devil Pyramid
Rotting in Memphis

Alex Jones reports on the failing tourist attraction admittedly set up by occultists John
& Isaac Tigrett. Long after the crystal skulls and other sacraments hidden inside were exposed, the ‘cursed’
is once again revamping, now as a Bass Pro Shop.
devil Pyramid Rotting in
Alex Jones reports on the failing tourist attraction admittedly set up by occultists John &
Isaac Tigrett. Long after the crystal skulls and other sacraments hidden inside were exposed, the ‘cursed’ pyramid
is once again revamping, now as a Bass Pro Shop.

LINK: Bilderberg Group | Psywars

By Andrew W. Griffin
Red Dirt Report, editor
Posted: June 11, 2012
OKLAHOMA CITY – A few days after talk-show host Alex Jones posted a classic video “rant”
against “The Pyramid” in Memphis, Tennessee titled *"Devil Pyramid Rotting in Memphis." Jones had been in Memphis
after returning from bullhorning the globalist Bilderberg gathering in northern Virginia and was
on his way back to Austin, Texas.
This Internet video received a lot of attention, including a segment on Memphis WMC-TV 5
several days ago where the news anchor blandly counters Jones’ rant agains the “Devil Palace,”
hoping it falls down and says, “Memphis leaders, of course, hope the Pyramid does not fall but it
instead rises as a beacon for outdoor enthusiasts and good family fun when Bass Pro sets up
You heard it right. Bass Pro Shops is giving the now-closed Great American Pyramid a new
lease on life when the former concert and sports arena opens as an enormous, pyramid-shaped Bass
Pro Shop, scheduled for an August 2013 opening, according to the Memphis Business Journal.
The Springfield, Mo.-based company, which has a large store here in Oklahoma City, signed
a 55-year lease for the Pyramid, which the company hopes is transformed into a “retail,
entertainment and tourism destination,” notes the Memphis Commercial Appeal. We should add that the photo
accompanying this story features the Memphis Mayor AC Wharton and Bass Pro Shops President Jim
Hagale standing next to an artist rendering of the Pyramid with other buildings around. From the
Pyramid a beam of light is shown shooting from the capstone, not unlike the recent images of
pyramid energy beams photographed in Mexico and Bosnia.
Currently, the interior of the Pyramid, which hosted everything from a Grateful Dead
concert to a Cher concert , a Christian "Promise Keepers" rally and more is being cleared out for
Bass Pro. Years ago, even Michael Jackson showed up for an Elvis-related event with Lisa Marie
Presley. The structure opened in November 1991 and was shut down in 2007 following a concert by Bob
Seger & The Silver Bullet Band. Driving east along I-40 it stands out as one crosses the
Tennessee state line over the Mississippi River into the city of Memphis. Great barbecue at the
But it is its curious history that garners the most attention from people looking beyond
municipal infighting, money woes and lack of forward-looking leadership.
Some say the Pyramid is cursed. Flooding problems, a person died, bad acoustics and a
county official going so far as to call the structure “evil.” Of course one would expect such reactions from someone unfamiliar
with the sacred geometry and ancient knowledge that the ancient Egyptians used to build the
original pyramids.
That view would likely be shared by Isaac Tigrett, the Jackson, Tenn.-raised businessman
and New Ager who founded both the Hard Rock Café and House of Blues. Of course the Hard Rock Cafe
incorporates a sun image, indicating sun god worship. And in Texe Marrs's informative book
Mysterious Monuments: Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and
Occult Places (2008, RiverCrest Publishing) a picture of Tigrett, sitting in the lotus position
in front of the Pyramid, is featured from the November 1990 cover of American Way, the
American Airlines in-flight magazine.
Tigrett, son of Pyramid founder John Tigrett, was heavily involved in seeing to the
building of the Great American Pyramid near the Memphis’s Mississippi River riverfront. John
Tigrett and Sidney Shlenker were initially the men behind the “Grand Plan” of the Pyramid, although
Shlenker was not keen on the crystal skull angle.
Deeply involved in eastern mysticism, eastern religious beliefs and esoteric beliefs,
Isaac Tigrett (who married Beatle drummer Ringo Starr’s ex-wife, Maureen Cox Starkey, who would die
in 1994) became a follower of Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba.
