while U.S.-financed schools, clinics and roads fell into disrepair, if
they were built at all.”
Davis, Matthew Hoh, and Danny Sjursen reflect on America’s war in Afghanistan in light of the Washington Post’s
publishing of a trove of formerly confidential documents on the war. The report, which is being hailed as this
generations Pentagon Papers, details the ways officials in the Bush, Obama, and
Trump administrations have lied about the progress being made in Afghanistan and the need to keep troops
there. Even though lots of people like Davis, Hoh, and Sjursen have been speaking out for years
about America’s forever wars, they say that it’s embarrassing for top brass to admit that lower level officers
could see strategic failures that the war planners could not—and so voices like theirs mostly just don’t get heard.
At some point all three guests had moments that convinced them they couldn’t keep contributing to this lost cause
in good conscience, and have since striven to show the world what’s really going on. We
need to bring back a healthy skepticism, they say, of the idea that America’s military is a wise force for good in
the world. (bold emphasis added)
RonPaulLibertyReport | Dec 17, 2019 | Weekly Update
“We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of
Afghanistan. We didn’t know what we were doing.” So said Gen. Douglas Lute, who oversaw the US war on Afghanistan
under Presidents Bush and Obama. Eighteen years into the longest war in US history, we are finally finding out,
thanks to thousands of pages of classified interviews on the war published by the Washington Post last week, that
General Lute’s cluelessness was shared by virtually everyone involved in the war LEARN HOW THE REAL POLITICAL SYSTEM WORKS
Afghanistan Papers
Are Establishment Whitewash BS
The Corbett Report
First published at 13:12 UTC on December 20th, 2019
The Afghanistan Papers! The Afghanistan Papers! Everyone is talking about the Afghanistan Papers!
These "incredible" documents must be full of "explosive revelations" about the US-led NATO invasion and 18-year
presence in Afghanistan, right? That's what everyone is saying. But what if I were to tell you that this
"bombshell" report from The Washington Post isn't just a Nothingburger, but is actually an establishment whitewash?
You better brace yourself, because that's exactly what I'm going to tell you on this week's edition of The Corbett
Report podcast.
Fox News Makes Excuse for CIA’s
Afghan Opium Cultivation
U.S. Soldiers Grow Opium Heroin Poppy
in Afganistan
Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com April 30, 2010
In an amazing propaganda
segment, Fox News’ Gerald Rivera talks with an occupation soldier about U.S. support of the opium trade in
Afghanistan. The soldier tells Rivera he does not like supporting Afghan opium production. The U.S., he insists,
has turned a blind eye to the cultivation because it is a cultural thing. He’d rather the Afghans grow
Is it possible the U.S. will tell the brother of Afghanistan’s U.S.-installed
ruler he should get in the watermelon business?
It was reported a few months ago thatAhmed Wali Karzai was on the CIA payroll and intimately involved in the opium trade Fox News and the rest
of the corporate media tell us is run by the evil Taliban.
Fox News did not report that before everything changed on September 11, 2001, and
before the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban had imposed a ban on opium production. This resulted in opium
production collapsing by more than 90 per cent. It was the U.S. supported Northern Alliance that came to the rescue
and began protecting the production of raw opium.
“CIA-supported Mujahedeen rebels [who in 2001 were part of the Northern Alliance]
engaged heavily in drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported government and its plans to reform
the very backward Afghan society,”William Blum writes
inThe Real Drug Lords.
U.S. Soldiers Grow Opium
Heroin Poppy in Afganistan
- Fox News
Afghanistan’s opium production surged to record levels
this year, despite international efforts over the past decade to wean the country off the narcotics trade,
according to a report by the UN’s drug control agency.
The harvest this May resulted in 5,500 metric tons of opium, 49% higher than last year and more than the
combined output of the rest of the world. Even Afghan provinces with some past successes in combating poppy
cultivation saw those trends reversed, according to this year’s annual UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
The withdrawal of foreign troops next year is likely to make matters worse, said Jean-Luc Lemahieu, the UNODC
regional representative in Kabul. He warned that as international assistance falls off, the Afghan government will
become increasingly reliant on illicit sources of income.
Uncertainty is also driving up poppy production, as farmers worried about the country’s future turn to the tried
and tested.
How did the war in Afghanistan start? And how did NATO become involved in this conflict? These
details are never discussed because they have for nearly two decades, been hidden behind a shroud of secrecy. But
now, after nearly two decades of lies, the remarkable truth about the secret documents that helped launch the
Afghan war can finally be revealed. This is the story of The Secret Lie That Started the Afghan War.
15 years later, the US and its NATO allies still have troops in Afghanistan with no plans on
leaving. We were told this was about 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden, but these were lies. So why are the troops still
there? What was the war in Afghanistan really about? Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on
Globalization joins us to explain.
"90% of
Heroin in the world now comes from
US military in Afghanistan: 15 years of
Published on Oct 7, 2016
US troops invaded Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, less than a month after the 9/11 terror attacks
in New York and Washington. What seemed like a quick victory over the Taliban regime turned into a bloody, endless
guerrilla war that continues to this day.
READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/7r80
What You Are Not Being Told About the Afghanistan
15 years after NATO's invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the 9/11 and Al Qaeda lies that
were used to justify the war have disappeared. Now the truth about oil and gas, mineral wealth, opium and naked
imperial ambition are all that remain.
One of the most remarkable
aspects of the Obama Presidential agenda is how little anyone has questioned in the media or elsewhere why at all
the United States Pentagon is committed to a military occupation of Afghanistan. There are two basic reasons,
neither one of which can be admitted openly to the public at large.
Control of the Afghan drug market is essential for the
liquidity of the bankrupt and corrupt Wall Street financial mafia.
Behind all the deceptive official debate over how many troops are needed to “win”
the war in Afghanistan, whether another 30,000 is sufficient, or whether at least 200000 are needed, the real
purpose of US military presence in that pivotal Central Asian country is obscured.
Even during the 2008 Presidential campaign candidate Obama argued that Afghanistan
not Iraq was where the US must wage war. His reason? Because he claimed, that was where the Al Qaeda organization
was holed up and that was the “real” threat to US national security. The reasons behind US involvement in
Afghanistan is quite another one.
The US military is in Afghanistan for two reasons.
First to restore and control the world’s largest supply of opium for the world heroin markets and to use the drugs
as a geopolitical weapon against opponents, especially Russia. That control of the Afghan drug market is essential
for the liquidity of the bankrupt and corrupt Wall Street financial mafia.
Geopolitics of Afghan Opium
According even to an official UN report, opium production in Afghanistan has risen
dramatically since the downfall of the Taliban in 2001. UNODC data shows more opium poppy cultivation in each of
the past four growing seasons (2004-2007), than in any one year during Taliban rule. More land is now used for
opium in Afghanistan, than for coca cultivation in Latin America. In 2007, 93% of the opiates on the world market
originated in Afghanistan. This is no accident.
It has been documented that Washington hand-picked the controversial Hamid Karzai,
a Pashtun warlord from the Popalzai tribe, long in the CIA’s service, brought him back from exile in the USA,
created a Hollywood mythology around his “courageous leadership of his people.” According to Afghan sources, Karzai
is the Opium “Godfather” of Afghanistan today. There is apparently no accident that he was and is today still
Washington’s preferred man in Kabul. Yet even with massive vote buying and fraud and intimidation, Karzai’s days
could be ending as President.
The second reason the US military remains in
Afghanistan long after the world has forgotten even who the mysterious Osama bin Laden and his alleged Al Qaeda
terrorist organization is or even if they exist, is as a pretext to build a permanent US military strike force with
a series of permanent US airbases across Afghanistan. The aim of those bases is not to eradicate any Al Qaeda cells
that may have survived in the caves of Tora Bora, or to eradicate a mythical “Taliban” which at this point
according to eyewitness reports is made up overwhelmingly of local ordinary Afghanis fighting to rid their land
once more of occupier armies as they did in the 11980’s against the Russians.
The aim of the US bases in Afghanistan is to target and be able to strike at the
two nations which today represent the only combined threat in the world today to an American global imperium, to
America’s Full Spectrum Dominance as the Pentagon terms it.
The lost ‘Mandate of Heaven’
The problem for the US power elites around Wall Street and in Washington is the
fact that they are now in the deepest financial crisis in their history. That crisis is clear to the entire world
and the world is acting on a basis of self-survival. The US elites have lost what in Chinese imperial history is
known as the Mandate of Heaven. That mandate is given a ruler or ruling elite provided they rule their people
justly and fairly. When they rule tyrannically and as despots, oppressing and abusing their people, they lose that
Mandate of Heaven.
If the powerful private wealthy elites that have controlled essential US financial
and foreign policy for most of the past century or more ever had a “mandate of Heaven” they clearly have lost it.
The domestic developments towards creation of an abusive police state with deprivation of Constitutional rights to
its citizens, the arbitrary exercise of power by non elected officials such as Treasury Secretaries Henry Paulson
and now Tim Geithner, stealing trillion dollar sums from taxpayers without their consent in order to bailout the
bankrupt biggest Wall Street banks, banks deemed “Too Big To Fail,” this all demonstrates to the world they have
lost the mandate
In this situation, the US power elites are increasingly desperate to maintain
their control of a global parasitical empire, called deceptively by their media machine, “globalization.” To hold
that dominance it is essential that they be able to break up any emerging cooperation in the economic, energy or
military realm between the two major powers of Eurasia that conceivably could pose a challenge to future US sole
Superpower control—China in combination with Russia.
Each Eurasian power brings to the table essential contributions. China has the
world’s most robust economy, a huge young and dynamic workforce, an educated middle class. Russia, whose economy
has not recovered from the destructive end pf the Soviet era and of the primitive looting during the Yeltsin era,
still holds essential assets for the combination. Russia’s nuclear strike force and its military pose the only
threat in the world today to US military dominance, even if it is largely a residue of the Cold War. The Russian
military elites never gave up that potential.
As well Russia holds the world’s largest treasure of natural gas and vast reserves
of oil urgently needed by China. The two powers are increasingly converging via a new organization they created in
2001 known as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). That includes as well as China and Russia, the largest
Central Asia states Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
The purpose of the alleged US war against both Taliban and Al Qaeda is in reality
to place its military strike force directly in the middle of the geographical space of this emerging SCO in Central
Asia. Iran is a diversion. The main goal or target is Russia and China.
Officially, of course, Washington claims it has built its military presence inside
Afghanistan since 2002 in order to protect a “fragile” Afghan democracy. It’s a curious argument given the reality
of US military presence there.
In December 2004, during a visit to Kabul, US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
finalized plans to build nine new bases in Afghanistan in the provinces of Helmand, Herat, Nimrouz, Balkh, Khost
and Paktia. The nine are in addition to the three major US military bases already installed in the wake of its
occupation of Afghanistan in winter of 2001-2002, ostensibly to isolate and eliminate the terror threat of Osama
bin Laden.
The Pentagon built its first three bases at Bagram Air Field north of Kabul, the
US’ main military logistics center; Kandahar Air Field, in southern Afghanistan; and Shindand Air Field in the
western province of Herat. Shindand, the largest US base in Afghanistan, was constructed a mere 100 kilometers from
the border of Iran, and within striking distance of Russia as well as China.
Afghanistan has historically been the heartland for the British-Russia Great Game,
the struggle for control of Central Asia during the 19th and early 20th Centuries. British strategy then was to
prevent Russia at all costs from controlling Afghanistan and thereby threatening Britain’s imperial crown jewel,
Afghanistan is similarly regarded by Pentagon planners as highly strategic. It is
a platform from which US military power could directly threaten Russia and China, as well as Iran and other
oil-rich Middle East lands. Little has changed geopolitically over more than a century of wars.
Afghanistan is in an extremely vital location, straddling South Asia, Central
Asia, and the Middle East. Afghanistan also lies along a proposed oil pipeline route from the Caspian Sea oil
fields to the Indian Ocean, where the US oil company, Unocal, along with Enron and Cheney’s Halliburton, had been
in negotiations for exclusive pipeline rights to bring natural gas from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan and
Pakistan to Enron’s huge natural gas power plant at Dabhol near Mumbai. Karzai, before becoming puppet US
president, had been a Unocal lobbyist.
The truth of all this deception around the real purpose in Afghanistan becomes
clear on a closer look at the alleged “Al Qaeda” threat in Afghanistan. According to author Erik Margolis, prior to
the September 11,2001 attacks, US intelligence was giving aid and support both to the Taliban and to Al Qaeda.
Margolis claims that “The CIA was planning to use Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda to stir up Muslim Uighurs against
Chinese rule, and Taliban against Russia’s Central Asian allies.”
The US clearly found other means of stirring up Muslim Uighurs against Beijing
last July via its support for the World Uighur Congress. But the Al Qaeda “threat” remains the lynchpin of Obama US
justification for his Afghan war buildup.
Now, however, the National Security Adviser to President Obama, former Marine Gen.
James Jones has made a statement, conveniently buried by the friendly US media, about the estimated size of the
present Al Qaeda danger in Afghanistan. Jones told Congress, “The al-Qaeda presence is very diminished. The maximum
estimate is less than 100 operating in the country, no bases, no ability to launch attacks on either us or our
That means that Al-Qaeda, for all practical purposes, does not exist in
Afghanistan. Oops…
Even in neighboring Pakistan, the remnants of Al-Qaeda are scarcely to be found.
The Wall Street Journal reports, “Hunted by US drones, beset by money problems and finding it tougher to lure young
Arabs to the bleak mountains of Pakistan, al Qaeda is seeing its role shrink there and in Afghanistan, according to
intelligence reports and Pakistan and U.S. officials. For Arab youths who are al Qaeda’s primary recruits, ‘it’s
not romantic to be cold and hungry and hiding,’ said a senior U.S. official in South Asia.”
If we follow the statement to its logical consequence we must conclude then that
the reason German soldiers are dying along with other NATO youth in the mountains of Afghanistan has nothing to do
with “winning a war against terrorism.” Conveniently most media chooses to forget the fact that Al Qaeda to the
extent it ever existed, was a creation in the 1980’s of the CIA, who recruited and trained radical muslims from
across the Islamic world to wage war against Russian troops in Afghanistan as part of a strategy developed by
Reagan’s CIA head Bill Casey and others to create a “new Vietnam” for the Soviet Union which would lead to a
humiliating defeat for the Red Army and the ultimate collapse of the Soviet Union.
Now US NSC head Jones admits there is essentially no Al Qaeda anymore in
Afghanistan. Perhaps it is time for a more honest debate from our political leaders about the true purpose of
sending more young to die protecting the opium harvests of Afghanistan.
Inside Intel! Trump’s Secret Strategy
Published on Aug 23, 2017
In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on U.S President
Donald Trump's "secret strategy" as explained to us by Alex Jones and his "inside intelligence" from the White
Absolute Must Watch Video
-->>Alex Jones Heated Debate On Trump & Afghanistan
Steve Pieczenik Sharply Rebukes Trump
& Neocon Generals for Insidious ‘Afghanistan Strategy’
“…More men will die, men will die!
Trump has now created a greater, greater graveyard for our men which shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
It’s absolute nonsense!”
“There was no terrorist attack from Afghanistan or Iraq and these generals know it. They’re
lying, they’re cowards, moral cowards, and they’re ineffectual. And I say that as a former Rear Admiral and a
Military Officer who resigned my commission with honor. And I find them disgraceful! This is the most absurd thing
you could have done. Trump is now on notice that we will work against him.”
“This is 6Trillion Dollars in that WAR, and who’s going to make money?…KBR. Who makes money
in Africa?…KBR. What are we doing in Djibouti?…The same thing. I’ve got soldiers who come back and say, ‘what the
hell was I doing in Africa? Why am I in Djibouti, Sudan, Somalia?’ The soldiers have no idea what they’re doing!”
-- Steve Pieczenik
Alex Jones Heated Debate On Trump
& Afghanistan
- Alex Jones vs Steve Pieczenik -
Published on Aug 22, 2017
Alex Jones Heated Debate On President Trump And Afghanistan - Alex Jones vs dr steve
In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, Alex Jones/Infowars
released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask used by the corrupt
power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to this presentation was
the “real” executive power structure. “…The president serves the military industrial complex,
itself owned by the international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald Trump was a puppet like
his predecessor, Alex Jones promoted him as a maverick outside of this systemic corruption that has
plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the phrase, “Military Industrial Complex.” Using
the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest humanitarian crisis on earth—as a case example,
The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet another mask of deceit worn by the
corrupt establishment.
Under the rubric of Zionism, the dispossession of Palestinians and annexation of
their land has for decades been hidden in plain sight, along with Israeli apartheid and ethnic
cleansing. Though tourism flows in steadily to "The Holy Land," masking these egregious past and
present events from scrutiny, has been and is nothing short of Orwellian. The Zionist state of
Israel is a totalitarian state, whose ideologues' sentiments match those advocating world
government. As Rev. Chuck Baldwin exclaims, "For all intents and purposes, the Globalist agenda
(the New World Order, call it what you will) and the Zionist agenda, are one and the same." The
Trump Jones Deception 2, demonstrates this fact, and the way in which both Donald Trump and Alex
Jones are a part of it.
Episode 22: An Interview With Foreign Policy Expert Scott
Fool's Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan
Scott Horton: The Problem With How We View The Middle East
Published on Aug 16, 2017
In this episode Mance talks to the Managing Director of the Libertarian Institute
and foreign policy expert Scott Horton. They discuss Scott's background, the three factions in the
U.S. government that most desire war, the continuing horror of The Middle East wars and the recent
history of the North Korean conflict.
Scott talks about his book that dropped on Amazon and foolserrand.us today called
"Fools Errand - Time to End the War in Afghanistan".
Scott is also the host of The Scott Horton Show Podcast, host of Anti-War Radio on
KPFK 90.7 in Los Angeles and the Opinion Editor of Antiwar.com
Listening to this anti-war monologue is the best possible way to spend 11 minutes
on the internet.
Fool's Errand: Time to End
the War in Afghanistan
by Scott Horton
“In Fool’s Errand, Scott Horton masterfully
explains the tragedy of America’s longest war and makes the case for immediate withdrawal. I highly recommend this
excellent book on America’s futile and self-defeating occupation of Afghanistan.” — Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon
Papers whistleblower and author of Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
“The real story of the disastrous U.S. war in Afghanistan must be written so that future
generations may understand the folly of Washington’s warmongers. Scott Horton’s Afghan war history is an important
contribution to this vital effort.” — Ron Paul, M.D., former U.S. congressman and author of Swords into Plowshares:
A Life in Wartime and a Future of Peace and Prosperity
“Scott Horton’s, Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan, is a definitive, authoritative
and exceptionally well-resourced accounting of America’s disastrous war in Afghanistan since 2001. Scott’s book
deserves not just to be read, but to be kept on your shelf, because as with David Halberstam’s The Best and
Brightest or Neil Sheehan’s A Bright Shining Lie, I expect Horton’s book to not just explain and interpret a
current American war, but to explain and interpret the all too predictable future American wars, and the
unavoidable waste and suffering that will accompany them.” — Capt. Matthew Hoh, USMC (ret.), former senior State
Department official, Zabul Province, Afghanistan, Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy
“Fool’s Errand is a hidden history of America’s forgotten war, laid bare in damning detail. Scott
Horton masterfully retells the story of America’s failed intervention, exposes how Obama’s troop surge did not
bring Afghanistan any closer to peace, and warns that the conflict could go on in perpetuity — unless America ends
the war. As Trump threatens to send more troops to Afghanistan, Horton shows why the answer to a brutal civil war
is not more war, which makes Fool’s Errand a scintillating and sorely needed chronicle of the longest war in
American history.” — Anand Gopal, journalist and author of No Good Men Among the Living: America, the Taliban, and
the War Through Afghan Eyes
“Scott Horton’s new book Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan has a title that tells
you where it is going, but to think that is all it is about would be to sell short a comprehensive work that takes
the reader on a long journey starting in the 1980s. Indeed, if there were a university course on what went wrong
with Afghanistan, starting with Ronald Reagan’s Holy Warriors and continuing with George W. Bush’s ouster of the
Taliban leading to 15 years of feckless nation building, this book could well serve as the textbook. Horton
provides insights into key decision-making along the way as he meticulously documents the dreadful series of
misadventures that have brought us to the latest surge, which will fail just like all the others. The book is
highly recommended both for readers who already know a lot about Afghanistan as well as for those who want to learn
the basics about America’s longest war.” — Philip Giraldi, former CIA and DIA officer, executive director of the
Council for the National Interest
Scott Horton is managing director of The Libertarian Institute at LibertarianInstitute.org, host of Antiwar Radio
for Pacifica, 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles and 88.3 FM KUCR in Riverside, California, host of the Scott Horton Show
podcast from ScottHorton.org and the opinion editor of Antiwar.com. Horton has conducted more than 4,500 interviews
since 2003. He lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, investigative reporter Larisa Alexandrovna Horton.
Scott Horton of The Scott Horton Show and The Libertarian Institute joins us to discuss his new book, Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan. After discussing Trump’s plan to surge
yet again, we get into the meat and potatoes of the book’s deep dive into the history and politics of the
Afghanistan war before arriving at the inevitable “why” of this senseless and brutal military endeavour. We even
broach the disagreement on Bin Laden and 9/11.
The Afghanistan War Revealed: An 18 Year, Trillion Dollar Lie!
RonPaulLibertyReport | Dec 10,2019
For 18 years, US government officials
- from the generals up to presidents - have knowingly lied to the American people about the Afghanistan war. As
billions were being flushed away or stuffed into the pockets of corrupt officials, the news for those of us back
home was always good! We're "making progress." Now, thanks to 2,000 documents recently released as a result of a
FOIA request, we know the truth. Will anyone be held accountable for this monstrous, murderous
More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese
Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, August 24, 2017
Trump calls for escalation of the war in Afghanistan. Why? Is
it part of the “Global War on Terrorism”, going after the bad guys, or is it something else?
Unknown to the broader public, Afghanistan has significant oil, natural gas and strategic raw
material resources, not to mention opium, a multibillion dollar industry which feeds America’s illegal heroin
These mineral reserves include huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and lithium, which is a
strategic raw material used in the production of high tech batteries for laptops, cell phones and electric
The implication of Trump’s resolve is to plunder and steal Afghanistan’s mineral riches to finance
the “reconstruction” of a country destroyed by the US and its allies after 16 years of war, i.e “War reparations”
paid to the aggressor nation?
[The Article Also Contains Following Topics:]
“War is Good for Business”
The US military bases are there to assert US control over Afghanistan’s mineral wealth. According
to Foreign Affairs, “there are more U.S. military forces deployed there [Afghanistan] than to any other active
combat zone”, the official mandate of which is “to go after” the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS as part of the “Global
war on Terrorism”.
Pivot to Asia
Under the Afghan-US security pact, established under Obama’s Asian pivot, Washington and its NATO
partners have established a permanent military presence in Afghanistan, with military facilities located close to
China’s Western frontier. The pact was intended to allow the US to maintain their nine permanent military bases,
strategically located on the borders of China, Pakistan and Iran as well as Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and
China and the Battle for Lithium
Chinese mining conglomerates are now competing for strategic control of the global Lithium market,
which until recently was controlled by the “Big Three” conglomerates including Albemarle’s Rockwood Lithium (North
Carolina), The Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile and FMC Corporation, (Philadelphia) which operates in Argentina.
While the Big Three dominate the market, China now accounts for a large share of global lithium production,
categorized as the fourth-largest lithium-producing country behind Australia, Chile and Argentina. Meanwhile
China’s Tianqi Group has taken control of Australia’s largest lithium mine, called Greenbushes. Tianqi now owns a
51-percent stake in Talison Lithium, in partnership with North Carolina’s Albemarle.
This thrust in lithium production is related to China’s rapid development of the electric car
industry: China is now “The Center Of Lithium Universe”
"The fact that governments lie is generally
accepted today, but World War I was the first global conflict in which millions of young men were sacrificed for
hidden causes. They did not die to save civilization; they were killed for profit and in the hopes of establishing
a one-world government."
- Jim Macgregor, Gerry Docherty - Prolonging the Agony: How The Anglo-American Establishment
Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-Half Year
“…the US counternarcotics mission in Afghanistan stands out: opiate production has climbed steadily over recent
years to reach record-high levels last year.”
“Far from eradicating the deep-rooted opiate trade, US counternarcotics efforts have proven useless, according
to a series of recent official inquiries. Other aspects of the billions that the US has poured into Afghanistan
over the last 13 years of war have even contributed to the opium boom.”
“In December, the United Nations reported a 60% growth in Afghan land used for opium poppy cultivation since
2011, up to 209,000 hectares…”
“…the [UN] inspector general also noted that US reconstruction projects, particularly those devoted to ‘improved
irrigation, roads, and agricultural assistance’ were probably leading to the explosion in opium cultivation.
“'[A]ffordable deep-well technology turned 200,000 hectares of desert in southwestern Afghanistan into arable
land over the past decade,’ the inspector general found, concluding that ‘much of this newly arable land is
dedicated to opium cultivation.’”
Who’s kidding who?
In Colombia, the US government proved it could eradicate coca and opium-poppy growing fields. One of the
solutions was an herbicide called Roundup. You may have heard of it.
But in Afghanistan, the US just didn’t remember that. It skipped their mind. Oops.
Suddenly, the Afghanistan mission became one of good will. Mustn’t upset the farmers. In Colombia, upsetting the
farmers was perfectly all right.
When you can lessen a problem but choose not to, you want the problem to persist. It’s simple.
And at that point, the problem becomes an opportunity—it always was.
More opium poppy; therefore, more heroin. More trafficking, more profits.
Since the US government has been consciously facilitating the growth of opium farming in Afghanistan, it stands
to reason that government players have been taking their cut of the action.
If the US government, which has been fighting a full-scale war in Afghanistan, wanted to destroy the
opium-heroin business in that country, it had the ideal opportunity.
The mission would have been far easier than waging “the war against drugs” in Mexico, where US military
intervention has been limited.