Tigrett, it should be noted, worships this “secret swami” and he has publicly acknowledged
that Sathya Sai Baba “gave him a crystal skull at an interview where the object just appeared in
Sai Baba’s hands,” as noted at Sai Baba critic Robert Priddy’s website. Priddy also notes that Tigrett “believes in the supernatural power
of this skull and that cosmic balance depends on it (somehow) and that it carries a cosmic curse
which can destroy the earth.”
So, during the construction of the Pyramid (1989-91), Tigrett secreted away a crystal
skull and other items in metal box which was welded at the apex (top) of the Pyramid.
As Memphis Flyer reporter John Branston noted in 2010, “In late 1991, The Pyramid was new and exciting. Befitting
the weird building, there was a weird rumor that, during construction, workmen were paid to weld
a metal box inside the apex. The installation supposedly took place late at night, with the
mysterious box carried by persons dressed in black and carrying a transit pointed the North
Branston writes that the box, high in the Pyramid, was retrieved by workmen and Shelby
County officials and later opened. “There was a wooden box inside the metal box and a black velvet
box inside the wooden box. Inside the velvet box was a crystal skull about the size of a man’s
fist, with sunken eyes, a sunken nose, and elongated teeth.”
Tigrett would acknowledge placing the skull in The Pyramid “as part of a time capsule to
generate future publicity for the project. The skull was eventually returned to him. He said it was
intended to be part of a promotion called ‘The Egyptian Time Capsule.”
Isaac Tigrett was not pleased about the removal of the crystal skull, telling city
officials that “You don’t have any idea what you have done” and saying htat the “cosmic balance” of
the Earth could be disturbed. Native Americans warned the operators of the Pyramid that things were
askew and a Texas New Ager said taking the crystal skull would prevent the Pyramid from becoming
fully operational. It is suggested by one writer that “Masonic-leaning politicians … believe tha the
remaining crystal skulls in the Pyramid are still ‘working’ energetically.”
And despite accusations of sexual abuse and other crimes against Sai Baba, Tigrett comes
to his guru’s defense, explaining that he “had a special debt to the Indian mystic, who protected
him during a devastating car wreck in California.” The story is that Sai Baba appeared in his car
as he hurtled off the road in his sports car and that Sai Baba “put his arms around him and
protected him from harm” while the car was destroyed. So, when Sai Baba made a crystal skull appear
in his hand, it made perfect sense to Tigrett to place it in the apex of the Great American
Working with Tigrett was a well-known California architect named Jon Jerde. In a 1992
Commercial Appeal series called “Pyramid Dreams, Pyramid Schemes” by Louis Graham, notes how Jerde had been
successful in design work for the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (the Olympics that ended with the
eerie appearance of a large “UFO”) and had come up with dark, ancient Egypt-themed rides that
were called “Rakapolis” and “a dark ride named ‘The Netherworld.’” Both Tigrett and Jerde had
recently been in Egypt observing the Pyramids at Giza and on The scary “Netherworld” ride, Jerde
suggested “a god looms on the other side. He holds two living eyeballs in his outstretched
hands.” High costs prevented the ride from coming to fruition.
The Smart City Memphis blog addressed the Pyramid controversies and crystal skull mystery back in 2008
noting how maybe "the truth is that The Pyramid is just cursed ... The Pyramid has been a
reliable tomb of doom for any big ideas for its use." The site also notes that maybe the city
should have capitalized on the crystal skulls, considering that during 2008 you had the release
of the film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, directed by Steven
Spielberg and more talk of crystal skulls in relation to the Mayans and 2012 being the supposed
end of the Mayan calendar.
Memphis decided not to embrace the skulls back in the early 1990's, as we all know.
Talking to a friend who lived there at that time she told Red Dirt Report: "There was a
general theory making the rounds that the Pyramid was a Masonic conspiracy. I had heard about the
skulls. I saw a lot of ballgames and concerts there - never seemed to have any mystical
Memphis Mayor AC Wharton said, in a WMC-TV article that no local tax dollars are being
spent on the Bass Pro project. Still, the city council has authorized the city to “get bonds to
fund the project, including 25-million for seismic retrofitting,” since there are earthquake
concerns in the area.