In Afghanistan, there were US troops on the ground. There were air attacks. What else would you need?
Pentagon planners spend their lives working out multiple scenarios for possible wars in various regions of the
planet. They take into account all aspects and contingencies.
In planning for a war in Afghanistan, what to do about the opium-poppy growing fields would have been high on
the list of options.
So opium-poppy farmers were no “delicate problem” the US invading force encountered after entering the country.
There were no surprises.
Since the US invaded Afghanistan, the Army knowingly undertook operations that would definitely expand
opium-poppy agriculture.
Of course, the CIA’s connections to the drug trade in Afghanistan go back a long way, so it’s no surprise that
the US war in Afghanistan has facilitated and expanded opium-poppy production.
“[Circa 1980], the CIA was arming and advising heroin-trafficking guerrillas in Afghanistan. Its preferred
leader, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, became for a period one of the leading heroin suppliers in the world.”
“In 1979, when the U.S. first established contact with heroin-trafficking guerrillas in Afghanistan, no heroin
from the so-called Golden Crescent on the Afghan-Pakistan border was known to reach the United States. By 1984,
according to the Reagan Administration, 54 percent of the heroin reaching this country came from the
Afghan-Pakistan border.”
“[CIA officer] John Millis had served for thirteen years as a case officer supplying covert CIA aid to the
heroin-trafficking guerrillas in Afghanistan…At least one of the airlines involved in the Afghan support operation,
Global International Airways, was also named in connection with the [US] Iran-Contra scandal…”
The war against drugs? A towering joke.
Drug cartels across the border are
just as brutal as ISIS
Horrific violence not isolated to Middle
Ellen Weiss, Oct 23, 2014
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. officials have argued that
atrocities committed by the militant group ISIS are barbaric and that the group is a threat to the homeland, but it’s worth remembering that the horrific violence
perpetrated just across the U.S. border by Mexican drug cartels is equally barbaric and the cartels also
pose a threat to Americans.
This week brought another bloody reminder of the cartel’s brutality. Mexican activist Maria Del Rosario Fuentes Rubio, a physician and citizen journalist
who had taken a prominent stand against Mexican cartels on social media, died with a bullet in her head. And
her killers, in an obvious effort to terrorize others, tweeted her murder.
Yes, as President Barack Obama noted in his Sept. 24 address to the UN General Assembly, ISIS is leaving a trail of rape, beheadings,
dead children and mass graves. The numbers are terrifying: More than 5,500 people have been killed in Iraq
since June, according to the United Nations.
But here are some numbers – also terrifying – from just across the U.S.-Mexico border: In 2013,
Mexican drug cartels murdered more than 16,000 people, andHuman Rights Watch estimates more than 60,000 people were
killed in drug-related violence from 2006 to 2012.
Here’s the part, however, that seems to get overlooked. Mexican drug cartels have
beenspreading out across U.S. cities for years. From Texas, to
Columbus, Ohio, to Raleigh, North Carolina – in 2010, at least 1,000 U.S. cities cited the presence of one
of the four major drug cartels according to aU.S. Justice Department report. According to that
There is no disputing that Mexican cartels are operating in the United States. Drug policy analysts
estimate that about 90 percent of thecocaine, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine on U.S. streets
came here courtesy of the cartels and their distribution networks in Mexico and along the Southwestern
border. DEA officials say they have documentednumerous cases of cartel activity in Houston, Los Angeles,
Chicago and Atlanta.
Cartel violence isn’t restricted to one side of the border. “Spillover violence” has taken thousands of U.S. lives, according to the FBI. In
other words, the cartel threat – while certainly different from the jihadist-style threat of ISIS – is
nevertheless a threat.
A whole stream of disturbing statistics about the Mexican drug cartels was brought to light in an
opinion piece written by Musa al-Gharbia, a research fellow at the Southwest
Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts. This is not a list for the fainthearted:
Beheadings – Mexico is ranked directly below Iraq on the Reporters Without Borders World Press
Freedom Index. On May 13, 2012, Mexican authorities found at least 49 decapitated and
dismembered bodies along a highway in Nuevo Leon state, between the cities of Monterrey and Reynosa.
Killing children and
women - As if decapitations and hanging dead bodies from bridges wasn’t enough, the
drug cartels have made a practice of targeting women and children to further terrorize communities or prove they are tougher than the next
gang. Children are shot in cars, in their grandmother’s arms or sitting next to their parents.
Mass graves: Mexican
authorities have discovered several mass graves with hundreds of corpses of victims of the drug gangs
in recent years. Some are filled with victims of the drug wars, others with those
murdered for refusing to join the gangs. Most recently, as part of the search for 43 young Mexicans studying
to become teachers, searchers have found six mass graves but so far none of the bodies has been identified
as any of the missing students. Six mass graves, and they still haven’t found the
right mass grave.
As noted, the comparison between ISIS and the cartels
has its limits. Operation Inherent Resolve (the silly name the administration has given America’s military action against
ISIS) and the “War on Drugs” are about different threats. ISIS wants to vanquish all sorts of infidels,
including Americans. The drug cartels are about business – and anyone who gets in their way – including
Americans – is a target.
It comes down to this: If the U.S. is being spurred into action against ISIS because of indignation and a
threat to Americans, then it is worth remembering that a beheading in Mexico is just as horrifying as one in
Iraq or Syria – and a threat against Americans is still a threat whether it is the result of ideology or
criminal drug traffickers.
Want to keep up with all the latest DecodeDC stories and podcasts? Sign up for our weekly
newsletter at decodedc.com/newsletter
Exciting Investment Opportunity in Afghanistan! Record
Returns Expected!
Great news for poppy farmers in Afghanistan: a mysterious,
brand new strain of poppy seed has appeared on the scene this year promising a better crop than ever before.
According to farmers in poppy-rich Helmand and Kandahar provinces, the seeds appeared
out of nowhere, delivered to them by the same drug traffickers who provide them with tools, fertilizer, farming
advice and cash advances at the start of each growing season and come back to collect the crop at the end of
each season. As Gul Mohammad Shukran, head of Kandahar’s anti-narcotics department, explains, this new strain of
seed is expected to produce “better drug plants, which require less water and have a faster growth time.”
It goes without saying that this news is even better for the mysterious seed-suppliers who end up taking the
harvested opium and transporting it off to foreign countries to be processed into heroin and sold on the black
market. But it works out best of all for the treaty organization that invaded the country 14 years ago and has
overseen record bumper poppy harvest after record bumper poppy harvest year after year after year after year after year ever since.
That the NATO forces in Afghanistan are protecting the poppy crop is not even a point of controversy. Five years
ago Lt. Colonel Brian Christmas of the U.S. Marines went on Fox News to lament that it “may grind in his gut,” but the NATO troops just
have to help the farmers cultivate the poppy crop otherwise the farmers would turn against them.And just like
that, the entire “war on drugs” is exposed for the lie that we already knew that it was. Afghanistan produces
90% of the world’s opium from which heroin is derived. The poppies from which that opium is collected are
protected by U.S. marines and others in the full knowledge that this will end up on the streets of countries
around the world as heroin.
Why this is the case isn’t hard to understand. The first and easiest explanation is the one that makes the world
go round: Money, Money, Money! The sale of heroin is a $55 billion a year trade even by official UN estimates. Controlling the poppy fields of Afghanistan, therefore, is a military
operation that pays for itself for any occupier unscrupulous enough to protect the drug trade.
But far beyond protecting the drug trade, NATO forces have long been implicated in shipping the drugs out of the
country and helping bring them to the world market.
This explains the NATO helicopter that broke drug runner/assassin/terrorist/Gladio operative Abdullah Catli out of his Swiss prison cell in 1990.
This explains why the DEA was explicitly told to back off its investigations of former Afghan President Hamid
Karzai’s drug-dealing brother by both the White House and the CIA.
But the other tactic at play is one that is centuries old. Three centuries
ago, as demand for Chinese goods like silk and tea soared and with nothing to sell in return, Europe was
facing a massive trade imbalance with the infamously inward-looking “middle kingdom.” The fine folks at the
British East India Company hit upon a solution: opium! They sold prodigious amounts of the drug to foreign
traders who shipped it into China. The British got what they wanted and then some: European silver started to
return from the depths of the Chinese mainland and a growing number of Chinese were becoming opium addicts.
The issue eventually came to a head in the First and Second Opium Wars (and, somewhat more obliquely, Skull and Bones).
In the 20th century a remarkably similar strategy was employed by the US in their proxy war with the Soviets
during the Afghan-Soviet War of 1979-1989. As was asserted at the time by veteran researchers like Alfred “The
Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia” McCoy and finally admitted by the Washington Post in May 1990, the CIA and
their Pakistani cohorts had deliberately protected Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and other “Afghan freedom fighters” despite
the fact (or, more likely, because of it) that they were the country’s main heroin manufacturers. This not only led
to a situation where more than 60% of heroin in the US itself was being directly supplied by a CIA operation, but also to encourage use and addiction of opiates by
Soviet troops. The tactic was remarkably successful; not only did Russian troops bring their heroin addictions
back home after the war, the explosion of opium in the past two decades has flooded Central Asia and Russia with
enough raw material to fuel that addiction. In 2009 Russia’s own drug agency admitted the country was now the
world’s number 1 consumer of heroin.
Such geopolitical games do not come without some recoil of course. Putin
has repeatedlyurged NATO’s ISAF invasion force to actually begin eradicating the poppy crop in
Afghanistan instead of spurring it on to new record highs. Last year, after “suddenly realizing” that this will
never happen, Putin pledged to work with the BRICS to combat Afghan drug smuggling (although it remains to
be seen what South Africa or Brazil will be able to contribute to such an effort).
Despite this, business continues as usual for NATO in Afghanistan, especially now that Obama has announced (to
absolutely no one’s surprise) that US troops won’t be withdrawn this year as originally planned. Drone strikes will continue to kill “militants” in Afghanistan on a regular basis. Foundation-funded “investigative news sites” will continue to “break stories” about a
handful of soldiers involved in millions of dollars worth of fraud. Meanwhile the Pentagon will continue to
hemorrhage unaccounted for trillions and facilitate a multibillion dollar drug trade without a
peep from any crusading investigative reporter on a foundation payroll.
Oh, and the “mysterious sources” that are providing these new poppy seeds to the Afghan farmer? Don’t worry
about it. I’m sure someone is going to make a killing on it.
The Truth Behind The Film Kill The Messenger And Gary
Published on Oct 17, 2014
Alex Jones reviews the latest film 'Kill The Messenger' and explains his real life
interactions with Gary Webb whom the film is based on. How the producers and director told the truth about how
the CIA and our government suppressed the real story of their misdeeds and corruption in the sixties, seventies
and still Today.
Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Cocaine
In July 1995, San Jose Mercury-News reporter
Gary Webb found the Big One--the blockbuster story every journalist secretly dreams about--without even looking
for it. A simple phone call concerning an unexceptional pending drug trial turned into a massive conspiracy
involving the Nicaraguan Contra rebels, L.A. and Bay Area crack cocaine dealers, and the Central Intelligence
Agency. For several years during the 1980s, Webb discovered, Contra elements shuttled thousands of tons of
cocaine into the United States, with the profits going toward the funding of Contra rebels attempting a
counterrevolution in their Nicaraguan homeland. Even more chilling, Webb quickly realized, was that the massive
drug-dealing operation had the implicit approval--and occasional outright support--of the CIA, the very
organization entrusted to prevent illegal drugs from being brought into the United States.
Within the pages of Dark Alliance, Webb produces a massive amount of evidence that suggests that
such a scenario did take place, and more disturbing evidence that the powers that be that allowed such an
alliance are still determined to ruthlessly guard their secrets. Webb's research is impeccable--names, dates,
places, and dollar amounts gather and mount with every page, eventually building a towering wall of evidence in
support of his theories. After the original series of articles ran in the Mercury-News in late 1996, both Webb
and his paper were so severely criticized by political commentators, government officials, and other members of
the press that his own newspaper decided it best not to stand behind the series, in effect apologizing for the
assertions and disavowing his work. Webb quit the paper in disgust in November 1997. His book serves as both a
complex memoir of the time of the Contras and an indictment of the current state of America's press; Dark
Alliance is as necessary and valuable as it is horrifying and grim. --Tjames Madison --This text refers to an
out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
The cultivation of what we know today as the
opium poppy goes back to the beginnings of recorded history, when the Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia
cultivated what they referred to as Hul Gil, or the “joy plant.” The practice was passed down through the
Assyrians to the Babylonians and from there to the Egyptians, by which time the opium trade had begun to to
fluorish and was fast becoming the lynchpin of international trade across the Mediterranean into Europe.
Indeed, as far back as one cares to go, control of the international opium trade has been a key
factor in the rise and fall of empires.
During the 18th
century, the British monopolized the opium trade in India and shipped thousands of chests of opium per year
to China as a way of financing their huge trade deficit with that nation. When the Chinese cracked down on opium
trafficking in the mid-19th century, the British fought two wars to ensure their Chinese opium market.