One website critical of the city’s involvement with the Pyramid asks “How effective will
the retrofit be in resisting an earthquake. Will the Pyramid really be safe or is this just an
expensive band-aid fix?”
And those bonds? They will be repaid with state sales tax dollars generated by the
Of course Bass Pro expects to draw as many at 3 to 4 million visitors to Memphis. WCM-TV
reports that inside the Bass Pro Pyramid will be "a cypress swamp that goes
to about 9-feet in depth in some places ... along with a network of bridges and wharf-like
docks." The interior of the Pyramid has been hollowed out now, leaving the skin,
Speaking of pyramids, Red Dirt Report just received a copy of Nick Redfern’s new
book The Pyramids and the Pentagon. We hope to have a review of this exciting new book
posted very soon.
*UPDATE (10:45 a.m. June 12, 2012)
- See more at:
Premiere of Isaac Tigrett's (Founder, Hard Rock Cafe)
Tigrett, Founder, Hard Rock Cafe, an ardent devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
With its strange history, Memphis Pyramid to become a Bass
Pro Shop
Andrew W. Griffin June 11, 2012
By Andrew W. Griffin
Red Dirt Report, editor
By Andrew W. Griffin
Red Dirt Report, editor
Posted: June 11, 2012
OKLAHOMA CITY – A few days after talk-show host Alex Jones posted a classic video “rant”
against “The Pyramid” in Memphis, Tennessee titled *"Devil Pyramid Rotting in Memphis." Jones had been in Memphis
after returning from bullhorning the globalist Bilderberg gathering in northern Virginia and was
on his way back to Austin, Texas.
This Internet video received a lot of attention, including a segment on Memphis WMC-TV 5
several days ago where the news anchor blandly counters Jones’ rant agains the “Devil Palace,”
hoping it falls down and says, “Memphis leaders, of course, hope the Pyramid does not fall but it
instead rises as a beacon for outdoor enthusiasts and good family fun when Bass Pro sets up
You heard it right. Bass Pro Shops is giving the now-closed Great American Pyramid a new
lease on life when the former concert and sports arena opens as an enormous, pyramid-shaped Bass
Pro Shop, scheduled for an August 2013 opening, according to the Memphis Business Journal.
The Springfield, Mo.-based company, which has a large store here in Oklahoma City, signed
a 55-year lease for the Pyramid, which the company hopes is transformed into a “retail,
entertainment and tourism destination,” notes the Memphis Commercial Appeal. We should add that the photo
accompanying this story features the Memphis Mayor AC Wharton and Bass Pro Shops President Jim
Hagale standing next to an artist rendering of the Pyramid with other buildings around. From the
Pyramid a beam of light is shown shooting from the capstone, not unlike the recent images of
pyramid energy beams photographed in Mexico and Bosnia.
Currently, the interior of the Pyramid, which hosted everything from a Grateful Dead
concert to a Cher concert , a Christian "Promise Keepers" rally and more is being cleared out for
Bass Pro. Years ago, even Michael Jackson showed up for an Elvis-related event with Lisa Marie
Presley. The structure opened in November 1991 and was shut down in 2007 following a concert by Bob
Seger & The Silver Bullet Band. Driving east along I-40 it stands out as one crosses the
Tennessee state line over the Mississippi River into the city of Memphis. Great barbecue at the
But it is its curious history that garners the most attention from people looking beyond
municipal infighting, money woes and lack of forward-looking leadership.
Some say the Pyramid is cursed. Flooding problems, a person died, bad acoustics and a
county official going so far as to call the structure “evil.” Of course one would expect such reactions from someone unfamiliar
with the sacred geometry and ancient knowledge that the ancient Egyptians used to build the
original pyramids.
That view would likely be shared by Isaac Tigrett, the Jackson, Tenn.-raised businessman
and New Ager who founded both the Hard Rock Café and House of Blues. Of course the Hard Rock Cafe
incorporates a sun image, indicating sun god worship. And in Texe Marrs's informative book
Mysterious Monuments: Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and
Occult Places (2008, RiverCrest Publishing) a picture of Tigrett, sitting in the lotus position
in front of the Pyramid, is featured from the November 1990 cover of American Way, the
American Airlines in-flight magazine.
Tigrett, son of Pyramid founder John Tigrett, was heavily involved in seeing to the
building of the Great American Pyramid near the Memphis’s Mississippi River riverfront. John
Tigrett and Sidney Shlenker were initially the men behind the “Grand Plan” of the Pyramid, although
Shlenker was not keen on the crystal skull angle.
Deeply involved in eastern mysticism, eastern religious beliefs and esoteric beliefs,
Isaac Tigrett (who married Beatle drummer Ringo Starr’s ex-wife, Maureen Cox Starkey, who would die
in 1994) became a follower of Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba.
Tigrett, it should be noted, worships this “secret swami” and he has publicly acknowledged
that Sathya Sai Baba “gave him a crystal skull at an interview where the object just appeared in
Sai Baba’s hands,” as noted at Sai Baba critic Robert Priddy’s website. Priddy also notes that Tigrett “believes in the supernatural power
of this skull and that cosmic balance depends on it (somehow) and that it carries a cosmic curse
which can destroy the earth.”
So, during the construction of the Pyramid (1989-91), Tigrett secreted away a crystal
skull and other items in metal box which was welded at the apex (top) of the Pyramid.
As Memphis Flyer reporter John Branston noted in 2010, “In late 1991, The Pyramid was new and exciting. Befitting
the weird building, there was a weird rumor that, during construction, workmen were paid to weld
a metal box inside the apex. The installation supposedly took place late at night, with the
mysterious box carried by persons dressed in black and carrying a transit pointed the North
Branston writes that the box, high in the Pyramid, was retrieved by workmen and Shelby
County officials and later opened. “There was a wooden box inside the metal box and a black velvet
box inside the wooden box. Inside the velvet box was a crystal skull about the size of a man’s
fist, with sunken eyes, a sunken nose, and elongated teeth.”
Tigrett would acknowledge placing the skull in The Pyramid “as part of a time capsule to
generate future publicity for the project. The skull was eventually returned to him. He said it was
intended to be part of a promotion called ‘The Egyptian Time Capsule.”
Isaac Tigrett was not pleased about the removal of the crystal skull, telling city
officials that “You don’t have any idea what you have done” and saying htat the “cosmic balance” of
the Earth could be disturbed. Native Americans warned the operators of the Pyramid that things were
askew and a Texas New Ager said taking the crystal skull would prevent the Pyramid from becoming
fully operational. It is suggested by one writer that “Masonic-leaning politicians … believe tha the
remaining crystal skulls in the Pyramid are still ‘working’ energetically.”
And despite accusations of sexual abuse and other crimes against Sai Baba, Tigrett comes
to his guru’s defense, explaining that he “had a special debt to the Indian mystic, who protected
him during a devastating car wreck in California.” The story is that Sai Baba appeared in his car
as he hurtled off the road in his sports car and that Sai Baba “put his arms around him and
protected him from harm” while the car was destroyed. So, when Sai Baba made a crystal skull appear
in his hand, it made perfect sense to Tigrett to place it in the apex of the Great American
Working with Tigrett was a well-known California architect named Jon Jerde. In a 1992
Commercial Appeal series called “Pyramid Dreams, Pyramid Schemes” by Louis Graham, notes how Jerde had been
successful in design work for the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (the Olympics that ended with the
eerie appearance of a large “UFO”) and had come up with dark, ancient Egypt-themed rides that
were called “Rakapolis” and “a dark ride named ‘The Netherworld.’” Both Tigrett and Jerde had
recently been in Egypt observing the Pyramids at Giza and on The scary “Netherworld” ride, Jerde
suggested “a god looms on the other side. He holds two living eyeballs in his outstretched
hands.” High costs prevented the ride from coming to fruition.
The Smart City Memphis blog addressed the Pyramid controversies and crystal skull mystery back in 2008
noting how maybe "the truth is that The Pyramid is just cursed ... The Pyramid has been a
reliable tomb of doom for any big ideas for its use." The site also notes that maybe the city
should have capitalized on the crystal skulls, considering that during 2008 you had the release
of the film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, directed by Steven
Spielberg and more talk of crystal skulls in relation to the Mayans and 2012 being the supposed
end of the Mayan calendar.