By the 1830s, American traders were already getting in on the act, with Samuel Russell’s “Russell & Company” becoming the largest American trading
house in China. Russell’s cousin, William Huntington Russell, founded Skull & Bones, a
secret society at Yale that has formed the core of the American intelligence establishment, a set of
documentable facts that the establishment media seems eager
to avoid.
The association between Skull and Bones and the American intelligence establishment from the OSS to
the CIA is well-established by now, with a litany of agents, directors, and of course Director of Central
Intelligence, George “Poppy” Bush himself, having been Bonesmen before being recruited for the agency. But the
connection between the CIA and the international drug trade is not simply a historical one about 19th century
opium traders.
Just as the British empire was in part financed by their control of the opium trade through the
British East India Company, so too has the CIA been found time after time to be at the heart of the modern
international drug trade.
From its very inception, the CIA has been embroiled in the murky underworld of drug
In the late 1940s, the CIA funneled arms and
funds to the Corsican Mafia in return for their assistance in breaking up widespread labour strikes in
France that were threatening to establish communist control over the Old Port of Marseille. The Corsican crime
syndicate, in turn, used the CIA support to set up the trafficking network known as “The French Connection” which saw heroin
smuggled from Turkey to France, and shipped to the US, feeding an American heroin epidemic.
In Burma in 1950, the CIA
regrouped the remnants of the defeated Nationalist Chinese Army, or KMT, to start an invasion of Southern
China and draw Chinese troops away from the Korean front. Easily beaten back by Mao’s forces, the KMT instead
turned their attention to occupying Burma, imposing an opium tax on all farmers in the opium-rich Shan
highlands. Members of the Burmese military claimed that the KMT opium was flown out to Thailand and Taiwan on
the same unmarked C-47s that the CIA had used to supply the group in the first place.
In the 1960s and early 1970s, the CIA recruited the Laotian Hmong tribe to fight communist forces
in the region. The CIA encouraged the Hmong to grow opium instead of rice to make them dependent on CIA air
drops of food. The agency could then force their compliance by threatening to withdraw the food aid. To make the
deal even sweeter, they even located a heroin
refinery at CIA headquarters in northern Loas and used Air America, a passenger and cargo airline that was
covertly owned and operated by the CIA, to export the Laotian opium and heroin. Much of it ended up in Vietnam,
causing an epidemic of heroin addiction in US soldiers.
In the 1980s, the locus of opium production shifted from the Golden Triangle, where the CIA was
disengaging, to the Golden Crescent, where it was engaging with the Afghan mujahedeen in their CIA-funded struggle against the
Soviets. Opium became a key funding mechanism for the insurgency, and as Peter Dale Scott explained on The
Eyeopener earlier this year, the
correlation between CIA involvement in the region and increasing opium production was not coincidental.
Also in the 1980s, the US supported the Contras in their fight against the Sandanista government in
Nicaragua. Officially
barred from arming and funding the Contras by congress, the CIA came up with a scheme to sell arms to
Iran and use the funds to illegally arm and supply the Contras. CIA-protected drug smugglers flew down to
Nicaragua loaded with arms to supply the Contras and flew back loaded with Columbian cocaine. A decade later,
investigative reporter Gary Webb used
official government documents to prove that the CIA had sheltered these drug smuggling
operatives and followed the trail of this cheap Columbian cocaine to the beginning of the crack
epidemic in South-Central LA.
Despite the numerous, documented and fully admitted examples of CIA involvement in drug dealing in
the past, the idea that the agency is still tied in with international drug traffickers is largely dismissed as
the stuff of conspiracy theory.
Over the last several years, however, some sensational but under-reported stories of plane crashes
in Mexico have served to focus attention once again on the issue of agency complicity in drug dealing.
In 2004, a Beech 200 was apprehended in
Nicaragua with 1100 kilos of cocaine. It was bearing a false tail number for a CIA aircraft owned by a
CIA shell company.
In 2006, a DC9 was seized on a jungle
airstrip in the Yucatan carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine packed into 126 identical black suitcases. The
plane’s owner was linked to a company called Skyway Communications, whose CEO, James Kent, had previously held
contract positions supporting intelligence projects for the DoD.
In 2007, a Grumman Gulfstream II jet crashed in Mexico carrying 3.3 tons of Columbian
cocaine linked to the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel. Later it was revealed that the plane had previously been used
by the CIA to carry out rendition flights to Guantanamo Bay.
In 2008, a Cessna 402c aircraft was
seized in Columbia with 850 kilos of cocaine bound for the United States. The plane’s purchase history
links it to a company that one ex-CIA asset has fingered as a company that has a history of being involved in US
government operations.
Now, the issue of intelligence agency drug dealing has once again raised its head in spectacular
fashion in a rather unlikely place: a Chicago federal courtroom.
The case revolves around the prosecution of an accused Mexican drug trafficker, Jesus Vicente
Zambada Niebla. Zambada Niebla is part of the famed Sinaloa drug cartel, an organization that has risen in
Calderon’s Mexico to become one of the most powerful international drug trafficking cartels in the region, if
not on the globe.
His case revolves around “
Fast and Furious,” an offshoot of the ATF’s Project Gunrunner which was ostensibly set up to stop the flow of
illegal weapons into Mexico but has in fact allowed over 2000 guns to be smuggled under the ATF’s nose into the
hands of Mexican drug gangs.
Zambada Niebla is in court on charges of serving as the logistical coordinator for the Sinaloa
cartel, helping to import tons of cocaine into the us by land, rail, and air.
The only problem is that Zambada Niebla is now
claiming to to be an asset of the US government. In response to this claim, US government prosecutors are
attempting to invoke the “Classified Information Procedures Act” to keep classified material relation to
national security out of public court proceedings.
According to a former federal agent contacted for comment on the case by Bill Conroy of NarcoNews,
the invocation of CIPA means that CIA involvement in the case “is a very reasonable conclusion” and that “there
is hot stuff to hide.”
Earlier this week, I had the chance to talk to Bill Conroy about the case, and about
the possible relationship between the CIA and the Mexican drug cartels.
Despite the startling nature of the case, and the likelihood of agency complicity in drug
trafficking into the United States yet again, the establishment media has been almost completely silent on this
aspect of the Fast and Furious scandal, with Bill Conroy at NarcoNews being one of the only reporters on the
beat at the moment.
Perhaps this is not surprising, given the shameful history of the American media in their coverage
of CIA-drug connections in the past.
After the publication of Gary Webb’s expose on the CIA-Contra drug connections in the San Jose
Mercury News in 1996, he was subjected to a fierce critique from the Washington Post, the LA Times and the New
York Times. The backlash eventually forced Webb’s editors at the Mercury News to back away from the story. The
CIA’s own internal
investigation by Inspector General Frederick Hitz vindicated much of Webb’s reporting, but Webb
remained a
journalistic outcast and the story was commonly believed to be discredited.
In 2004, Gary Webb was found dead from two gunshot wounds to the head. The death was ruled a
In the end, perhaps it is a simple matter of economics. There are billions of dollars per year to
be made in keeping the drug trade going, and it has long been established that Wall Street and the major
American banks rely on drug money as a ready source of liquid capital.
In late 2009, Antonio Maria Costa, the head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, even went on record to
say that it was primarily drug money that kept the American financial system afloat during the 2008 crisis,
estimating that some $352 billion dollars of drug profits had been laundered via the major US banks during that
With those kinds of funds at stake, it is unsurprising to see a media-government-banking nexus
develop around the status quo of a never-ending war on drugs, aided, abetted and facilitated by the modern-day
British East India Company, the CIA.
As Presidential candidate Ron Paul pointed
out during his 1988 run for the White House, it is not until the people take back their government and
repeal the drug laws that help to maintain this phony drug war and artificially inflate the prices of this
age-old scourge that we can begin to actually deal with the root of the drug problem, and at the same time
remove one of the key funding sources for the CIA’s illegal operations
Meet the man who knew the secrets of the CIA’s Dark Alliance. From the jungles of Nicaragua to
the mean streets of south-central LA, Gary Webb’s groundbreaking journalism uncovered a scandal so huge that the
story could not be allowed to continue. Help us honour the memory of this intrepid reporter by exploring the
death and passing on the life’s work of Gary Webb.
Soldier admits to helping grow
Published on Oct 23, 2014
Infowars Reporter Joe Biggs Breaks down Why the Opium
Trade in Afghanistan has skyrocketed even though the US government has spent 7 Billion to halt opium growth. He
also gives a first hand account of missions he was on In Afghanistan where he was told to guard opium fields. Our
Government obviously isn't putting 7 billion dollars towards stopping the growth opium and is instead helping its
growth. So many people every year get addicted to opiates and heroin. We know the CIA used Freeway Ricky Ross to
bring Cocaine in to California, What makes you think that they wont do it again.
Former West Coast drug kingpin tells his monumental story about the sudden influx of
cocaine into the neighborhoods of Los Angeles. Plus, as a result of the fearless work of Gary Webb, the inevitable
realization that the Government was the main supplier and distributor.
Several Civilians Killed In New Wave Of Protests Against
Kurdish Forces In Deir Ezzor https://southfront.org/several-civili... #Syria #Afghanistan
US Government Airstrike Kills Five
Afghan Civilians, Bringing The Total To Over 80 Killed In 2 Weeks
- The Globalists Biggest
Ponzi Scheme of All Time 1 -
Uploaded on Jul 10, 2011
Today on this live Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers a host of current
topics and takes your calls. While the Obama Administration is under fire for lying about its knowledge of the
ATF's Operation Fast and Furious, where it smuggled firearms to Mexican Drug Gangs, Alex breaks down its relation
to larger government drug dealing and an attempt to use the program as a false flag against the 2nd Amendment. Alex
will also discuss the lavish lives led by the elite who continue to call for carbon taxes and other curbs in
development in the name of saving the environment.
War on Drugs
- The Globalists Biggest
Ponzi Scheme of All Time 2 -
Uploaded on Jul 10, 2011
Today on this live Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers a host of current
topics and takes your calls. While the Obama Administration is under fire for lying about its knowledge of the
ATF's Operation Fast and Furious, where it smuggled firearms to Mexican Drug Gangs, Alex breaks down its relation
to larger government drug dealing and an attempt to use the program as a false flag against the 2nd Amendment. Alex
will also discuss the lavish lives led by the elite who continue to call for carbon taxes and other curbs in
development in the name of saving the environment.
Pat Tillman Fragged-Breaking Down The
US Troops ‘Saved’ ISIS Terrorists & Leaders
From Taliban Siege In East Afghanistan
The Last American Vagabond
Published on Jun 24, 2019
The Swamp King Bruce Fein on the American
Empire - 8/22/18 -
by Scott - Aug 26, 2018 - Interviews
Bruce Fein joins
Scott to talk about U.S. complicity in war crimes by supporting brutal regimes oversees.
He points out that according to international law, if the United
States supports a country that’s at war, it becomes a co-belligerent and can legitimately be
attacked, just like the original country.Unfortunately, despite some
rhetoric to the contrary, President Trump seems just as willing as his predecessors to engage in
unconstitutional wars and executive overreach.
“Forget Trump: The Military-Industrial Complex is Still Running the Show With Russia” (
The American Conservative)
Bruce Fein is an attorney and former associate deputy attorney general and general counsel for
the FCC. He writes regularly for The American Conservative, and you
can follow him on Twitter @BruceFeinEsq.
Bruce Fein on the American Empire and How It
Increases Executive Power June 27, 2018
Scott Horton
Published on Jul 4, 2018
Bruce Fein is interviewed on his new article for The American
Conservative Magazine, “American Empire Demands a Caesar“. The evolution of the
Republic to the Empire is discussed, and where and when the Republic went wrong
is debated.
Jesse Ventura and Brigida Santos discuss the fate of the global
international order and why some experts predict American hegemony will end by
2030. Constitutional scholar and author Bruce Fein shares insight from his
book, “American Empire Before the Fall.”
Bruce Fein on the American Empire
August 22, 2018
Scott Horton
Published on Sep 23, 2018
Bruce Fein joins Scott to talk about U.S. complicity in war
crimes by supporting brutal regimes oversees. He points out that according to
international law, if the United States supports a country that’s at war, it
becomes a co-belligerent and can legitimately be attacked, just like the
original country. Unfortunately, despite some rhetoric to the contrary,
President Trump seems just as willing as his predecessors to engage in
unconstitutional wars and executive overreach.
Bruce Fein is an attorney and former associate deputy attorney
general and general counsel for the FCC. He writes regularly for The American
Conservative, and you can follow him on Twitter @BruceFeinEsq.
US Army Asked Twitter How Military Service
Has Impacted People
- The Responses Will Break Your Heart -
The Last American Vagabond
Published on May 27, 2019
This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 5/26.
Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Timeby Carroll Quigley is the ultimate insider
admission of a secret global elite that has impacted nearly every modern historical event.
Learn how the Anglo-American banking elite were able to secretly establish and maintain their
global power. This massive hardcover book of 1348 pages provides a detailed world history
beginning with the industrial revolution and imperialism through two world wars, a global
depression and the rise of communism.Tragedy & Hopeis the definitive work on the world's power
structure and an essential source material for understanding the history, goals and actions of
the New World Order.
Author Carroll Quigley was an esteemed professor of
history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University and also taught at Princeton and at
Harvard. President Bill Clinton was a student of Quigley and named him as an important
influence. As a trusted and well respected insider, Professor Quigley had access to a variety of
secret papers and sources from which he did his research forTragedy & Hope.
One of the key revelations Quigley reveals is a
secret organization created by Englishman Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes was the founder of diamond company
De Beers, ardent supporter of British colonialism and creator of the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship
that has since educated so many global elite leaders. Funded by Rhodes' estate,
goal of this organization was to consolidate world control into the hands of the English speaking
elites. This book ties together how this secret organization of global elites has quietly steered
the world towards a goal of global government using collectivism.
As an insider with access to many secret documents,
Quigley was proud of the achievements of this secret organization and wrote this book from that
viewpoint. The book was intended to only be read by fellow academics and other insider
intellectuals that shared a similar world view. The book was quickly taken out of print when it
became more widely circulated and opponents latched onto it as a confession of the global elite.
As pressure mounted, the publishers relented and authorized this identical reissue edition.
This book continues to provide one of the most revealing looks into the goals and methodology of the
global elite. This book is printed in limited quantities and not readily available at most
mainstream bookstores. Infowars is proud to have secured a batch of Tragedy & Hope and to help spread this valuable history and
Quotes from Tragedy &
"The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing
less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political
system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a
feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at
in frequent private meetings and conferences." -- Carroll Quigley, Chapter 20.
"There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international
Anglophile network.I know of the operations of this
network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early
1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and
have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in
the past and recently, to a few of its policies ... but in general my chief difference of opinion is
that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be
known." --Carroll Quigley, Chapter 65.
"...True, the United States does enjoy the “benefit” of appearing supremely powerful,
but this is only a cruel joke. When the Network is satisfied that all major obstacles to its unelected rule have
been removed, it will be a simple matter to destroy the US dollar, “justifiably” cut off the flow of money and
credit to the United States, and create the political incentive (necessity) for the United States to fully enter
the new global system..."
-- Joe Plummer, Tragedy & Hope 101 Chapter 3 The Network “Recovers”
Dr. Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University joins us to
discuss his research with Catherine Austin Fitts into the $21 trillion in unaccounted transactions on the
books of the US Department of Defence and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. We discuss what
we know and don't know about the subject, the Pentagon's nonsensical and inadequate excuses for the debacle,
the new accounting guideline that legally allows every department of the federal government to create fake
and altered books for public consumption, the recent failed Pentagon audit, the government's refusal to
provide any information about the problem, the failure of congress to pursue the issue, and the failure of
the press to report on it.
This is part of our series on the unaccounted for $21 Trillion in
taxpayer money. As unbelievable and absurd as that sounds, the actual total of unaccounted for money at the
Pentagon is most likely significantly more than $21 trillion. The First ever “full-scope audit” of the
Pentagon is presently underway. Read the first report from this series
According to the Department of Defense Inspector General and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, $21
Trillion in Taxpayer Funding Is Unaccounted For.
To help people comprehend the scale of this, $1 Trillion is $1000 Billion. This means that $21,000 Billion in
taxpayer money has gone missing.
How can this be possible?
We outlined the “Unaccountable System of Global War Profiteers” in detail here.
For further understanding, we are featuring another mind-blowing Department of
Defense Inspector General (DOD IG) report.
The following are highlights from the DOD IG “Summary of DOD Office of the
Inspector General Audits of Financial Management”:
The financial management systems DOD has put in place to control and
monitor the money flow don’t facilitate but actually “prevent DOD from
collecting and reporting financial information… that is accurate, reliable, and
timely.” (p. 4)
DOD frequently enters “unsupported” (i.e. imaginary) amounts in its books
(p. 13) and uses those figures to make the books balance. (p. 14)
Inventory records are not reviewed and adjusted; unreliable and inaccurate
data are used to report inventories, and purchases are made based on those
distorted inventory reports. (p. 7)
DOD managers do not know how much money is in their accounts at the
Treasury, or when they spend more than Congress appropriates to them. (p.
Nor does DOD “record, report, collect, and reconcile” funds received from
other agencies or the public (p. 6),
DOD tracks neither buyer nor seller amounts when conducting transactions
with other agencies. (p. 12)
“The cost and depreciation of the DOD general property, plant, and
equipment are not reliably reported….” (p. 8);
“… the value of DOD property and material in the possession of contractors
is not reliably reported.” (p. 9)
DOD does not know who owes it money, nor how much. (p. 10.)
“audit trails” are not kept “in sufficient detail,” which means
no one can track the
DOD’s “Internal Controls,” intended to track the money, are inoperative. Thus,
DOD cost reports and financial statements are inaccurate, and the size, even the
direction (in plus or minus values), of the errors cannot be identified, and
DOD does not observe many of the laws that govern all this.
It is as if the accountability and appropriations clauses of the U.S. Constitution
were just window dressing, behind which this mind-numbing malfeasance thrives.
[SHORT v.]
Update on that missing
$21+ Trillion, David DeGraw & Lee Camp
Changemaker Media
Published on Jun 22, 2018
The fundamental rule when operating in chaos is to
tell the “truth.” It is all you have as a shield & weapon. That is
the guidepost...
Technically, this is a violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act, a statute carrying
felony sanctions of fines and imprisonment.
Congress and the Pentagon annually report and hold hearings on DOD’s lack of
financial accountability and sometimes enact new laws, but many of the new laws simply
permit the Pentagon to ignore the previous ones; others are eyewash.
If you have a system that does not accurately know what its spending history is, and
does not know what it is now (and does not care to redress the matter), how can you
expect it to make a competent, honest estimate of future costs?
It is self-evident that an operation that tolerates inaccurate, unverifiable data
cannot be soundly managed; it exempts itself from any reasonable standard of
Recall, also that the errors in cost, schedule and performance that result are not
random: actual costs always turn out to be much higher than, sometimes even multiples
of, early estimates; the schedule is always optimistic, and the performance is always
The Pentagon, defense industry and their congressional operatives want – need – to
increase the money flow into the system to pretend to improve it.
Supported by a psychology of excessive secrecy, generated fear and the ideological
belief that there is no alternative to high cost, high complexity weapons, higher
budgets are easier to justify, especially if no one can sort out how the Pentagon
actually spends its money.
The key to the DOD spending problem is to initiate financial accountability. No
failed system can be understood or fixed if it cannot be accurately measured.
And yet, there is no sense of urgency in the Pentagon to do anything about it.
Indeed, in the 1990s, we were promised the accountability problem would be solved by
1997. In the early 2000s, we were promised it would be solved by 2007; then by 2016;
then by 2017….
[LONG v.]
Truth About $21
Trillion Missing At The Pentagon w/ David Degraw
Changemaker Media
Published on Jun 22, 2018
How $21 Trillion in U.S. Tax Money Disappeared.
“Full Scope Audit” of the Pentagon
The question must be asked: if nothing has been done by the Pentagon to end the
accountability problem after more than 20 years of promises, is top management simply
incompetent, or is this the intended result of obfuscation to avert accountability?
A spending system that effectively audits its weapon programs and offices would also
be one that systemically uncovers incompetent and crooked managers, false promises and
those who made them.
It would also necessarily reveal reasons to dramatically alter, if not cease,
funding for some programs, which of course would make lots of people in industry,
Congress, and the executive branch unhappy.
The current system and its out of control finances mortally harm our defenses,
defraud taxpayers, and bloat the Pentagon and federal budgets.
Any reform that fails to address this most fundamental problem is merely another
doomed attempt that will only serve to perpetuate a system that thrives on falsehoods
and deception.
William Hartung, Director of the Arms and Security
Project at the Center for International Policy, summed up the accountability crisis at the Pentagon by
“Call it irony or call it symptomatic of the department’s way of life, but an analysis by the Project on
Government Oversight notes the Pentagon has so far spent roughly $6 billion on ‘fixing’ the audit problem —
with no solution in sight.
If anything, the Defense Department’s accounting practices have been getting worse.”
The above post was an excerpt from The Pentagon Labyrinth, 10
Short Essays to Help You Through It. It was written by, “10 Pentagon Insiders, Retired Military Officers
and Specialists With Over 400 Years of Defense Experience.” The section we featured is from Essay #8,
Decoding the Defense Budget: The Ultimate in Cooked Numbers, by Winslow T. Wheeler.
* Report Full PDF Here *
WHO: 24.4 Million in Yemen Need
Humanitarian Assistance, Jan 18, 2019
"This support to the Saudi-UAE effort to wage this war in Yemen,
though, is not legitimate. It's illegal. It was started by the Obama administration and continued and
emphasized by the Trump administration. It's illegal. It's brutal."
-- Col. Larry Wilkerson --
Most of Congress "Likes War" and Opposes Ending US Support for Saudi War in Yemen.
TheRealNews, Published on Nov 6, 2017
“A lot of people at least the corporate media,
the western media, the establishment media - whatever you want to call it - tend to tell us that this is a proxy
war between Saudi Arabia and Iran...Is that true?” [Rick Sanchez]
It’s not to the extent that they talk about it at all. MSNBC ignored
this conflict for two years as Fair showed. But, now that they are talking about it; what they need to point out is
that the Houthis have been winning for two reasons: One is that they actually recommandeered billions of dollars of
weapons the US supplied the deposed and dead dictator Saleh. And worked along side the Yemeni army which was
formerly supplied by the US not Iran. Iran is supplying some political and media support but not the weapons that
our government and the Saudis claim. So the
idea of a proxy war is false. The Houthis are an endogenous
nationalistic resistance force that is fighting against a puppet government that poses an existential threat to
them!” [Max Blumenthal]
--Rick Sanchez & Max Blumenthal--
The ABC’s of the War in Yemen with Max Blumenthal. RT, Nov1, 2018
"The UN embargo/blockade against Yemen and the
Yemenis violates Genocide Convention article II (e): Deliberately inflicting on the group, conditions of life
calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." --Prof. Francis A
Boyle-- YEMEN: A Genocidal War Against Children and
Civilians Sanctioned by the UN, US, UK & NATO
"Boyle explained that the Saudis and their allies in the Gulf Arab
Emirates wanted to establish full control over the entire Arabian peninsula and also of the choke point region at
the head of the Persian, or Arabian Gulf through which all oil exports, including those of Iran and Iraq were
shipped by sea. 'They want to control the entire Saudi Peninsula, all its
resources, and the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait through which all the oil and gas to Europe must
pass,' he said."
-- Vanessa Beeley, Journalist -- YEMEN: “Saudis, Emiratis and USA are Inflicting a War of Genocide Against the Houthis"
- Prof. Francis Boyle
Whitney Webb Interview The Ignored Yemen Genocide: "18.4 Million People Are Starving To Death" The Last American Vagabond Published on Nov 1, 2018
“While US President Donald Trump boasts about the defeat
of Islamic State in Syria, US government-purchased weapons appear in the hands of Islamic State terrorists in
EP 294 of the SUNDAY WIRE show, host Patrick Henningsen spoke with Bulgarian investigative journalist
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, to discuss her latest
investigation which reveals illegal US Department of Defense operation to traffic weapons clear into
2018-2019 – and into the hands of ISIS terrorists in Yemen and Syria. The details in this story leave no doubt as
to the scale and severity of this illegal operation which contravenes US, EU and international law.
The Texas division of Child Protective Services may be ultimately to blame for a child's death this past week after
the child was taken from her parents because they smoked pot and put in foster care with the woman that would
eventually end up killing her.
Round Rock, Texas resident Joshua Hill received an urgent call last Monday, July 29 requesting he rush to the Scott
and White Children's Emergency Hospital in Temple, about an hour north of Round Rock. Hill was only told it
concerned his daughter, and was kept in the dark as to exactly what to expect.
Pot To Treat PTSD May Lead
To Life In Prison For Vet
Published on Jul 8, 2015
A marine corps veteran faces life in
prison for cultivating marijuana plants while he lived in Oklahoma, plants which he relied on to treat severe
post-traumatic stress disorder.
“The kind of help he got was being tossed in jail,” Whitney expressed.
Speaking of help, it should come as no surprise you won’t find any at the VA. Post Traumatic Stress
Sufferer, Iraq War Veteran Chris Dorsey was told by a desk clerk at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs clinic
in Georgia that they aren’t accepting any new patients.
This was the second facility Dorsey had been turned away from in a matter of days for his Post
Traumatic Stress, even though it was PTSD awareness month.
Both of the facilities he visited failed to tell him of special treatment available to him as a
part of PTSD awareness month, essentially the VA, the creator of PTSD awareness month, was unaware of PTSD
awareness month. As our tax dollars burn in the wind. Jon Bowne reports.
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions
more. we all want liberty. Find the free live feed at http://www.infowars.com/watch-alex-jo...