Memphis decided not to embrace the skulls back in the early 1990's, as we all know.
Talking to a friend who lived there at that time she told Red Dirt Report: "There was a
general theory making the rounds that the Pyramid was a Masonic conspiracy. I had heard about the
skulls. I saw a lot of ballgames and concerts there - never seemed to have any mystical
Memphis Mayor AC Wharton said, in a WMC-TV article that no local tax dollars are being
spent on the Bass Pro project. Still, the city council has authorized the city to “get bonds to
fund the project, including 25-million for seismic retrofitting,” since there are earthquake
concerns in the area.
One website critical of the city’s involvement with the Pyramid asks “How effective will
the retrofit be in resisting an earthquake. Will the Pyramid really be safe or is this just an
expensive band-aid fix?”
And those bonds? They will be repaid with state sales tax dollars generated by the
Of course Bass Pro expects to draw as many at 3 to 4 million visitors to Memphis. WCM-TV
reports that inside the Bass Pro Pyramid will be "a cypress swamp that goes
to about 9-feet in depth in some places ... along with a network of bridges and wharf-like
docks." The interior of the Pyramid has been hollowed out now, leaving the skin,
Speaking of pyramids, Red Dirt Report just received a copy of Nick Redfern’s new
book The Pyramids and the Pentagon. We hope to have a review of this exciting new book
posted very soon.
*UPDATE (10:45 a.m. June 12, 2012)
- See more at:
OKLAHOMA CITY – A few days after talk-show
host Alex Jones posted a classic video “rant” against “The Pyramid” in Memphis, Tennessee titled *"Devil Pyramid
Rotting in Memphis." Jones had been in Memphis after returning from bullhorning the globalist Bilderberg gathering
in northern Virginia and was on his way back to Austin, Texas.
This Internet video received a lot of attention, including a segment on Memphis WMC-TV 5 several
days ago where the news anchor blandly counters Jones’ rant agains the “Devil Palace,” hoping it falls down and
says, “Memphis leaders, of course, hope the Pyramid does not fall but it instead rises as a beacon for outdoor
enthusiasts and good family fun when Bass Pro sets up shop."
You heard it right. Bass Pro Shops is giving the now-closed Great American Pyramid a new lease on
life when the former concert and sports arena opens as an enormous, pyramid-shaped Bass Pro Shop, scheduled for an
August 2013 opening, according to the Memphis Business Journal.
The Springfield, Mo.-based company, which has a large store here in Oklahoma City, signed a 55-year
lease for the Pyramid, which the company hopes is transformed into a “retail, entertainment and tourism
destination,” notes the Memphis Commercial Appeal. We should add that the photo accompanying this story features
the Memphis Mayor AC Wharton and Bass Pro Shops President Jim Hagale standing next to an artist rendering of the
Pyramid with other buildings around. From the Pyramid a beam of light is shown shooting from the capstone, not
unlike the recent images of pyramid energy beams photographed in Mexico and Bosnia.
Currently, the interior of the Pyramid, which hosted everything from a Grateful Dead concert to a
Cher concert , a Christian "Promise Keepers" rally and more is being cleared out for Bass Pro. Years ago, even
Michael Jackson showed up for an Elvis-related event with Lisa Marie Presley. The structure opened in November 1991
and was shut down in 2007 following a concert by Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band. Driving east along I-40 it
stands out as one crosses the Tennessee state line over the Mississippi River into the city of Memphis. Great
barbecue at the Rendevous!
But it is its curious history that garners the most attention from people looking beyond municipal
infighting, money woes and lack of forward-looking leadership.
Some say the Pyramid is cursed. Flooding problems, a person died, bad acoustics and a county
official going so far as to call the structure “evil.” Of course one would expect such reactions from someone
unfamiliar with the sacred geometry and ancient knowledge that the ancient Egyptians used to build the original
That view would likely be shared by Isaac Tigrett, the Jackson, Tenn.-raised businessman and New
Ager who founded both the Hard Rock Café and House of Blues. Of course the Hard Rock Cafe incorporates a sun image,
indicating sun god worship. And in Texe Marrs's informative book Mysterious Monuments: Encyclopedia of Secret
Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Places (2008, RiverCrest Publishing) a picture of Tigrett,
sitting in the lotus position in front of the Pyramid, is featured from the November 1990 cover of American Way,
the American Airlines in-flight magazine.