Government Admits they Deal
Heroin, Terrorize Families for Pot
At the same time, the CIA and other agencies of government
have admittedly carried out narcotrafficking operations for decades. This is especially true in Afghanistan, where
troops guard opium crops, and the fight against the Taliban and al qaeda is mired in drug
Under the interim government
of Hamid Karzai, opium poppy cultivation once again began to skyrocket and opium markets were restored. According
to the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP), opium cultivation increased by 657 per cent in 2002 in relation
to its 2001 level. The UNDCP estimated 2002 opium poppy cultivation would cover an area between 45,000 and 65,000
hectares. Opium cultivation in 2001 had fallen to an estimated 7,606 hectares. According to the UN, in 2006 alone
Afghanistan supplied 92 percent of the world’s supply of opium (see Apratim Mukarji’sAfghanistan: From Freedom to Terror, p. 22-23).
“The Golden Crescent drug trade, launched by the CIA in the early 1980s, continues
to be protected by US intelligence, in liaison with NATO occupation forces and the British military. In recent
developments, British occupation forces have promoted opium cultivation through paid radio
advertisements,”Michel Chossudovsky wrote in 2007.
“Respected people of Helmand. The soldiers of ISAF and ANA do not destroy poppy
fields,” the radio promo said. “They know that many people of Afghanistan have no choice but to grow poppy. ISAF
and the ANA do not want to stop people from earning their livelihoods.” This is basically the same excuse used by
the soldier interviewed by Geraldo.
“Senior Bush Administration officials had displayed a complete lack of interest in
the Afghan opium problem ever since 9/11,”James Risen writes
inState of War. “In
fact, the White House and Pentagon went out of their way to avoid taking on the Afghan drug lords from the very
outset of U.S. military operations in Afghanistan.”
Not mentioned is the fact that more than 95 percent of the revenue generated by
opium production is siphoned off to business syndicates, organized crime and banking and financial
“In many instances, drug money is currently the only liquid investment capital,”
said Vienna-based UNODC Executive DirectorAntonio Maria Costa said last January. “In the second half of 2008, liquidity was the banking system’s main
problem and hence liquid capital became an important factor.”
Former Managing Director and board member of Wall Street investment bank Dillon
Read,Catherine Austin Fitts,
has long alleged that the banksters launder imponderable amounts of drug money. “According to the Department of
Justice, the US launders between $500 billion – $1 trillion annually. I have little idea what percentage of that
is narco dollars, but it is probably safe to assume that at least $100-200 billion relates to US drug
import-exports and retail trade,” writes Fitts.
The CIA has long secured the lucrative global drug market for Wall Street and for
its own operational “off-the-books” purposes. “The CIA’s operational directorate, in other words that’s their
covert operations, para-military, dirty tricks — call it whatever you want — has for at least 40 years that we can
document paid for a significant amount of its work through the sales of heroin and
cocaine,”Guerrilla News Network reported in an interview with Christopher Simpson.
The CIA has been in the drug running business since the 1950s.
Vietnam, Laos, Latin America, and Afghanistan, the CIA — also known
as the “Cocaine Import Agency” — has remained at the forefront of the international illicit drug trade. The
journalist Gary Webb and the San Jose Mercury News tied the CIA and the Contras to a large crack cocaine ring
in Los Angeles. Webb paid with his life for revealing this information to the public.
None of this was mentioned by Geraldo Rivera and Fox News. Instead we are told
drug dealing in Afghanistan is something engaged in by the evil Taliban (a group of religious fanatics created by
theCIA and its partner, Pakistin’s ISI intelligence
Not that the Taliban are innocent — they have abandoned their old ways and are now
exploiting the opium bumper crop to fund their operations.
“Curbing the Taliban’s multimillion dollar opium poppy business was a major goal
of a military operation to seize this former insurgent stronghold,” theAssociated Press reported in March. “If they destroy the crops and curb the trade, they lose the support
of the population — a problem for which they have no easy solution.”
Support of the population, of course, comes in a far distant second to maintaining
the addiction of Wall Street and the CIA to billions of dollars in profit.
Welcome To America…
Now Bend Over
Police terrorize public with
warrantless anal probes in freedom eviscerating “war on drugs” fallout
When the animated series South Park lampooned the TSA, it
did so by suggesting that screeners routinely demand that Americans passing through airports must submit to anal
examinations. The exaggerated humor served to highlight a serious point – that TSA agents everywhere are violating
Americans’ privacy and constitutional rights by groping their genitals and searching inside their underwear.
A disturbing series of recent cases suggests that this exact thing is now REALLY happening in the US – except it
isn’t confined to airports, it is being carried out by police on the streets, and by doctors in hospitals at the
behest of law enforcement officials.
The stories have centered on New Mexico, where not one, not two, but THREE cases of law enforcement officials
enforcing humiliating and demeaning anal probes and body cavity searches WITHOUT CONSENT have been reported in
recent weeks.
By far the most appalling of these cases was that of David Eckert, who was subjected to FOURTEEN HOURS of
medical probes at the hands of doctors following orders from deputies with the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office and
police officers with the City of Deming.
Eckert’s crime? He did not come to a complete stop at a stop sign.
[missing vid]
After pulling Eckert over, officers approached with a drug
sniffing dog which alerted. The officers then suggested Eckert was “clenching his buttocks”, and that they had
probable cause to have him examined.
While a doctor at one emergency room refused to go along with the “unethical” process, physicians at the Gila
Regional Medical Center in Silver City agreed to carry out the anal exams, happy that the police had secured a
“search warrant” from a judge.
The medical report released as part of the case indicates that police ordered doctors to carry out no less than
EIGHT anal and abdominal searches, consisting of 2 X-rays, 2 anal penetration examinations by hand, 3 enemas,
forcing Eckert to defecate in front of doctors and police each time, and finally a full colonoscopy, involving
inserting a camera into his anus, rectum, colon, and large intestine.
At no point were any drugs discovered. Eckert never gave consent for any of the procedures to be carried out and
was vocally resistant throughout. The police and doctors involved are now facing a hefty lawsuit and possibly being
both sacked and banned from law enforcement and the practice medicine respectively.
While Eckert’s attorneys are questioning whether a judge even has the authority to issue such a warrant to
search INSIDE a person’s body, what is not under any doubt is the fact that the horrific medical procedures were
carried out in a different county to the one in which said warrant had apparent jurisdiction. Some of the
procedures were also undertaken in the hours AFTER the warrant had expired.
“This is like something out of a science fiction film, anal probing by government officials and public
employees,” said Eckert’s attorney, Shannon Kennedy, who is arguing that there wasn’t sufficient probable cause in
the case.
“If the officers in Hidalgo County and the City of Deming are seeking warrants for anal cavity searches based on
how they’re standing and the warrant allows doctors at the Gila Hospital of Horrors to go in and do enemas and
colonoscopies without consent, then anyone can be seized and that’s why the public needs to know about this,” the
attorney added.
But this was not the end of the story. Eckert’s attorney has uncovered another case almost identical to his
ordeal, involving a second man being forcefully anally probed at the hands of the same police department and the
same doctors.
After not using his blinker at a junction, Timothy Young was pulled over by cops in Lordsburg, N.M and subjected
to a search involving the very same drug sniffing dog that featured in Eckert’s ordeal. When the dog again alerted,
Young was shipped off to the Gila Regional Medical Center and subjected to anal exams and x-rays of his stomach,
without giving his consent.
[missing vid]
The examinations again turned up nothing, and it again
turned out that the “search warrant” obtained by the cops was issued in a different county to where the medical
exams took place.
The attorney in Eckert’s case also discovered that that the drug sniffing dog’s certification expired in 2011
and was never renewed. The law states that drug dogs must be re-certified every year.
“We have done public requests to find anything that would show this dog has been trained, we have evidence that
this dog has had false alerts in the past,” Kennedy said.
Following intense media coverage, a THIRD person from New Mexico, this time a woman, has come forward with a
similar story. Representing the woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, the ACLU states that federal border patrol
agents pressed their fingers into her vagina and anus without consent and without a warrant, following a drug dog
alerting to her at a Port of Entry from Juarez, Mexico into El Paso.
[missing vid]
The agents are said to have stripped searched the woman at
their facility, asked her to spread her genitalia and to cough. Female agents also allegedly pressed their fingers
into her vagina looking for drugs, but turned up nothing. Medical records examined by the ACLU revealed that the
woman did not consent to the strip search or having her private parts sexually molested. The woman’s ordeal then
continued as the agents delivered her to the University Medical Center of El Paso.
“First, medical staff observed her making a bowl movement and no drugs were found at that point,” said Laura
Schaur Ives, Legal Director for the New Mexico Chapter of the ACLU. “They then took an X-ray, but it did not reveal
any contraband. They then did a cavity search and they probed her vagina and her anus, they described in the
medical records as bi-manual–two handed. Finally, they did a cat scan. Again, they found nothing.”
These cases indicate that police are conducting these procedure as a matter of routine when a drug sniffing dog
reacts to anyone they stop. The Americans in these cases have been treated worse than prisoners would be in maximum
security detention facilities, with total disregard for the Fourth Amendment, which is supposed to protect against
unreasonable searches and seizures.
It should also be noted that a prominent study from 2011 found that only 44% percent of all canine “alerts” turn up
any contraband. The analysis conducted by the Chicago Tribune, also found that in Chicago, the number of false
“alerts” jumped to 73 percent when police were confronting a Latino suspect. While this may mean that dogs are
being purposefully manipulated into reacting by discriminatory cops, a further study published in the January 2011 edition of the scientific journal Animal
Cognition found that dogs are overwhelmingly influenced by their handlers’ belief that drugs may be present. The
author of the study, Lisa Lit, noted that this aspect “might be as important — or even more important — than the
sensitivity of a dog’s nose” in such cases.
The three cases described above, are far from isolated incidents. In July of this year, two Houston women, made
headlines when Texas Department of Transportation (DPS) troopers performed embarrassing body cavity searches in
plain view on both women along a Houston highway. The justification for examining both the women’s anuses and
vaginas, was “an odor of marijuana” in their vehicle. In a dash-cam video of the incident the trooper is heard
telling one of the young women “we’re about to get up close and personal with your womanly parts.” After the search
was concluded the women complained of “severe and continuing pain and discomfort.”
Even more disturbingly, the trooper did not change her
gloves in between cavity searches, a blatant health and safety violation. The two women have filed a federal
lawsuit against DPS and are currently in litigation. While the senior trooper was later fired, the trooper that
followed the order to conduct the cavity searches was re-instated to duty, following a short suspension, after a
grand jury failed to indict her on any wrongdoings.
In an almost exact replica of this case, a trooper named Kelley Helleson from North Texas was charged with two
counts of sexual assault and two counts of official oppression by a Dallas County Grand Jury back in March, after
carrying out a search of the body cavities — front and back — of two women along an exit ramp of the Bush Turnpike
in Irving.
The women, Angel Dobbs, 38, and her niece, Ashley Dobbs, 24, were stopped after one of them threw a cigarette
out of their car window. Another trooper on the scene, David Farrell, was charged with theft after one of the women
complained that he stole her prescription bottle of the painkiller hydrocodone. The lawsuit also says Helleson
failed to properly explain the extent of the search, telling the women “not to worry about” why she was putting on
blue latex gloves.
DPS Director Steve McCraw, who oversaw both the cases described above, is accused in the second lawsuit of
failing to address a “long standing pattern of police misconduct involving unlawful strip searches, cavity searches
and the like…”
These ordeals, which amount to a gross violation of civil rights, make the TSA’s airport groping shenanigans
seem somewhat tame in comparison. In numerous other reported cases, while police are stopping short of full on anal
and vaginal searches, they are still terrorizing people in the streets by searching inside their underwear, in
plain view of the public. Police are also routinely stopping drivers and demanding blood, urine and even DNA
samples, without proper authorization.
[missing vid]
The common factor in all of these cases is that police are
using the suspicion of a presence of narcotics as justification for conducting blatantly unconstitutional searches.
Unfortunately, this is the horrific fallout of the over hyped “war on drugs” that the government and the media have
been drilling into the minds of law enforcement officials for some 20+ years.
“Like the war on terror, the war on drugs is framed as a response to an exceptional, existential threat to our
health, our security, and indeed the very fabric of society. The ‘Addiction to narcotic drugs’ is portrayed as an
‘evil’ the international community has a moral duty to ‘combat’ because it is a ‘danger of incalculable gravity’
that warrants a series of (otherwise publicly unacceptable) extraordinary measures. This is not an exaggeration of
the political rhetoric. This crusading language has created a political climate in which drug war policy and
enforcement are not required to meet human rights norms.”
In addition to the bill of rights, every form of dignity is being degraded by design, as the phony drug war is
used by state and federal law enforcement personnel as a pretext to eviscerate privacy, raid private property, and
now, as we have seen, to literally rape Americans on the streets.
In their influential examination of the “war on drugs” researchers Jay Stanley and Barry
Steinhardt note:
“In recent years – in no small part as the result of the failed ‘war on drugs’ – Fourth Amendment principles
have been steadily eroding. The circumstances under which police and other government officials may conduct
warrantless searches has been rapidly expanding. The courts have allowed for increased surveillance and searches on
the nation’s highways and at our ‘borders’ (the legal definition of which actually extends hundreds of miles inland
from the actual border). And despite the Constitution’s plain language covering ‘persons’ and ‘effects,’ the courts
have increasingly allowed for warrantless searches when we are outside of our homes and ‘in public.’ Here the
courts have increasingly found we have no ‘reasonable expectation’ of privacy and that therefore the Fourth
Amendment does not apply.”