Tigrett, son of Pyramid founder John Tigrett, was heavily involved in seeing to the building of the
Great American Pyramid near the Memphis’s Mississippi River riverfront. John Tigrett and Sidney Shlenker were
initially the men behind the “Grand Plan” of the Pyramid, although Shlenker was not keen on the crystal skull
Deeply involved in eastern mysticism, eastern religious beliefs and esoteric beliefs, Isaac Tigrett
(who married Beatle drummer Ringo Starr’s ex-wife, Maureen Cox Starkey, who would die in 1994) became a follower of
Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba.
Tigrett, it should be noted, worships this “secret swami” and he has publicly acknowledged that
Sathya Sai Baba “gave him a crystal skull at an interview where the object just appeared in Sai Baba’s hands,” as
noted at Sai Baba critic Robert Priddy’s website. Priddy also notes that Tigrett “believes in the supernatural
power of this skull and that cosmic balance depends on it (somehow) and that it carries a cosmic curse which can
destroy the earth.”
So, during the construction of the Pyramid (1989-91), Tigrett secreted away a crystal skull and
other items in metal box which was welded at the apex (top) of the Pyramid.
As Memphis Flyer reporter John Branston noted in 2010, “In late 1991, The Pyramid was new and
exciting. Befitting the weird building, there was a weird rumor that, during construction, workmen were paid to
weld a metal box inside the apex. The installation supposedly took place late at night, with the mysterious box
carried by persons dressed in black and carrying a transit pointed the North Star.”
Branston writes that the box, high in the Pyramid, was retrieved by workmen and Shelby County
officials and later opened. “There was a wooden box inside the metal box and a black velvet box inside the wooden
box. Inside the velvet box was a crystal skull about the size of a man’s fist, with sunken eyes, a sunken nose, and
elongated teeth.”
Tigrett would acknowledge placing the skull in The Pyramid “as part of a time capsule to generate
future publicity for the project. The skull was eventually returned to him. He said it was intended to be part of a
promotion called ‘The Egyptian Time Capsule.”
Isaac Tigrett was not pleased about the removal of the crystal skull, telling city officials that
“You don’t have any idea what you have done” and saying htat the “cosmic balance” of the Earth could be disturbed.
Native Americans warned the operators of the Pyramid that things were askew and a Texas New Ager said taking the
crystal skull would prevent the Pyramid from becoming fully operational. It is suggested by one writer that
“Masonic-leaning politicians … believe tha the remaining crystal skulls in the Pyramid are still ‘working’
And despite accusations of sexual abuse and other crimes against Sai Baba, Tigrett comes to his
guru’s defense, explaining that he “had a special debt to the Indian mystic, who protected him during a devastating
car wreck in California.” The story is that Sai Baba appeared in his car as he hurtled off the road in his sports
car and that Sai Baba “put his arms around him and protected him from harm” while the car was destroyed. So, when
Sai Baba made a crystal skull appear in his hand, it made perfect sense to Tigrett to place it in the apex of the
Great American Pyramid.
Working with Tigrett was a well-known California architect named Jon Jerde. In a 1992 Commercial
Appeal series called “Pyramid Dreams, Pyramid Schemes” by Louis Graham, notes how Jerde had been successful in
design work for the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (the Olympics that ended with the eerie appearance of a large
“UFO”) and had come up with dark, ancient Egypt-themed rides that were called “Rakapolis” and “a dark ride named
‘The Netherworld.’” Both Tigrett and Jerde had recently been in Egypt observing the Pyramids at Giza and on The
scary “Netherworld” ride, Jerde suggested “a god looms on the other side. He holds two living eyeballs in his
outstretched hands.” High costs prevented the ride from coming to fruition.