If the “war on drugs” were a legitimate operation it would have long ago proven an unmitigated failure. However,
it is a fake initiative, as underscored by information publicly released as part of FBI probes and Congressional investigations in the mid to late nineties, documenting
the fact that US federal agencies, including the CIA, have been shipping in vast quantities of illegal narcotics
for decades, with big banks laundering the ill gotten gains.
Until these flagrant violations of the law are properly addressed, Americans and anyone visiting America needs
to be aware that when traveling they must be wary of encountering law enforcement officials who will disregard
their inalienable rights without hesitation, and will bypass any concern for causing public humiliation of, or
physical and emotional damage to those they encounter.
Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.com, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of
Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from
Nottingham Trent University.
This article was posted: Friday, November 8, 2013 at 1:49 pm
According toNBC DFW, “The lawsuit further alleges that [trooper Kelley]
Helleson performed searches on both women, touching both their anus and vaginas, without changing the latex
gloves between searches.”
Footage of the incident was caught by one of the trooper’s dash-cams and shows in
horrific detail how the two women, Angel Dobbs, 38, and her niece, Ashley Dobbs, 24, were made to submit to
invasive grope-downs in full view of passing motorists.
On this
Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes retired NYPD officer Frank Serpico to discuss police
corruption and the drug war. Serpico’s experiences as a police officer were dramatized in the 1973 film Serpico,
which starred Al Pacino in the lead role.
The true story about an honest New York cop who blew the whistle on rampant
in the force only to have his comrades turn against him.
The Human Race Has Been Sold Out!
- Frank Serpico
Guarding Opium Plants
- For Our Freedom -
In the latter half of the 20th century, eugenics
merely changed its face to become known as "population control". This was crystallized in National Security
Study Memorandum 200, a 1974 geopolitical strategy document prepared by Rockefeller's intimate friend and fellow
Bilderberg member Henry Kissinger, which targeted thirteen countries for massive population reduction by means
of creating food scarcity, sterilization andWAR.
henry kissinger
The Houston Free Thinkers, Derrick Broze covers the story of Henry Kissinger and asks the
is he the greatest diplomat ever known or a war criminal?
The Real Consequences of Bilderberg
If you want to see the real consequences of Bilderberg, look at its plans that have come to
fruition — austerity and loss of national sovereignty and democracy in Europe, the massive transfer of wealth and
manufacturing from American to the communist elite in China.
Frequent attendee Henry Kissinger has been involved in secret wars, military coups, CIA torture and terrorism — all
of which have caused the loss of tens of thousands of lives. But the machinations of his mentor David Rockefeller
and the manipulations of the central banks could, if not stopped, cause worldwide economic disaster, famine and
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was confronted
and labeled a “mass murderer” by We Are Change’s Luke Rudkowski during an event at which Kissinger was awarded a
medal for his role in promoting “freedom and democracy.”
Henry Kissinger Confronted While Receiving The Freedom
For the third time, Luke Rudkowski confronts Henry Kissinger about his crimes against humanity and the Bilderberg
group. Luke also asked him about the comment he is on record saying "The illegal we do immediately, the
unconstitutional takes a little longer." This took place at the Intrepid Freedom Gala where Henry Kissinger was
a reward for "freedom and democracy."
The confrontation took place after Kissinger
gave a speech at the “Salute To Freedom” event which took place last week at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space
Museum in New York.
Filming the exchange via a spectacle-mounted camera while Kissinger sat down to dinner, Rudkowski
asked Kissinger what he meant by the quote, “The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little
longer,” which emerged recently via a
Wikileaks data dump.
After a garbled response, Kissinger remarked, “What are you doing this for?”
Rudkowski then asked, “We want to know what the agenda of the Bilderberg Group meeting’s going to
be,” to which Kissinger responded, “Oh come on, get lost please, I said get lost!”
Rudkowski continued, “How does it feel winning the freedom award when you’re wanted as a mass
murderer and wanted in many countries and butchered millions of people?”
“You coward! You self-serving coward – get lost!” Kissinger responded.
“You know this freedom award’s a lie and you’re wanted for mass murder in different countries – you
know it’s a lie,” remarked Rudkowski.
Kissinger’s involvement in war crimes was best documented in Christopher Hitchens’ 2001
bookThe Trial of Henry Kissinger. After examining the evidence
of Kissinger’s involvement in directing massacres in Vietnam, Bangladesh and Timor, as well as assassinations in
Chile, Cyprus, and Washington, D.C., Hitchens concludes that Kissinger should be prosecuted “for war crimes, for
crimes against humanity, and for offenses against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy
to commit murder, kidnap, and torture.”
Hitchens also asserted that Kissinger is “a stupendous liar with a remarkable
A number of countries in South America and Europe have sought to question
Kissinger about his actions during the Nixon and Ford administrations and several individuals have also
attempted to make a citizens arrest.
This is the third time that We Are Change have confronted Henry
Kissinger. Watch the first two videos below, including Kissinger’s response to himself being quoted by Bob Woodward
as saying, “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”
War Criminal Henry Kissinger confronted on Bilderberg and
Mass Murder
Henry Kissinger Says Luke Rudkowski
Is A Sick Person for Questioning Him on NSSM 200
In 1952 Alfred Sauvy, a French demographer, coined the term Third World which he
described as the people of the world that are "unknown, exploited, and scorned." In pre-revolutionary France, the
first two estates were the nobility and the clergy; everybody else was the third estate. He joked that the
capitalist world (First World) compared with the nobility and the communist world (Second World) with the clergy.
The First World consists of wealthy capitalist, formerly industrial, countries and the Second World of the former
communist and industrial countries. Third World countries are all the other countries and they have always included
capitalist (e.g., Brazil) and communist (e.g., Cuba) countries, and very rich (e.g., Saudi Arabia) and very poor
(e.g., Mali) countries.
Part contemporary investigation and part
historical inquiry, documentary follows the quest of one journalist in search of justice. The film focuses on
Christopher Hitchens' charges against Henry Kissinger as a war criminal - allegations documented in Hitchens' book
of the same title - based on his role in countries such as Cambodia, Chile, and Indonesia. Kissinger's story raises
profound questions about American foreign policy and highlights a new era of human rights. Increasing evidence
about one man's role in a long history of human rights abuses leads to a critical examination of American diplomacy
through the lens of international standards of justice. Written by Sujit R. Varma
The film focuses on Henry Kissinger and his role in America's secret bombing of Cambodia in 1969, the approval of
Indonesia's genocidal assault on East Timor in 1975, the assassination of a Chilean general in 1970, and his
involvement in the 1969 Paris peace talks concerning the Vietnam Conflict.
"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as
pawns in foreign policy."
STEAL ( ( ( ( This Includes Oil ) ) ) ) Neither Donald Trump Nor the US MilitaryAre Above GOD'S LAW! All People of Conscience Must Stand Against This
Blatant War Crime
Audio Excerpt: The Last American Vagabond - Video: Baghdadi Deception Exposed, Israel Bombs
Gaza After Phantom Rocket & US Violates Own Syria Sanctions
“In international law, you can’t take civilian goods or seize them. That would amount to a war
crime,” Anthony Cordesman, the Arleigh Burke chair in strategy at the Centre for Strategic and International
Studies. “Oil exports were almost the only Iraqi source of money. So you would have to pay for government
salaries, maintain the army, and you have triggered a level of national animosity far worse than we did. It
would be the worst kind of neo-colonialism. Not even Britain did that.” [bold emphasis
Jay Hakes, the author of A Declaration of Energy Independence, about the relationship between US
national security and Middle Eastern oil, was similarly unsparing.“It is hard to overstate the stupidity of this
idea,” he wrote on Real Clear Energy. “Even our allies in the Middle East regard oil in their lands as a gift from
God and the only major source of income to develop their countries. Seizing Iraq’s oil would make our current
allies against Isis our new enemies. We would likely, at the least, have to return to the massive military
expenditures and deployment of American troops at the war’s peak.”
Hakes pointed out that Gen Douglas MacArthur, who Trump professes to admire, did the opposite when
he oversaw the occupation of Japan: MacArthur brought resources in to help fend off starvation of the
population.“By giving up the spoils of war, MacArthur and the United States earned the respect of the Japanese and
the world, helping legitimise America’s status as leader of the free world,” he argued.
While gaining control of key resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in
Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at
As U.S.-based intelligence firm Stratfor noted in 2002, taking control of Syria’s northeast would greatly complicate
the land route between Syria and Iran as well as the land route between Iran and Lebanon. In January, Tillerson
made this objective clear. Speaking at Stanford University, Tillerson noted that “diminishing” Iran’s influence in Syria was a key goal for
the U.S. and a major reason for its occupation of the northeast.
By cutting off the route between Tehran and Damascus, the U.S. would greatly destabilize and weaken the region’s
“resistance axis” and the U.S. — along with its regional allies – would be able to greatly increase its regional
influence and control. Given the alliance between Syria and Iran, as well as their mutual defense accord, the
occupation is necessary in order to weaken both nations and a key precursor to
Trump administration plans to isolate and wage war against Iran.
With internal reports warning of the U.S.’ waning position as the “world’s only superpower,” the U.S. has no
intention of leaving Syria, as it is becoming increasingly desperate to maintain its influence in the region and
to maintain as well the influence of the corporations that benefit the most from U.S. empire.
War and Christian Militarism
Book Review Written by John Larabell
Are you a “Christian warmonger,” a “Red-state Fascist,” a “Reich-Wing nationalist,” an “Imperial
Christian,” a “Christian killer,” a “pro-life murderer,” a “double-minded warmonger,” a
“God-and-country Christian bumpkin,” or a “warvangelical Christian”? According to Laurence M.
Vance, Ph.D., you may be if you support current U.S. foreign policy and the current actions of the
U.S. military. Do you get your news from the “Fox War Channel” and the “War Street
Journal”? If so, you need to read Vance’s books War, Christianity, and the State: Essays on the Follies of Christian
Militarism and War, Empire, and the Military: Essays on the Follies of War and U.S. Foreign
War, Christianity, and the State is a collection of 76 of Vance’s essays written
between 2003 and 2013, all of which appeared on LewRockwell.com. Vance accurately summarizes the
contents of the chapters:
In chapter 1, “Christianity and War,” Christian enthusiasm for war
and the military is shown to be an affront to the Saviour, contrary to Scripture, and a
demonstration of the profound ignorance many Christians have of history. In chapter 2,
“Christianity and the Military,” the idea that Christians should have anything to do with the
military is asserted to be illogical, immoral, and unscriptural. In chapter 3, “Christianity and
the Warfare State,” I argue that Christians who condone the warfare state, its senseless wars, its
war on a tactic (terrorism), its nebulous crusades against “evil,” its aggressive militarism, its
interventions into the affairs of other countries, and its expanding empire have been duped. In
chapter 4, “Christianity and Torture,” I contend that it is reprehensible for Christians to support
torture for any reason.
Vance writes as a conservative, evangelical, fundamentalist Christian, holding degrees in
history, theology, accounting, and economics. His main message in War, Christianity, and the
State is that
If there is any group of people that should be opposed to war,
torture, militarism, and the warfare state with its suppression of civil liberties, imperial
presidency, government propaganda, and interventionist foreign policy it is Christians, and
especially conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist Christians who claim to strictly follow
the dictates of Scripture and worship the Prince of Peace.
Vance sharply rebukes supporters of the warfare state, particularly Christians, and illustrates
the follies and horrors of war. He points out the hypocrisy of Christians who support U.S.
militarism, the warfare state, the neoconservative-dominated Republican Party, and those who
believe almost everything coming from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and
Glenn Beck. Many such Christians claim to worship the Prince of Peace yet wholeheartedly endorse
acts of violence against other people in the form of war. He dubs such Christians “Christian
killers” to illustrate this contradiction.
While some Christians may in fact be opposed to the numerous wars of aggression entered into by
the United States, they almost to a person still “support the troops,” because the troops are “just
following orders” and are thus justified in their killing of those who have not actually attacked
the U.S. homeland. While Vance admits that killing in genuine defense of one’s life or family is
justified, he also argues that killing other human beings, Christian or not, merely because the
government labels them as “the enemy” is not justifiable and is therefore murder. In light of this,
Vance believes that Christians should not serve in today’s military, and if they are already in the
military, they should refuse to kill people in wars of aggression, no matter the consequences.
Vance elaborates:
Most people say the troops are not responsible because they’re just
following orders.... Many evangelical Christians agree, and join in this chorus of statolatry with
their “obey the powers that be” mantra....
First of all, the last time I looked in my Bible, I got the strong
impression that it was only God who should be obeyed 100 percent of the time without question....
If the U.S. government told someone to kill his mother, any American would be outraged if he under
any circumstances went and did it. But if the government tells someone to put on a uniform and go
kill some Iraqi’s mother, the typical American puts a yellow ribbon on his car and says we should
support the troops.... Being told to clean or paint a piece of equipment is one thing; being told
to bomb or shoot a person is another.