The Smart City Memphis blog addressed the Pyramid controversies and crystal skull mystery back in
2008 noting how maybe "the truth is that The Pyramid is just cursed ... The Pyramid has been a reliable tomb of
doom for any big ideas for its use." The site also notes that maybe the city should have capitalized on the crystal
skulls, considering that during 2008 you had the release of the film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal
Skull, directed by Steven Spielberg and more talk of crystal skulls in relation to the Mayans and 2012 being the
supposed end of the Mayan calendar.
Memphis decided not to embrace the skulls back in the early 1990's, as we all know. Talking to a
friend who lived there at that time she told Red Dirt Report: "There was a general theory making the rounds that
the Pyramid was a Masonic conspiracy. I had heard about the skulls. I saw a lot of ballgames and concerts there -
never seemed to have any mystical powers."
Memphis Mayor AC Wharton said, in a WMC-TV article that no local tax dollars are being spent on the
Bass Pro project. Still, the city council has authorized the city to “get bonds to fund the project, including
25-million for seismic retrofitting,” since there are earthquake concerns in the area.
One website critical of the city’s involvement with the Pyramid asks “How effective will the
retrofit be in resisting an earthquake. Will the Pyramid really be safe or is this just an expensive band-aid
And those bonds? They will be repaid with state sales tax dollars generated by the project.
Of course Bass Pro expects to draw as many at 3 to 4 million visitors to Memphis. WCM-TV reports
that inside the Bass Pro Pyramid will be "a cypress swamp that goes to about 9-feet in depth in some places ...
along with a network of bridges and wharf-like docks." The interior of the Pyramid has been hollowed out now,
leaving the skin, primarily.
Germany plans
'cemetery pyramid'
By Tristana Moore
BBC News, Berlin
It sounds like an absurd idea. The plan is to build a massive pyramid,
filled with human remains, on a windswept field near the city of Dessau, eastern Germany.
But the organisers of the project are adamant that this is not a PR stunt. There were pyramids in ancient
Egypt, so why not in modern-day Germany, they argue.
"We're doing this because the world wants it," said Jens Thiel, one of the initiators of the project.
"The new Great Pyramid would be a very efficient
cemetery. It would have a huge capacity. A 150m-high pyramid could contain five million stones, it would be the
size of six football fields and millions of people could be buried there." Mr Thiel, an economist, has teamed
up with a writer, Ingo Niermann, to develop the project and they have managed to secure a government grant.
They say more than 700 people from all over the world have already reserved a stone, keen to have their ashes
kept in the giant structure.
"It's the first cemetery for people of all
and all religious beliefs."
-- Jens Thiel Friends
of The Great Pyramid
In the future, these people will be able to buy a
stone, which would cost up to 700 euros (£535; $1,070) each. "Lots of people don't like normal cemeteries. In
Britain, 50% of people want their ashes to be scattered, in the US it is about 40%," said Mr Thiel. "The new
Great Pyramid is a global monument. It's the first cemetery for people of all nationalities and all religious
beliefs. It is a very beautiful, peaceful idea." Each concrete block would house an urn containing ashes, or
memorabilia of the deceased.
Architectural competition
The organisers say the pyramid would grow gradually over the years.
"It's a very graphic way of dealing with the topic of
-- Rem
Koolhaas architectural competition
"I've reserved a stone in the new pyramid because I
want to be part of the project. It's very simple, I want to be cremated and I want my ashes to be buried
there," said Jonas Obleser, a neuroscientist from Leipzig.
"The new pyramid is not a monument built for one king, it will be there for people of all faiths, for
atheists, for everyone. It will grow for thousands of years. I would like to be one of the first people to be
buried there."
The organisers launched an architectural competition for the construction of the pyramid last September.
Architecture firms submitted their plans. and the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas headed the jury to select the
final concept.
On Monday, several hundred people attended a gala evening in Berlin to hear the latest developments.
"We have seen four different interpretations of the pyramid - they are all interesting concepts," Rem
Koolhaas said.
"In the West, we have been very phobic about death, but because of demographics, death will be imposed on
all of us.
"There is a constant ageing process - it's important that this issue is addressed and it's a very graphic
way of dealing with the topic of death. I'm curious to find out what happens in the end," Mr Koolhaas said.
Originally, the plan was to build the pyramid on a derelict site near Dessau.