War, Empire, and the Military is a collection of 127 of Vance’s essays written
between 2004 and 2014, with the bulk of them appearing on LewRockwell.com. Vance notes of the seven
In chapter 1, “War and Peace,” the evils of war and warmongers and
the benefits of peace are examined. In chapter 2, “The Military,” the evils of standing armies and
militarism are discussed, including a critical look at U.S. military. In chapter 3, “The War in
Iraq,” the wickedness of the Iraq War is exposed. In chapter 4, “World War II,” the “good war” is
shown to be not so good after all. In chapter 5, “Other Wars,” the evils of war and the warfare
state are chronicled in specific wars: the Crimean War (1854-1856), the Russo-Japanese War
(1904-1905), World War I (1914-1918), the Persian Gulf War (1990-1991), and the war in Afghanistan
(2001-). In chapter 6, “The U.S. Global Empire,” the beginnings, growth, extent, nature, and
consequences of the U.S. empire of bases and troops are revealed and critiqued. In chapter 7, “U.S.
Foreign Policy,” the belligerence, recklessness, and follies of U.S. foreign policy are laid
According to Vance, the underlying theme in this collection of essays is
opposition to the warfare state that robs us of our liberty, our
money, and in some cases our life. Conservatives who decry the welfare state while supporting the
warfare state are terribly inconsistent. The two are inseparable. Libertarians who are opposed to
war on principle, but support the state’s bogus “war on terrorism,” even as they remain silent
about the U.S. global empire, are likewise contradictory.
War, Empire, and the Military is a great study of history and a must-read for
anyone who supports current U.S. foreign policy. Vance begins the book by explaining the views of
classical Western thinkers and the views of the Founding Fathers regarding war, empire, and the
military, telling how (and why) the early Americans were very much opposed to the modern warfare
state with its foreign entanglements, foreign wars, and massive military budget. After all, the
U.S. military, Vance says throughout both books, is now used for everything but its original
purpose: the defense of the United States and the securing of her national borders.
In addition to giving detailed accounts of why many of the wars of the past two centuries were
actually fought (often not the reasons given in American public-school history classes), Vance
includes a number of essays depicting the horrors of war from the perspective of soldiers on the
battlefield. After reading many of these accounts, only the most calloused individuals would still
be eager to see America involved in another war.
War, Christianity, and the State is no doubt the more controversial of the two
books. Many conservative Christians will vehemently disagree with Vance’s views on the current
evils of the U.S. military and war in general. In fact, Vance mentions the criticism he receives
from many Christians (most of whom are not in the military) for his opposition to U.S. foreign
policy and the warfare state. He admits that he has been called “liberal,” “communist,” “anti-war
weenie,” “traitor,” “coward,” “America-hater,” and other vulgarities that will not be printed here.
But Vance argues his points well, and provides a great deal of historical background on Christian
opposition to war and the views of the Founding Fathers on war and standing armies to make his
case. Additionally, Vance includes a number of essays featuring letters he has received from
military personnel who agree with him. An open-minded reader who is a genuine Christian would find
it difficult to disagree with Vance’s primary theses in both books.
A few small criticisms are in order. There is a great deal of overlap among the various essays,
which is to be expected, and which Vance admits to in the beginning of both books. Additionally,
there are a number of minor spelling and grammar errors, and, as the essays were primarily online
postings, there are many spots that were obvious hyperlinks that do not show up in the books, which
can be a bit awkward for the reader. This, also, Vance admits to.
But as mentioned above, both books — War, Christianity, and the State and War, Empire, and the Military — are must-reads for conservative
Christians, many of whom have supported the military and the American warfare state. Although
Vance has a literary wit and offers sharp criticism of those he disagrees with in order to
provoke a thoughtful response, open-minded readers will no doubt come to agree with many of his
An independent agency of the United States government responsible for
collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national
interest; headed by the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervision of the President and
National Security Council...There has been considerable criticism of the CIA relating to security
and counterintelligence failures, failures in intelligence analysis, human rights concerns,
external investigations and document releases, influencing public opinion and law enforcement, drug
trafficking, and lying to Congress. In 1987, the former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, John
Stockwell, said the CIA is responsible for tens of thousands of covert actions and destablization
programs since it was created by Congress with the passage of the National Security Act of
1947.At the time, Stockwell estimated that over 6
million people had died in CIA covert actions.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a governmental agency
belonging to the United StatesDepartment of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal
investigative body and an internal intelligence agency (counterintelligence). Also, it is the
government agency responsible for investigating crimes on Indian reservations in the United States
under the Major Crimes Act. The branch has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than
200 categories of federal crime. The agency was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation
(BOI). Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935. The agency
headquarters is the J. Edgar Hoover Building, located in Washington, D.C. The agency has fifty-six
field offices located in major cities throughout the United States, and more than 400 resident
agencies in lesser cities and areas across the nation. More than 50 international offices called
"legal attachés" exist in U.S. embassies and consulates general worldwide.
'Federal Bureau of Investigation organizes almost
all terror plots in the US' ...The report reveals that the FBI regularly infiltrates communities
where they suspect terrorist-minded individuals to be engaging with others. Regardless of their
intentions, agents are sent in to converse within the community, find suspects that could
potentially carry out “lone wolf” attacks and then, more or less, encourage them to do so. By
providing weaponry, funds and a plan, FBI-directed agents will encourage otherwise-unwilling
participants to plot out terrorist attacks, only to bust them before any events fully
Seventeen years of wasted taxpayer money and government mismanagement: millions of U.S. dollars
spent on projects to rebuild Afghanistan that have not helped the Afghan people. In some cases, these projects
actually put Afghans in danger.
This is a Reality Check you won't get anywhere else.
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Flashback 2011: It's
Time To Get Out of Afghanistan
Published on Jan 1, 2019
American politicians have figured out that they can promise peace and never deliver. The American
have wanted out of Afghanistan for a very long time. Will President Trump deliver?
Troops Protect Government Drug
The US military is in Afghanistan for two reasons. First to restore
and control the world’s largest supply of opium for the world heroin markets and to use the drugs as a geopolitical
weapon against opponents, especially Russia. That control of the Afghan drug market is essential for the liquidity
of the bankrupt and corrupt Wall Street financial mafia. ...The second reason the US military remains in
Afghanistan long after the world has forgotten even who the mysterious Osama bin Laden and his alleged Al Qaeda terrorist organization is or even if they exist, is as a pretext to
build a permanent US military strike force with a series of
permanent US airbases across Afghanistan. The aim of those bases is not to eradicate any Al Qaeda cells that may have survived in the caves of Tora Bora,
or to eradicate a mythical “Taliban” which at this point according to eyewitness
reports is made up overwhelmingly of local ordinary Afghanis fighting to rid their land once more of occupier
armies as they did in the 1980’s against the Russians.
N A T I O N A L D E B T ! ! ! ! !
How Zionist Israel is Robbing America
First published at 01:15 UTC on September 6th, 2019.
It doesn't matter if you are a hard-working American. YOU are not
entitled to keep your own income. YOU are a cash cow for the Zionist state of Israel. America's labor force is
Israel's Golden Goose. And I am going
to show you the financial statistics to prove it.
Ever since its inception there have been those who have
warned that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, far from offering a simple "collective security" pact to ensure
the integrity of its member nations' borders, would in fact be used as an offensive tool of imperial adventurism
and conquest. Since the NATO-led Kosovo bombing campaign of 1999 at the very least, those fears have appeared more
and more justified.
Since that time, NATO has continued to take a lead role in more and more overtly
offensive campaigns of aggression in theatre after theatre. By now it is commonly understood to be an extension of
the Pentagon itself, a convenient international military instrument for Washington to wield whenever the pretense
of an international consensus cannot be achieved at the UN Security Council.
-- James Corbett
NATO is the first attempt in history to establish an aggressive
global military formation, one which currently includes a third of the nations of the world either as members or
partners, has members and partners on five continents and has conducted active operations on four, with the
potential to expand its reach into the remaining two where it has not yet officially intruded
itself...As NATO continues to expand across the globe through a series of
partnerships, initiatives and dialogues, what was once a collective security agreement is increasingly
becoming a global military strike force capable of bombarding, invading and occupying countries anywhere
in the world.
The business of lending blood money is one of
the most thoroughly sordid, cold blooded, and criminal acts that were ever carried on, to any considerable extent,
amongst human beings. It is like lending money to slave traders, or to common robbers and pirates, to be repaid out
of their plunder. And theman who loans money to governments, so called, for the purpose of enabling the latter to
rob, enslave and murder their own people, are among the greatest villains that the world has ever seen.
With mountains of documentation, mostly from government and corporate sources, Sutton shows that
Soviet military technology is heavily dependent on U.S. and allied gifts, "peaceful trade" and exchange programs.
We've built for, sold, traded, or given outright to the Communists everything from copper wiring and military
trucks to tank technology, missile guidance technology, and computers - even the Space Shuttle.
Background on Professor Antony C.
Antony C. Sutton — Feb. 14,
1925 - June 17, 2002 Antony Sutton has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent
publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth.
In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at
Stanford University. Sutton showed how the Soviet state's technological and manufacturing base, which was then
engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was
built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to
automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the
Soviet's large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical
Professor Richard Pipes of Harvard said in his book,
Survival Is Not Enough: Soviet Realities and America's Future (Simon & Schuster;1984): "In his three-volume
detailed account of Soviet Purchases of Western Equipment and Technology . . . [Antony] Sutton comes to conclusions
that are uncomfortable for many businessmen and economists. For this reason his work tends to be either dismissed
out of hand as 'extreme' or, more often, simply ignored."
The report was too much and Sutton's career as a
well-paid member of the academic establishment was under attack and he was told that he "would not
His work led him to more questions than answers. "Why
had the US built-up it's enemy? Why did the US build-up the Soviet Union, while we also transferred technology to
Hitler's Germany? Why does Washington want to conceal these facts?"
Sutton, following his leads, proceeded to research and
write his three outstanding books on Wall Street, FDR, the Rise of Hitler, and The Bolshevik Revolution. Then,
someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and "a picture jumped out". And what a picture! A
multigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to
'Illuminati' influences in 1830's Germany.
Over 4 years, 4 festival
wins and sold-out screenings from California to Manchester England.
Angered by the death of several family members from the legal
drugs of alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceuticals, Texas filmmaker Kevin Booth delves into a
world of deceit and corruption controlled by a drug-dealing government whose only allegiance is to
its corporate masters.
The official DVD contains over three hours of bonus features
60-minute mini
documentary about Tommy Chong’s arrest
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
serving rotten food to nonviolent drug offenders
Mike Ruppert going
into great detail about various CIA operations
Ricky Ross talking
from a prison payphone
And much much more
making the DVD a must-have
This final version of
the film features extensive sound mixing and post-production for the Showtime broadcast and is the
version we would like to have spread across the country and the world.
An Infowars Exclusive!
We are the only place to have this DVD in stock and ready to ship.
Director Kevin Booth has exclusively selected Infowars to handle the release of
this DVD. Order today and enjoy special discounted
In American Drug War 2:
Cannabis Destiny (DVD, 90 minutes) director Kevin Booth navigates
through the cutting edge of cannabis research while becoming a foster parent to
a child who is court ordered to take powerful, mind-altering drugs.
An emotional roller coaster from start to finish, American Drug War 2 follows the unimaginable story
of a young boy battling cancer. After surviving brain surgery, radiation,
and chemotherapy, a 2-year-old boy lay in a coma not eating for over 40 days.
His parents are told to make funeral arrangements. However, his father had read
about a version of an ancient drug made from cannabis. Unbeknownst to the
hospital staff, the parents start secretly injecting the illegal drug into
their dying son's feeding tube and soon a "miracle" takes place. When the
doctors are told that cannabis was the cause of the "miracle," they have
nothing to say. This story serves as a backdrop to exploring the cutting
edge science of medical marijuana and the suppression of its
The film also documents the saga of filmmaker Booth and his wife becoming
foster parents as they encounter the prevalent use of mind altering
pharmaceutical drugs on foster children. Every war has unintended victims
and it's the children who are suffering from America's longest running
war. The theme of children being the ultimate victims of greedy corporate
drug policy is undeniable as the film crosses the border into Juarez, Mexico to
discover young boys being recruited by cartels to commit murder for an average
pay of forty American dollars.
Is it a conspiracy? This film uncovers the true profit motives
that continue to keep marijuana inside the black market.
Is "democracy" just a carefully managed con game? Professor Quigley not only
spent decades researching and writing about those who secretly control the machinery of our
“representative governments,” he was permitted to examine their secret papers. He was invited
in, but he ultimately betrayed their trust when he exposed their plans and their methods.
- Joe Plummer -
G. Edward Griffin The Quigley Formula
Bill Clinton And More From The Archives!
Jason Bermas
Premiered Aug 20, 2019
G. Edward Griffin The Quigley Formula Bill Clinton And More From The
Another great speaker who lays out a compelling narrative of history in the
archived series!