The organisers say the pyramid would act as a catalyst for job creation and
economic growth - but many local residents are not so enthusiastic about the project.
"Death is such a taboo," said Mr Thiel. "We're looking at different sites. We could build the Great Pyramid
anywhere in the world. It would be a kind of theme park about life and death."
Supporters are hoping the pyramid will find its resting place in Dessau.
"It would be beautiful if the pyramid could be built here in Germany," said Mr Obleser.
Sceptics will argue that this is a far-fetched idea and opponents are bound to come up with a reactionary
"not-in-my-backyard" response.
The odds seem to be stacked against them, but organisers are determined to prove that they can fulfil their


Symbolism In The Western Hemisphere pt. 2
In this exclusive video for Prison members, Alex Jones, followed by a Russian film
crew, travels to England, Canada and tours his own home city of Austin Texas, and brings to light startling
examples of how the Illuminati’s hidden codes of communication are littered everywhere, so long as you know how
to look. Alex Jones
Illuminati Themed New Years Fireworks
Show - December 31st, 2013 Sydney
Australia -
Sydney Australia's Illuminati Themed New Years Fireworks Show.
Subscribe to

Inside the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation (aka the Pyramid of Peace and Accord), this giant, 77m high,
pyramid located is heaping with occult symbolism. Here is a quote from Wikipedia, “The Pyramid was specially
constructed to host the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions.” All of the world religious
leaders gather here where they demonstrate religious unity and discuss visions of world peace. - See more at:
Inside the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation (aka the Pyramid of Peace and Accord), this giant,
77m high, pyramid located is heaping with occult symbolism. Here is a quote from Wikipedia, “The Pyramid was
specially constructed to host the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions.” All of the world
religious leaders gather here where they demonstrate religious unity and discuss visions of world peace.
Clip from Jonathan Newell's Steppe Tales
in Kazakhstan's capital city, Astana
Short clip from Steppe Tales travel documentary about Kazakhstan. Presenter Jonathan Newell goes
to Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan and takes a look around the only pyramid in Central Asia, Norman Foster's
Palace of Peace and Accord. See the full video at and see the Flickr set at
LINK : The Occult In
World Leaders Wear Bizarre Illuminati Pyramid at
World leaders at this week's Nuclear Security Summit wore bizarre illuminati pyramid
lapel pins while gathered around a giant eye with a floating holographic pyramid suspended above.
Blood Offerings. If there is
one constant in human history, it's the practice of ritual sacrifice. Priests of power within any system, be it
tribal or otherwise, have been in the habit of "satisfying the gods" with some kind of offering placed humbly at
the deity's feet. Without plunging into an endless anthropological exposé, archaeological excavations from Germany
to South-America and ancient Mesopotamia have revealed that such practices were very much commonplace. Just as
commonplace, incidentally, as the clapping-in-irons of free men.
Were the "gods" in the old days still an untouchable outside force, and the priests but mediators communicating
their commands, today the elites have replaced them by their own countenance. But the contrast is superficial.
Regardless of the question who occupies the god-seat at any one time, the offering has remained the same throughout
the ages.
"Let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeois", Vladimir Iljitsj Lenin confided to a Bolshevik newspaper in
1918. " More blood, as much as possible."
It is this quiet, unspoken belief that by bringing about mass-death, the members gain divine powers, their claim to
rule safeguarded. This has nothing to do with the environment. It's the ancient principle of the hunter, acquiring
the life-blood of the hunted projected onto the globe. Now how to accomplish this lethal objective. Well, first
let's answer the who-question. What entity has the ability and capacity to exterminate life on a massive scale? And
who has proven to do so according to the historical record? Asking the question equals answering it. Government, of
Now, what sort of government could exterminate the most amount of people? National or global? Again, there is no
question. And there you have it. But global government, however feverishly it is being pursued, it still only a
means to an end. By accumulating political and economic power, coordinated on a global scale, those in the god-seat
acquire not only sovereign rule over the planet, they can rule with the powers attributed to a god: power over life
and death. And that means: life for them, death for us.
Jurriaan Maessen

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The Vampiric Bloodlines of the Royal Family
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If I were
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